4. Ten Year Reunion

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What felt like moments later soon felt like the cold hard ground. I had been thrown off of the couch as Draco stood up suddenly.

There were screams surrounding the tent and shadows of people running in every direction possible. I bolted upright and stood with my wand in hand.

"Draco, what's happening!" I turned to him frantically as he was also in a similar stance to me, he shook his head as his mother rushed into the area we were standing in.

"Kids! Oh, don't worry just stay here. Understand me?" We nodded and she rushed out of the tent following Mr. Malfoy. My uncle had soon come in from outside looking around for me frantically.

When he met my eyes with concern, "You have to go! Now!" my eyes widened as I shook my head, "I'm not leaving without you! I can't do it! Not right now!"

Yet his ice blue eyes met my lilac ones and he pulled me into a hug, "I'll be okay. But you need to get home, the Malfoys and I will meet you two at home soon. Go please, I can't lose you too." whispered into my hair as I pulled him in tighter.

When he let go and ran out of the tent, I understood and knew what I had to do.

I ran to Draco and began packing my belongings beckoning for Draco to do the same, "Hurry Draco, pack your things! We have to go!"

"Why? What's happening Scarlet?" He started grabbing his stuff as well while rushing around just as I had been doing. I grabbed his arm but not before nodding to the opening of the tent did we disappear.

It was a tube-like sensation and we were being sucked through it, but only for a moment.

Then we were both standing in my grand foyer, back at Grindelwald Manor. But it wasn't where I had hoped to be, I didn't want to find myself standing in my former family home.

The first place that had come to my mind, was somewhere I used to feel at home.

I let go of Draco's hand and dropped my bags. I walked around and traced the rundown walls of the building.

"Scarlett." Draco's soft voice came up behind me, "Are you okay? Where are we?" He held my hand gently as I was silent walking throughout the ruined halls of the manor.

The very few memories that I had were running through my head as my eyes fell upon a few damaged photographs that were rambled across the floor in the study.

Draco followed as I led him into and out of rooms on my way around the house. We never exchanged words, and Draco had clued into where we were as he had also seen the damaged family portraits.

Holding in a breath I gripped Draco's hand a bit tighter as we walked out into the garden behind the house. And before I could look around, a horrible sensation overwhelmed me as I fell to my knees.

I glanced at the bushes where I had landed almost ten years ago.

That's when it hit me, today was the anniversary of their deaths.

I gazed upon the broken greenhouse that we always laughed at and played around in. The vines had grown over the building as green plants covered the glass.

It had been ten long years since I had ever stepped foot into that home and when I did I felt so broken. Draco knelt down beside me and pulled me close unaware of the day.

There were no tears, only a broken heart full of pure hatred for the one who ripped away everything from my life. Fenrihr Greyback.

Then our heads snapped as we heard a twig snap only a few feet away from us. As I focused on the trees to our right, the only thing staring back was the blazing blue eyes that I had only seen once before.

There was a snarl and then a dry laugh as he walked into the open. Fenrihr Greyback himself had walked from behind the trees. He was exposed and the sun blazed upon his rough face as he bared his teeth at us.

"I guess you missed mummy and daddy, didn't you? Did you know it's been ten long years since I ripped them to pieces." He growled and laughed menacingly as he began to stalk towards us. 

Draco and I raced to stand up as we both held our wands in hand, but the werewolf man only seemed to laugh even louder.

"You both are underaged, you can't do anything to me!" he snarled as he began to close in on us, but before he could lay a hand anywhere near us I raised my wand and thought to myself, 'stupefy' and the non-verbal spell shot him back.

At this, I grabbed Draco's hand and ran back into the manor. We ran up the stairs and took two lefts closing a door behind us.

At first, I didn't recognize where we were but then noticed that we were in my old room. The walls were torn and the bed was destroyed. Everything was scorched as if it was lit on fire.

Though before I could examine the room anymore there was a pounding at the door.

"I can smell you in there! Humans!" His snarls and growls grew louder every time he pounded harder on the door.

I pulled Draco into my old closet and we kept our breathing to a minimum just as Greyback broke into the room.

"I know you're in here," his laughter filled the broken room as we could hear his footsteps growing closer. "I'm going to finish what I started. Lucky, you were, baby Scarlett. You disappeared before I could rip you apart, just as I did your parents."

Another manic laugh filled the room as I went to leap forward, but Draco held me back before I could do anything rash. Looking through the gap between the doors I could see him getting closer. I reached down and held onto Draco's hand even tighter than before.

Then the door began to creak open.

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