22. The Departed

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"She's going to be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head. But it was just a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about." Ivory says.

"But she collapsed, there was blood." Jermey says.

"Honestly, Jeremy, she's okay. She's just... She's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call? Do you want to me to let Scarlett know?" Ivory asks.

"They aren't on speaking terms." Jermey reminds her. Ivory nods. "How is she?"

"She was still sleeping, when I got the emergency call. She's with her dad and Will in safe hands." She says giving him peace.

"Thank you Ivory, for looking after her." He says.

"I will do my best for her and Will, I'm here if you need anything. If you have trouble with my dad, give me a call." She says giving him a small smile, He nods feeling slightly guilty.

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Alaric greets "Hello, Ivory."

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I'm Elena's guardian. I thought it was strange I didn't get a phone call." He asks.

"How did you find out?" She asks.

"Oh, I have eyes and ears everywhere now. It's funny. The people of this town are actually good at their jobs when you allow them to be. Speaking of..." He gets up. "You are a little too good at your job." He opens the fridge and takes vials of blood. "But that's because you cheat. So I found your stash of vampire blood." He takes one vial and empties it.

She gives him a questioning look.

"The council will be in touch with the medical board to have your license suspended. Mayor Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes are being relieved of their duties. I'm getting this town back under control. And you will be releasing Elena to my custody." He takes the file from her hands, sign something and gives it back to her. He looks at her and leaves.

"Do it, you think I'm a afraid of you?" She asks getting ready to fight him.

"I don't want you, I want your daddy, but you'll seem to do the job, I mean your daughter was so ready to die for everyone." He says taking her.

"Well tough, asshole! Everyone does." Ivory snaps his neck. Ivory sends a message warning everyone Alaric is at the hospital, she verained him and did a small spell before running.

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"Elijah, Will." Stefan says.

"Hello again." Elijah greets. Will smirks a little.

Elijah, Will and Elena are sitting at the kitchen table. Stefan and Matt are looking at Elijah.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us." Elijah says.

"And you'll just... Run." Stefan says.

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?" Elijah says.

"What about the twins?" Damon asks.

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Elena asks.

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners." Elijah says.

"We'll go to our coven, like many Fairchilds before us." Will says.

"Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over." Matt asks.

"And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this... she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not." Elijah says.

Damon is on the phone on loud speaker says "Not! Hello! Did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!" Damon asks after a brief moment "Will what do you mean your coven?"

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms if you return Klaus' body to us... Faith has agreed to it, she's given up her father for her children safety. Elena will come to no harm." Elijah looks at Elena.

"Damon, the Fairchild coven, Scarlett's and I place is there not here in Mystic Falls. We'll officially join them and we have their entire protection." Will says.

"Does this mean we never get to see Scarlett?" Matt asks.

"Not in this life time." Stefan says clarifying it for everyone.

"Do we have a deal?" Elijah asks.

"No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention, no!" Damon says.

"Elena, it's up to you." Stefan says devided, he knows he won't see Scarlett live her life out, he was never supposed to,

"Oh, come on! Scarlett just got her dad, now she says goodbye, again?" Damon asks angrily.

"Why do you want Klaus' body?" Elena asks.

"He's my brother. We remain together." Elijah says.

Elena sighs and looks at him. "We have a deal."

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"If anything happens to my father I'll kill you all, I don't care if you're related to my daughter or son." Ivory warns, she arrived after the deal was made.

"Faith." Elijah warns.

"No, just a reminder my daughter and son are giving up their father for the safety of Elena, and my family is running, my father dies I'll kill you." Ivory says looking at Elena

"Forgiver her, she has her fathers temper." Elijah says, Will smiles a little seeing where Scarlett gets her temper from.

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"I'm not halfway out of Virginia and Elena sells our soul to the originals?" Damon asks.

"It's her call." Bonnie says.

"You know what else is her call? Everything bad ever." Damon says. They walk through a storage unit.

"Where's the body? As long as it's unspelled, Alaric is one witch away from finding it." She says.

"Hidden. I was going to use unit 666, but I figured that would be a little obvious. So... 1020." He says as they stop in front of a unit. "Mini fridge, a couple of bird cages, box full of "playboys" He opens it. The coffin is inside. "One beef jerkified original." Bonnie opens the coffin and they look at him. Klaus opens his eyes and looks at them. "Whoa. Creepy."

"I need a minute." Bonnie says.

"Just jam the witch locator bat signal, whatever, and get on with it, Bonnie." He says.

"Elena, Jeremy and Scarlett lost Jenna and Alaric because of him. Tyler's a hybrid. My mother's a vampire. Could you give me a minute to just appreciate the sight of him like this? Scarlett and Will are giving up their life because of him." She says.

Damon raises his hand in defeat and leaves. She watches him leave and he closes the door. She looks at Klaus and he's looking at her.

"You should burn in hell. But if you die, so do my friends. So does my mother. What am I supposed to do about that? And I'm sure all of us will because of your daughter." She says.

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"Damon! Damon, where are you?" Rebekah asks.

Alaric takes the stake out of his jacket.

"Damon, this isn't funny." She arrives at the end of one of the allies and turns to her right. Alaric is following her from a distance. She walks and sees the units opened. Damon arrives from behind and puts his hand on her mouth and go against a wall.

"Shh." Damon says.

Alaric stops in front of the unit 1020. He opens it but Klaus's coffin isn't inside. Damon and Rebekah are about to put the coffin in the trunk of a car but Alaric arrives, catches Rebekah by the hair. Punches her head against the car and then throws her on the floor. Damon rushes toward him but Alaric kicks him and is thrown on the floor too. Alaric opens the coffin. Klaus is looking at him. Rebekah screams. "No!"

"No! Don't!" He says. She gets up and screams but Alaric drives the stake through Klaus' heart. Damon gets up and puts himself in front of Rebekah. She's screaming and crying. Damon is holding her but he's in shock. Klaus's body bursts into flames. Alaric looks at them, takes the stake from the burning body and then closes the coffin. He turns himself toward them.

Alaric says, "Next"

"Rebekah, run. Run!" Damon says. She runs and he rushes toward Alaric but he throws him on the floor once more and goes after Rebekah. Damon is alone, sitting against the car. He takes his phone, dials a number and puts to his ear.

Stefan answers "Damon?"

"Bad news, brother. Alaric staked Klaus. He's dead." Damon says.

Stefan is in the woods with Jeremy. "I feel OK. Do you feel anything?"

"No." Damon says.

"It took Sage about an hour before she got sick." Stefan says.

"Yeah, or Klaus was lying about being the sire of our bloodline." Damon says.

"Well, if he wasn't lying... An hour's not enough time to get you all the way back to Mystic Falls." Damon says.

"What, so we can have an epic good-bye, Stefan?" Damon asks.

"Not us, brother. You and Elena." Stefan says.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to say good-bye for both us, won't you?" Damon asks. Stefan doesn't say anything. "Call me if you cough up a lung." Damon hangs up.

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"Stefan. Elena's not home. Matt and I... We're getting her out of town." Jermey says.

"It's going to be fine. Klaus was lying. We're all going to be okay." Stefan says.

Elijah, Ivory, and Caroline rejoin them

"What happened?" Elijah asks.

He doesn't answer. "Stefan?" Caroline asks.

"Stefan?" Ivory asks as she holds onto Elijah's arm terrified of his answer. Just as she did when she was a child.

"Jermey run." Ivory tells them him.

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"He's gone, Elijah, Faith. There was nothing I could do to stop it." She says. He embraces them both. He has tears in his eyes.

"Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. You said that Nicklaus turned their bloodline." Elijah says.

"I thought he did." Rebekah says.

"It wasn't me, it wasn't Kol." He says

"It wasn't me, Elijah. It was Nicklaus, I'm sure of it." Rebekah says.

"Then how are they still alive?" He asks.

"I'm going to make them pay." Faith says pulling away from Elijah's grasp.

"I'll go after her. Honor the terms Rebekah." Elijah tells his little sister who has other plans in mind.

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"You can't go back to the dark place again Faith!" Elijah screamed at her.

"My father is dead, I didn't even get to say goodbye. He's dead uncle Lijah, dead." She cry's. He wraps his arms around her. "I don't even know if he's in peace." She says angrily.

"I can't, we don't even have a body to bury him." She cries harder. "It's like, my mother's death all over again." She says.

"You have your kids to live for." Elijah says.

"They have to live in the shadows now, they can't have a normal life." She says. Elijah holds her and kisses the top of her head, he feels her, shares the pain, they lost someone. Faith lost her last living parent, and he lost a brother, his little brother.

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|| Words 2102 ||
So I suck at updating, and I need inspiration for this story. I think I will only do one more book for the Scarlett series, I might do one about Legacies I haven't exactly decided her role in the legacies one. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. My baby boy Dean deserves some much better. I hope I can give him a better life in this.
|| Updated September 09, 2020||

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