Beach Time!!!

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Luke's P.O.V

"We are almost there! give it 2 more hours!" I hear Mikey say.

I'm in the back of the van cuddled up in my blankets. I wish I had a girl to cuddle with.. Calum is with Mikey in the front, and Amy and Ashton are in back of me. I'm not really paying attention to them. They are probably asleep since they arn't even talking. I close my eyes and fall back to sleep...


I wake back up and Calum and Mikey were looking straight at me. Not blinking or moving.. Very creepy if you ask me.. Then Mikey just bursted out laughing. 

"what!?" I finally said.

"We are here." Calum says calmy.

"You guys are so creepy!" I said.

"I know" Mikey said and got out of the car. I rolled my eyes and turned to the back of me, and Ashton and Amy weren't even there. Where did they go?

"Bathroom." Calum says out of no where.

I get out of the car and head to the back to get my stuff. Mikey and Calum get there stuff and head into the hotel. We go in the elevator and head up.

"Ashton and Amy should already be in the hotel, they went to do everything." Mikey says.

The elevator finally opened and we go out. I just follow Mikey and Calum to our hotel room since I don't know where it is.

We get to a door and Calum kicks it open since his hands were full. We enter and Ashton and Amy are setting up everything.

I set my things down on the floor.

"So where is everyone sleeping?" I ask.

"I'm in the back!" Ashton yells while grabbing his bag and running to the back room.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the back to see what it looks like. There was two beds and Ashton was sitting on one.

"I'll take this one" I said pointing at the other bed.

"Nope that's Amy's" Ashton said.

I rolled my eyes and go back to the other room. Mikey already had the pull out couch out with all his stuff on it.

"This is mine and Calums bed." Mikey says.

"Where am I going to sleep!" I complained.

"Floor!" Mikey says aggressively. 

"I'm not sleeping on the floor!" I say back.

I grabbed my stuff and go to the back room.

"Ashton I'm sleeping with you" I say.

"Ugh fine" Ashton says back.

I get my stuff out and put them in the drawers. I go and sit on Ashton's bed.

"We should go to the beach!" Ashton said all excitingly.

"We just got here!" I said.

"Yea! So now we relax on the beach!" Ashton says.

"Ugh whatever" I said. "Where is Amy?"

"She is checking the pool." Ashton says. 

"Soo... do you like her?" I ask trying to get information out of them.

"Does it seem like I liker her?" Ashton questions.


"Well.. I don't know.. Right now we are just friends.. I'm not rushing any. I just want to be friends" Ashton said with a stutter.

I raised and eye brow and said "Whatever you say."

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