Hello Again

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Mikey's P.O.V

I finally meet up with Mariana on the street.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi" She said back.

"So how have you been since I left?" I ask.

"Good..How bout you?" She replies.

"Same." I say.

"So is Amy alright? Can we visit her later?" She asks.

"Of course. But, do you guys even talk to eachother?"

"Not really..But it is a good thing to let her know that I care."


We arrive at a park and we sit on a bench.

"You want to know what I really want to do." I say to her.

"What?" She says.

"I would love to take you to Australia and show you around. I could show you all the gigs I played at, my favorite places to go to. It just seems cool showing someone around there." I say.

"That seems really cool..But it will be a whlie till I go there." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

I don't really get a lot of money from my job. And all the money I get I pay toward bills." She says.

"Well don't worry about money, we'll make it work out." I say.

Her phone lits up from a notifiction and I see a 5 Seconds of Summer wallpaper on her screen. I smile a little, and she looks down and quickly locks her phone. My smile kind of faded. What is she hiding? Then again its really none of my business.

"So you like my band?" I ask her.

She just looks at me and says "Um, well..."

"What?" I ask kind of confused.

"I didn't really want you to know I do.." She says looking away.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because then your just going to treat me like a crazy fan. And I just want you to think I a normal person." She says.

"A normal person? No one isn't normal. And I love it when people are fans of my band. It makes me feel happy." I said.

"So you will still like me the same way?" She says.

"Of course." I say and put my arm around her. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder.

Luke's P.O.V

Perfect! Calum is out hanging with Emma, and Nicole is coming back soon. I'm gonna surprise her with something amazing! I bought a box of doughnuts and they say "Will you be my girlfriend?". I just can't wait to see her reaction! I hope it's a yes from her!

I hear the front door open. I quickly grab her favorite movie (Titanic). She comes in the living room and puts her purse down.

"How was shopping?" I ask whlie putting the disc in the disc player.

"It was fine. I bought these really cute earrings." She says and goes up to me. I look at them and it was a small silver bow.

"Thats cute. I bought a box of doughnuts. They are on the kitchen table you can help yourself with it." I say.

"Oh okay thanks." She says, and heads off.

I start to get nervous. What if she hates it? I close my eyes and bite my lip hoping she'll like it. I hear her opening it. Please like it..Just please.

"Oh my gosh Luke!" I hear her squel.

Thats a good sign right? I quickly get up and walk over to her.

"So what do you think about it?" I ask and rest my hand on the table.

"Of course i'll be your girlfriend!" She says and hugs me.

A big smile appears on my face as I hug her back. YESS IT WORKED!!!!

Calum's P.O.V

I get home and see that Luke and Nicole asleep on the couch. I rolled my eyes and turned off the TV. I head upstairs to my room and lay on the bed. I call Emma on Facetime. She picks up and says hello.

"So you really going tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yea... I just feel guilty about this whole thing.." She replies.

"We still going ot keep in touch?"

"Yea definiatly!"

"Okay." I say and smile.

"So what? We are gonna Facetime the whole night?" She asks.

"If you want to." I say.

"Its fine by me." She says.

"Then I guess we are" I say.

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