After last night my uncle had returned to his shared room and decided to stay one more day just for the task, so he wouldn't have to risk being taken as himself.
I woke up and quickly changed into a black long-sleeved swimsuit along with my boots which held my wand. I also wore a black cloak over it as I made my way down to the lake.
I was walking along with Pansy, Bella, and Gen. Gen was wearing a black two-piece under her cloak as she also wore a nice hat to pull her outfit together.
I looked around for him but it seemed that he really didn't care anymore if he wasn't going to come to take part in the tournament.
I had figured out what I was going to do to hold my breath. All that was left was actually getting to the task.
Gen and I made our way to the docks as the rest of the students made their way to the stands. Donovan met me at the docks waiting, "I know you'll do well. Good luck." he offered a smile which I nervously returned.
I needed to focus and as Gen took her spot along with Krum and Diggory I stood in my own spot with Potter to my right.
We all removed our cloaks and shoes as we held our wands in hand ready to go.
"Welcome everyone! We are back for the second task, where each champion will have one hour to retrieve what was taken from them last night." Dumbledore's voice rang across the water as he stood behind us using an amplifier spell before turning to us, "Now champions be careful as there are many things that lie beneath this lake."
Mr. Crouch had stepped forward and signaled for us to line up, "Right, when the cannon goes-" he was cut off by the sound of the cannon just like the first task, "Well, what are you waiting for, go."
Before I knew it I was pushed into the water, breaking the barrier and entering the cold water.
I hovered for a second before non-verbally casting a spell, 'aliquam aqua' after a few moments I took a breath expecting water but was given clear water instead. The scuba spell had worked.
I then cast a speed spell on myself and quickly swan into the forest of kelp and continued to push through.
I saw Gen getting pulled in the distance and apparated to her pulling her up to the surface. She nodded and thanked me but had to forfeit leaving her in last place already.
I turned and swam back through the forest and then making my way to some ruins. I was the first one there, and all I saw were five petrified bodies surrounded by merpeople.
I swam up to the people and noticed that one was Bella, I made my way to her and cut her rope and as I began to swam away I noticed who the last one was. It was him.
I let go of Bella and swam to him cutting his rope as well. But before I could return to Bella the merpeople came up to me, "You may only take one!"
I scoffed and sneered at the creature, "I will take whomever I please!" I shot off an energy blast which knocked back all the merpeople, as they were immobilized for a moment I quickly grabbed Bella and swam to the surface.
Before I could break the surface my ankle was caught, I let go of Bella and Draco before ascending them to the surface where they made their way to the docks.
I was being pulled down and at first, I thought it was just the merpeople, but when I glanced down it was the tentacle of a giant squid. I began to kick and shoot spells and blasts but nothing was working.
I was being dragged through the water as the light from the sun began to disappear. It was dark, which meant I was in deep water and I didn't know when I could get out.
Colliding with hard rock, the tentacle had let go. My ankle was free but I made no movement as I could see nothing. I put my wand in between my teeth as I held my hands before me. I thought long and hard.
Soon fire had appeared in what seemed like hours. The fire didn't burn but instead showed light. When my eyes adjusted I saw that I was surrounded, by not just one giant beast but many. I shot fire in every direction which sent the giant squids into a frenzy.
They began to swim and circle me as I continued to shoot fire at them. I took a deep breath and focused my energy on the ring, I motioned my hand below me to my sides as I looked up.
I let out a yell as I shot fire that acted as a force of a cannon shot.
Within seconds the light from the surface was in view again. But before reaching it I was grabbed again, this time my waist, and my arms.
I was getting angry and soon I erupted as I radiated fire. I was immediately released and shot up once more breaking through into the cold winds. I ascended in the air landing on the docks.
The moment my feet landed on the hard wooden planks I was crashed into hugs and soon covered in towels.
I searched for them but there were some people missing, Blaise, Draco, and Donovan.
"Where are they?" I turned to Pansy who had just placed a towel on me.
"They went in after you Scarlett. You were down there for almost three hours now."
"What?! No!" I turned back to the water holding my wand out before me.
"Ascendio Maxima!" I yelled and moments later Draco and Blaise came shooting out of the water.
They landed on the docks and were also covered in towels as they began to dry off, "Scar. You're okay." Draco breathed as he pulled me into a hug, with a single tear trickling down his cheek.
"Yes, I am but. No, where is he?" I turned back to the water and held out my wand once more, "Ascendio Maxima!" nothing happened.
I channeled my anger and frustration into the water and I kneeled down and placed my hands on the docks. I focused on where he could have been. "Oh, come on! Where are you?" I yelled over the water as an arm rested on my shoulder.
"Scarlett, let me help." I looked up to meet Gen who kneeled down beside me placing her hands in the same position.
"I just want his location," I told her and she nodded as we both focused on him.
Only moments later I felt his presence and instantly dived in, ignoring the calls behind me. I cast the scuba spell once more and swam to his presence. In the distance, I saw a patch of brown hair and robes.
I quickly came alongside him and grabbed onto his arms. I began to swim upwards towards the docks once more. But again I was being grabbed at. I let out a scream which sent a force that pushed away all the creatures below me.
"Ascendio!" I yelled and held onto him tightly as we broke the surface landing on the docks once more.
"Get me towels! Now, please." Pansy and Bella had run bringing me towels as I began to cover him gently. He wasn't breathing as I laid him down, "No, no, no, please." I leaned into his chest crying, "Uncle Gell, please I need you." I whispered as someone began to pull me away.
"No! Please, no!" I yelled as the person hugged me tightly. Professors quickly rushed forward to help him, but I knew I couldn't let that happen. I turned and Draco had pulled me into a hug completely.
"I can't lose him. I- I can't." I cried into his chest as he held me close and spoke back softly.
"I know Scar. I know." I looked up and met his eyes, "He's your uncle. And you won't lose him now I promise."
I nodded as he held me tighter in my vulnerable state. Blaise soon came over and rubbed my back but as the professors were beginning to ask who he was.
So, I did the unthinkable.
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