The two dragons took their stance as they turned to face me. One was black with white eyes as the other was white with black eyes. They stood and began to circle me as they eyed me curiously. I took a deep breath and began to slowly reach for my wand.
As soon as even the smallest tip of my wand began to show from my boot, the dragons began to roar and swing their heads in fury. I released my wand and they stopped. I watched them as they watched me circling me once again.
I took a step forward and they froze stopping me along with them. The crowd was agitated and quiet as they waited for what would happen next. I turned to the crowd searching for one person and one person only.
I soon met the ice blue eyes I had grown up with and using leglimens I was able to communicate with him. 'Uncle Gell! What do I do?'
He nodded acknowledging that he heard me, 'You are smart Scarly. Channel the source of your power and use the masked darkness they call light.'
I gave a slight nod as I was beginning to understand his words, or thoughts. He smirked as he watched me turn to face both dragons. I was now met with the eyes of each dragon.
There wasn't much written about Twin Skeletals only that they were dangerous. And so far I knew they didn't like the presence of my wand. I had to take another route, which would end up revealing my powers to the entirety of the people in the stadium.
I exhaled and closed my eyes. I blocked out the noise and channeled my power. I focused on the darkness within and began to mask it with what the people would call light. I held my arms to my side as I aimed my head held high.
Opening my eyes I kept my focus locked in my mind as I yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"
Without hesitation, a silvery, wisp blue dragon that was ten times its original size appeared. The Thestral was nowhere to be seen as it was only the dragon.
The Twin Skeletals took notice of my dragon and began to chase it as my patronus flew in a different direction. Once they were both in the air I turned and made a break for the egg.
I was ten minutes away from my cousin's record, and if I could beat it I would be first.
Since the Twin Skeletals were born of stones and not eggs my objective was to just get the golden egg, there were no eggs to be careful about. I was beginning to believe that this was easy, that is until I tripped and hit my shoulder off a nearby boulder.
I stood to finish my task but was stopped by the black dragon landing before me, I turned to find the white dragon still chasing my dragon as the black one stood before me unfooled.
I dashed for a nearby boulder and hid just as it roared and sent white fire in my direction. I dodged the fire just in time only leaving my right cheek to be scorched. The heat wasn't what I felt, only the sensation of pain after.
I pressed my back against the wall and quickly pulled out my wand. The white dragon must've felt the presence because it turned to me along with the black dragon. They were now hovering over me as they flew in circles.
My patronus was now gone and I was left alone once more.
I took off in a sprint and soon enough there were black and white flames being shot in my path. Running as fast as I could I wasn't looking and was soon hit in the back by a flame, throwing me forward landing on a patch of sharp rocks. My hands flew before me as they countered my fall, only a bit.
I stood to brush the blood from my hands on my pants but only fell to the ground once more. I observed over my leg quickly noticing the gash of red that was now seeping through the fabric.
I rolled up the pant leg of my right leg, revealing the deep wound that ran across. I let out a yell that showed my fury as the crowd was becoming overwhelming with their yells.
Quickly motioning my hand over my leg as I conjured some bandages and magically wrapped up my leg. My other hand holding my wand to hold up a shield to the dragon fire that was coming from above me.
I rolled down my pant leg and stood up once more withholding the urge of the pain. I was off once again running in the direction of the egg. Though I was abruptly stopped by the two dragons landing before me.
They growled at me as they eyed the hand that carried my wand. Quickly securing the wand back in my boot they stopped and stood before me, on their guard. I was growing angry and I didn't want to be here any longer.
I could feel the rage flow through my blood and I had learned to tell when my eyes would change. And at that moment they changed, they had turned red which seemed to peak the two dragons. They were now focused as I stared back into the black and white eyes that belonged to the two dragons.
They then took a stance on either side of me which then revealed the egg behind them but I didn't dare move. They soon held their heads high as the black dragon breathed white fire into the sky and the white dragon breathed black fire that mimicked the actions of the former. Their fires crossed and they held their position.
Without thinking I held my left hand above my head and shot out a fire just as they had. There was now a threeway crossroads made of only fire; black, white, and the color of regular blazing fire.
They continued just as I had. I slowly began walking towards the egg as I kept my fire steady in my left hand. When I reached the egg I slowly distinguished my fire as I picked up the golden egg. Within that instance, the crowd went wild and I could hear the screams of each student and teacher.
The two dragons ceased their dragon fire and turned to me. They lowered their heads and soon were standing with heads high once more. They let out a loud piercing roar and shot a burst of quick-fire into the sky which then erupted into a signal fire.
The arena fell silent, and everyone froze in their seats just as I was glued to where I stood. Seconds later there were more roars. But it wasn't from the dragons before me.
Then from a distance, behind the champion's tent were flames shot into the air. Then came the sounds of metal cages bursting.
Soon enough and within minutes, I was surrounded by dragons. The Welsh-Green, the Short-Snout, and the Norwegian Horntail all except the Chinese-Fireball which was blinded.
They surrounded me and all eyed me as I focused on each of their eyes, yellow, green, purple, and white along with black. It seemed that my red eyes intrigued them or it could've easily have been my fire.
I turned to my uncle in the audience who sat up straight and seemed to be curious about the actions the beasts made. Beside him, Dumbledore was beginning to worry as his eyes widened and he was now standing.
I faced my uncle again and used leglimens, 'What is happening!?' he nodded to let me know he heard me.
'I'm not quite sure Scarly. Try your fire again. Maybe your patronus again. I'm quite stumped, I'm sorry.' I nodded and turned to the dragons once more.
I channeled my energy and focused on the fire within. "Expecto Patronum," I spoke the words that made my dragon appear once more. It was just as big and just as bright.
Once the dragon was strong and visible I shot fire up in a direction that circled my dragon. Soon enough the two combined and my silver dragon was now one made of fire.
The dragons that surrounded me were curiously focused on my now fire dragon. I pulled out my wand and with a flick, the dragons were all in metal cages once more.
All except for the Twin Skeletals which led me to tap the pendant around my neck with my wand.
The pendant began to shine and then the two dragons turned to small stones of black and white once more. I picked up the stones and returned them to the necklace.
The entire stadium was silent as they were astonished by the actions of the dragons and myself.
I stood frozen as time seemed to freeze and the crowds around me erupted into cheers as they realized the results.
I turned to the judges who held up their scores. I had the highest amount of points and the shortest time.
I won the first task.
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