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Luke's P.O.V

We get back to the hotel and start washing our feet off. The girls already headed up to the room, while the guys just stayed outside.

"So..Mikey, I seen you holding hands with Mariana." I said in a flirty voice.

"Yeaaa...??" He said.

"Anything going on between you two?" Ashton questions.

"I'm not sure...I don't know if she is even into me like that..We only met a day ago. So I don't know." He says.

"She likes you I can tell.." I said.

"Yea..But again we only met for a day soo.."

I go up the stairs and head to our door. I knock on it and wait for them to answer. The door open and it was a man about 40. I'm so confused!! I see Ashton running up the stairs and starts laughing.

"Our room is the next one down Luke!" He says while laughing.

I looked at the guy and said "Oh, I'm sorry."

He just closed the door. Ashton caught up to me and we walk to the next door. He is still smiling to what I did.

He knocked on the door and we wait for one of the girls to answer.

 Nicole opened it and smiled.

"Hey beautiful" I said.

"Hello" She said back. She let us go in.

"You should've seen Luke! He knocked on the wrong door and a guy came out!" Ashton says.

They all laughed.. Mikey and Calum come in. 

"Whats so funny?" Calum says.

I groaned and went to the back room.

Mariana's P.O.V

"You ready to go back home?" Mikey asks me.

"I guess..." I said kind of down. I really don't want to leave...

"C'mon love it'll be alright." Mikey said while putting his arm around me.

"Get a room!" I hear Ashton yell. I roll my eyes and we walk out.

Mikey and I head to the car, and we get it. I tell him where to go.

When we get to my house, we both get out of the car.

Mikey walked with me to the door of my house.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye" He says back and hugs me. He lets go and says "I'll text you when I get back to the hotel."

I nod my head and smile. I turned away and go in my house. When will I get to see him again?

Mikey's P.O.V

I wish we never bought those tickets to go to Australia... I get back to the hotel and everyone is watching a movie. Aw, if Mariana stayed a little longer we couldve cuddled and watch the movie together..

I just sat on the ground and began watching. Someone put there feet on my head. I turned around and it was Ashton.

"Hi there!" He says.

"Put your foot on my head one more time and see what happens" I say.

He does it again. I get up and start to tackle him.

"Noo stoop!" Ashton yells.

"SHHH Ashton we are trying to watch a movie." Calum says.

"I'm being tackled by Mikey!" Ashton yells.

"What did I just say!? SHHH" Calum says again.

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