5. The Killer

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She painted and danced carefree, she felt free. She let her emotions take over and she painted, wearing her head on her sleeve. She didn't care, even if she got broken hearted, it was worth it, worth it all.

She hear the door bell ring and she ran downstairs. She hoped it was Dean Winchester.
She opens the door, revealing the oldest Winchester standing in the door. "Hey." She smiles softly, as her heart beat

"Hey." He smiles. She opens the door more, allowing him in before kissing him.

"Hey." She smiles after they pull away, bitting her bottom lip.

"Hey." He smiles down at her.

"Dean." She says. "What I said on the phone. It was all true." She says looking into his green eyes, calming her. He nods and smiles. He felt as if he was dreaming, hearing her admit it.

"I want everything, everything with you, when you told me you wanted me I wasn't ready to hear it. But I'm done waiting for the right time because we won't have that and I'm tired of letting everything and everyone dictate my life and I might be a girl who feels a lot and I'm scared, I'm terrified but I'm done letting it control me Dean. I want you, I want you." She says. "I don't care if I get hurt, I want to be happy by your side. I want to be yours." She says holding his hand.

"I love you Scarlett Salvatore." He looks into her eyes, she's letting him in. She's accepting what she feels,

"I love you Dean Winchester." She says smiling widely at him, her voice is laced with love. She leads him upstairs, to her bedroom.

"Are you sure?" He asks as they lay on her bed.

"I'm all in Dean Winchester, I love you and nothing is going to change that." She says, he nods smiling like an idiot in love.

"I love you Scarlett Salvatore." He says laced in love, he admires how she smiles wider and she looks happier. She pulls him into a kiss, and she's saying everything she feels for him. Love, Passion, and patience, for him.

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"Food is ready." She says looking at him. He makes his way to her and kisses her hard.

"Thank you Doll." He smiles after pulling away.

"I like that thank you." She smiles cheekily blushing a bit. He smirks, enjoying her reaction.

"So where's Sam?" She asks as they eat, Dean gives her a look. "What? You guys are always together, joined by the hip." She jokes, making him chuckle a little.

"Researching a case." He says.

"So you came here all by yourself?" She asks. He nodes, and she kisses his check. "Hey You're birthdays coming up." She says.

"Mhm." He nods.

"I'm keeping my word on my promise." She states and he nods knowing she'd keep her promise. Scarlett Salvatore wasn't one to back down, no matter what the challenge is. He had to learn that the hard way, by a drinking game, completely unaware of the vampire blood coursing through her veins. She beat him and a couple drunks from the dar, paying for the gas and breakfast the next morning.

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"Are you going stand there all afternoon Mr.Winchester?" She asks turning to look at him, leaning on the door way.

"Yeah, you look calm." He says.

"Come on." She motions with her head, "I want to show you something." She says, he walks to her seeing what's she's working on. It's a portrait.

"Is that your grandmother?" He asks.

She nods, "Klaus, gave me some pictures of her, and I wanted to do something for my mom."

"You look so much like her." He says.

"Well the Fairchild genes are strong. At least that's what my mom says." She says.

"Is that your family?" He asks looking at one hung up on the wall.

She nods smiling, "it's Christmas," Klaus was smiling at his daughter, Elijah and Rebekah were laughing. Kol and Will had a mischievous look, Scarlett and her father were smiling.

"Paint with me?" She asks pulling out a canvas. As he looked at more of her work. He saw one of a baby, but he didn't recognize the child.

"I, uh, yes." He nods. "But I have to warn you, I've never painted." He states.

"It's okay." She says. The two painted which ended it up in a paint fight.

"I don't think I've had this much fun in a while." Scarlett says laughing laying on the floor.

"I know." Dean laughs next to her.

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"How long do you think we can stay like this?" She asks softly tracing patterns on his chest.

"Not long, Doll." He whispers back to her as he strokes her hair. She leans into him enjoying the peace.

"I like this." She whispers scared of her admitting and the world coming knocking through the door running their peace.

"Me too." He says smiling at how happy he felt. "I have you, here, with me." He says making her look up smiling.

"You do. You have me." She says reassuring me. "I'm in, killing demons, making them hate us even more, and feelings and all." She says making him laugh a little.

He kisses her. "God, you're perfect."

"Actually, I'm a work in progress." She corrections laughing, he laughs before attacking her with kisses all over he face making her laugh even more.

"I love you." He says between kisses, making her smile widely.

"I love you, Dean." She says before kissing him hard, and passionately.

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