4. Disturbing Behavior

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Dean, Sam and I arrive to the Lockwood Mansion, I'm wearing a simple pink dress, with a black bag. (W/o the shades)

I talk to Carol and a few of the councils members. They serve me vervain which doesn't affect the two of them, it burned my mouth which I prayed I played it off well. I can feel them watching us cautiously. Ric comes to me wanting to leave. I walk with him to E.

"Please tell me it's time to go." Ric says.

"Beyond. Where's Damon?" E says.

"We can." I say in relief.

"Probably off somewhere doing bad things to good people. Consider me the honesty police." Caroline is suddenly isn't okay. I shoot her a look.

"What is it?" E asks.

"What the matter?" Sam asks.

"It's my dad." She says. We turn to look at Bill. 

"Why would he even show up here?" I ask.

"I don't know. But I can't..." Caroline says.

"I get it. I'll call you later." E says, Caroline leaves and goes upstairs.

"Ok, what's that all about?" Ric asks.

"Speaking of doing bad things to good people..." E says as we leave. Damon joins us.

"Wait, wait, Houston, we have a problem." He says.

"Where have you been?" E asks.

"Managing Bill Forbes. Apparently he's impervious to compulsion." Damon says.

"How?" Dean asks.

"I have no idea. But he threatened to out me. Don't get me started on the irony of that." Damon says.

"What did you do to him? How do you know the compulsion doesn't work?" E asks.

"That's not the most important piece of information I mentioned, Elena." Damon says.

"What does he want?" Ric asks.

"He wants to control the council. Says it's been compromised." Damon explains.

"It has!" Ric says.

"He wants to put vervain in the town's water supply." Damon says.

"Maybe it's not a bad idea. I mean, it'll help you keep yourself in control now that Stefan's not here to..." I say.

"To what? To keep me in check? Make me behave? I should have killed him this morning." Damon says.

"He's Caroline's dad, Damon." E say.

"Yeah, and when I kill him, she'll have one more parent than we do." Damon says.

"Oh, come on, Damon!" Ric says.

"You're repeatedly killing my buzz today, Ric. Step aside." Damon says.

"Damon you're not the only one vervain affects, it also affects me." I say getting ready to fight Damon

"Yeah, it's not going to happen." Ric says.

"Your temporary funeral." Damon kills Alaric by breaking his neck, Dean catches him.

"Damon, no! What is wrong with you?!" E asks. He looks at her and leaves.

"Take care of Ric, I'll go after him." I tell them and leave after Damon. 

Damon bites him again but Caroline stops him, throws him against the wall and then throws him through the window. The she rushes over Bill. I run inside the room and close the doors.
Caroline checks on her dad.

"Damon you can't do this. I will put you down!" I say.

"Do it." Damon says. "Let me teach this ass-wheel a life lesson."

"Just get out of here." She says.

"Or what?" He challenges. She hits him on the face and he throws her on the desk. Then he strangles her. "I'm stronger than you, little girl" I split them apart throwing them across the room, holding them to the walls.

"I'm done with your whining! You guys are acting like kids! I'm done, you two are vampires! Bill should be on your side since he cares about his daughter! Damon you will leave the room with out harming anyone or do I need to put you down?" I ask. Elena enters, I release Care, giving her a nod, she leaves with Bill.

"You can't do this anymore, Damon. Not in this town. Not around me." E says as I bring him down.

"Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before. Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check?" He asks.

"Because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are." She says.

"What? A monster? Sorry to disappoint you, Elena, but last time I checked, I was still a vampire! Last time I checked you were dating one!" Damon says.

"I guess I wish that you didn't have to act like one!" She says.

"I am not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him?" Damon leaves.

"He's right Elena, he's not Stefan." I say.

"I know." Elena snaps.

No one's POV

In a warehouse in Chicago, Stefan looks at the coffins and stops in front of one. He touches it but Rebekah's enters so he removes his hand.

"You're back. Finally. Nik went to check on the witch." Rebekah looks at the coffin. "Dreary, isn't it? The family cargo." She adds.

"Hmm. Why don't you undagger them?" Stefan asks.

"Because he would hunt me down and kill me. He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother." She says.

"But you still care about him. Why?" He asks.

"Well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting." She sits down on the coffin and Stefan sits next to her

"You know, when I met you two, you were both on the run." He says.

"Also exhausting." She admits.

"Who were you running from?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" She plays dumb.

"Last time I saw you, there was a man looking for you. You both seemed afraid. I just... I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody."  He says.

"No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan. Not even Niklaus." She says.

"Who was that man?" He asks.

"I can't. Please." She gets up. "If Nik knew we were talking about this, he would..." she says worried.

"No, no, no, I'm sorry." He gets up. "Just forget I asked. Ok?"

"He told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother. Your niece protested against it, she fought for you." She says.

"It's true." Stefan says.

"I think he secretly admires that about you. You'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that." She says.

"Your secret... Is safe with me." He says and She kisses him.

"Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you loved that girl?" She asks.

"One day, maybe." He says.

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." She says.

"What? I'm not..." He says defensively, clearly failing.

"Don't bother. Your kiss already gave you away." She says.

Kaus enters "Gloria's gone. She's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately." He stops and looks at them. "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong. He was asking about Michael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."
She says.

"She's wrong. Klaus..." Stefan says as Klaus rushes over to him, breaking his neck.

    Ric wakes up in the Gilbert household, Scarlett sits on the other sofa.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Damon killed you and, I need to go do something." She says.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I need you to take places, for the Gilberts in the council, look out for the humans and don't back down Ric, we have to protect them. The Salvatore's are family but they are vampires, they care for themselves, and Lockwood's are werewolf's will look after themselves, Forbes will look after Care. You need to take the position." She begs Ric, who nods. She hugs him. "Thank you, I need you to be careful, take care of my sibling." I say.

"I will. Don't worry." Ric says.

    Damon at the Salvatore house pouring himself a drink and another drink. Then he goes to the coach. Alaric is still on the couch.

"It took a bit longer than usual, huh? Might want to get that ring checked. Hope it's not going bad." Damon says.

"You killed me." Alaric points out.

"You pissed me off." Damon shrugs off.

"You killed me!" Alaric says again, trying to get him to understand.

"Ric, no hard feelings, all right? I was on a bit of a tear. Everyone was trying to tell me how to behave." Damon says.

"Well, maybe they finally realized you're just a dick." Ric gets up and leaves.

        At the Gilbert House, Scarlett, Dean, Jeremy and Sam are playing board game, laughing and enjoying themselves. Dean's eyes land on Scarlett and admires her as how carefree she's acting. Scarlett on the other hand, is laughing to ignore the feelings she's feeling. Sam looks at Dean and Scarlett in awe, happy Dean smiles around her. Jeremy smiles at the fact that his sister is happy even if it's for a little while. She gets a warning that something is coming, something they've been avoiding, something dangerous to everyone including her family.

           In the Lockwood Mansion, Alaric is speaking with Liz and Carol.

"I understand where you're coming from, but..." Liz says.

"The Gilbert family is a founding family, and they deserve to have a voice on the council. I'm taking care of them, I should be that voice. Scarlett asked me personally to represent them." Ric says.

"That's not the way it works, Mr. Saltzman." She says.

"Oh, really? Well, then tell me how it does. The council's job is to protect the people of this town. Now your daughter's a vampire and your son's a werewolf. So who's looking after the actual people? Some of them may be family or friends, but they are still supernatural. They don't follow our rules or our laws, they look after themselves, and that's what we need to do. I'll see you at the next meeting." He says, She gets up and leaves.

             Stefan wakes up in a truck. Klaus' looks at him.

"Just give me a chance to explain myself, ok?" Stefan says.

"No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding." Klaus opens the truck. They're in Mystic Fall.

"Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan." Klaus says.

|| Words 1722 ||
Hope you enjoy, I'm on a bathroom break and I hope you really do enjoy. Happy late international women's day. I love you! Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Tell me who's your ship? Mines Dean and Scarlett. Should I post a MC Universe fanfic here? I really want to.
|| Updated March 09, 2020 ||

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