19. Heart of Darkness

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"Hey stranger." Alex greeted.

"Hey." Scarlett smiles looking up.

"What are you studying now?" He asks. She brings up the Chem textbook. "Practice testing."

"Tough." He says, she nods. "I looked into Dean's situation, I haven't been able to find any loopholes." He says. She nods knowing, there's a slim chance of anything changing.

"Thank you, you didn't have to." She says.

"You're my friend Scarlett." He says.

"About being friends, I should apologize for the other night. Using you, that was a total Katherine move, and I won't say I regret the night but it was wrong of me." She says.

"Miss Salvatore, you shouldn't. One of the best nights of me life." He says winking at her making her laugh. "We only live once, we have more enemies than the average human being, might as well enjoy our time on this earth." He says.

"You ever think of turning?" She asks curiously.

"No, I'm a wolf, and a witch. I plan to die as one." He says. "Do you plan on turning?" He asks.

"I don't know, no one has really asked me." She admits, he dramatically looks offended for her.

"You're telling me, that no on has ever asked the Scarlett Mikaelson-Salvatore about turning?" He asks dramatically making her laugh.

She shakes her head, "No, it never comes up. They are usually trying to kill me for being a Mikaelson, or a Salvatore or just being born." She laughs.

"Would you, turn?" He asks.

"I don't think so, I mean besides family nothing really ties me to this earth." She says.

"So you would turn for someone?" He asks.

"As much as vampirism is a part of my life, a part of me is. I would like to die a born witch, and werewolf. I can feel nature, the balance," She smiles at the end making him smile.

"And once you turn, you can't feel the nature." He says, she nods.

"Yeah, just changing into a wolf and running through the woods is so freeing and connecting to nature, doing a spell, is so..." She struggles trying to find the right words to describe the feelings, emotions. Alex smiles nodding, understanding.

"I know." He smiles. "It's been liberating, I've been turning since I was fifteen, and I'll never get over the feeling, well after the entire breaking each bone in your body." He says.

"I just don't even know, if I would keep my powers, I mean there's a reason I'm born, I can control certain elements that witches can't,ย ย  How would I react to actually turning to a vampire?" She questions.

"You question you being born like everyone else." He says, she nods slowly.

"Now more than ever, I mean my mom says she was in love, and Will and I were born because of love, but there must be another reason. Any witch or supernatural being tells me how strong I am, that I haven't even reached half of my potential." She says.

"I'm a Viduran-Raven, I come from one of the oldest pack, and remain my last name from one the original witch sisters. I question it a lot, why I was born." He says.

"Your birthmark." She says, "it's unique, nothing I've seen before, well I haven't seen much of the wolf side." She says explaining herself even more.

"It's from my pack." He says. "No one blames you for not wanting to turn." He says.

She raises an eyebrow. "Who said I'm blaming myself?"

"You're Scarlett, you somehow find a way to blame yourself." He says. "I pick up on patterns quickly Scarlett, you're not the only one who takes the blame, for many things." He says.

"Are we talking about our siblings?" She asks, he nods. "You've met mine, tell me about yours." She says.

"One day." He teases making her laugh.

"Hey, I have a question," She says trying to figure out how to word the question correctly. "about witches." She says turning her entire attention to him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"What do you know about The Balance?" She asks.

"The Balance?" He asks scoffingly. "You Fairchilds."

"Ouch." She says offended.

"No, it's part of your history Scarlett and it's not disclosed to anyone who isn't a Fairchild, we like to call it the Fairchild Cult. You're either born into it or married into it." He says.

"Do you know anyone I can speak to it about? I don't know ask questions. Find out more." She says.

"Can't you speak to your mom? She's in it isn't she?" He asks.

"I don't know, I just want to know how much others know." She says honestly.

"Well, as kids we're taught about the Balance, they aren't ones to mess with, they are the clean up crew if witches don't get in line and endanger children or our kind, they wipe them out. Fairchild witches are one of the most kind yet ruthless ones." He says.

"Ruthless?" She questions.

He nods his head, "They protect their own, but once a witch crosses a child, all is fair game. The Balance aren't saints, you don't want to get on their bad side."

"No one is." She says defensively.

"The Fairchild is coming out." He teases lightly.

"You're on their bad side?" She asks geniuelly concerned.

"I was." he says.

"How do you get off their bad side?" She asks.

"I don't speak about it." he says clearly not wanting to speak about it.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." She apologies,

"Hey guys." Vi greets coming up to Scarlett and Alex. They both smile and greet Vi, as she takes a seat on the grass with them.

"Hey, Vanessa is looking for you." Vi tells Alex.

"I should get going, see you girls later." Alex smiles at the girls.

"Bye." Scarlett waves, he gives them a nod walking away.

"Well, that was tense, what happened?" Vi asks pulling out snacks.

"Nothing." Scarlett says, "So the Chem exam, help me?" She asks quickly. Vi looks at her suspiciously and nods.

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"Scarly." Jeremy wraps his arms around her pulling her in for a tight hug. "Jeremy." She smiles hugging her little brother.

"I'm glad you're okay." He says.

"I'm glad you're okay, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be away?" She asks confused.

"You don't know," He says.

"Jeremy, what's going on?" She asks. Jeremy sighs, not knowing how to tell his sister. She unlocks her room and drags him inside. "Are you in trouble? Who or what is it?" She asks closing the blinds.

"Scarlett you can't freak out." Jeremy says.

"That statement is usually followed by something that makes me freak out." She says. Jeremy sighs taking a seat on her bed telling everything.

"Klaus went after you." She states angrily. "He sent Kol after you," She says needing to clarifying everything with Jermey.

"I thought Elena told you." Jeremy says nodding his head.

"We aren't speaking Jeremy, I'm not really in contact with anyone from Mystic Falls. Besides my parents." She says.

He nods, "How do you do it?"

"Ignore everyone?" She asks. "They've all tried to kill me Jeremy, the only reason I'm alive is because my mother gave me away, Klaus's saved my life twice and the only reasons for that is because I look like my grandmother and I'm his granddaughter."

"It isn't hard. When everyone hates who your family is, where you come from." She says softly.

"We don't hate you." Jermey says.

"Not yet at least, but can you stand here and tell me that I don't scare you for being related to Klaus, the original family?" She asks.

"You won't go dark Scarlett if that's what you're scared of." He says.

"You don't know that Jermey, I was supposed to die, the night of Esthers ritual. They intervened, I felt it in my bones, the surge of magic, Esther was also drawing from my mom, Will and I. She was powerful, but something blocked her. Then next thing I know Abby is a vampire and Bonnie is hurt once again, because of my family." She says.

"Everyone tries to save Elena, or I and everyone else gets hurt. Who is the same person always getting hurt? Bonnie. Bonnie always gets hurt, who's next, you? Caroline died because of the devise, Tyler was driving. Matt got hurt because of my family, Vicki is dead, because of Damon." She says.

"And you blame yourself?" He asks. "Because you happen to be related to a bunch of psychos?"

"Who was the one to jump in defending Vicki? Who was the one to hold my hand when I was terrified of things? Who convinced me to take on archery? You were ready to sacrifice yourself for everyone, for Stefan. You won't go evil because you have me, Will, your parents and the Winchester's. We won't let you, we won't let you go dark." He says.

"I need to speak to Klaus." She says.

"Scarlett." Jermey says.

"I told him you were off limits." She says angrily taking her keys.

"You going angry won't solve anything." He says.

"No but I can take out my anger out." She says leaving him locked in the room going for her car.

"I can't let you do that." Will says trailing behind her.

"Why no?" She asks.

"Because they are trying to kill Klaus." He says.

"He's caused so much damage." She justifies.

"He's dies so does Tyler, so many vampires, many more than we can keep track of." He says. "Jermey came here to warn you, even though he was told not to. He knows Klaus hurt one of of his sisters but he knows he wouldn't of had the other if it wasn't for him." He says.

"If you would of told me a year ago I'd be defending a psychotic person I'd call you stupid." She says.

"You should go back and finish talking to Jermey, leaving him in the room locked is rude Scarlett." Will smiles softly at his little sister.

"How do you do that?" She asks.

"Do what?" He asks.

"Stay calm? Keep me calm?" She asks.

"I take part of your rage, and mellow it down. Plus there's this crazy thing called twin intuition. You'll get a hang of it, now go talk to Jermey." He says, she wraps his arms around him.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"He might of also texted me saying you were kinda going angry." He says making her laugh.

Scarlett walked back to her dorm, finding Jermey on her bed playing music. "Hey." She greets again a bit shyly.

"Hey." He smiles at his older sister. "You feel better?" He asks.

"Yeah." She says. "Will found me, and talked me out of it." She says. "I'm sorry, for storming out, keeping you locked in." She apologizes getting closer to him.

"You were angry, and you looked like a woman on a mission, I wasn't going to intervene. You are very intimidating." He says giving her a look making her laugh. "Come on catch me up on Dean and Sam adventures." He says,

"Oh that." She says.

"Trouble with Dean?" He asks.

"No, we just kinda let the gates of hell open. So not very great, but we did go hunting." She says beginning to catch him on on their adventures.

|| Words 1916 ||
I love this chapter because it has Scarlett's brothers having a moment with her. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Be safe, enjoy your week.
|| Updated August 14, 2020 ||

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