Kabanata 11

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Nakanganga lang ako sa aking nakita. Lahat sila nakatingin saaking direksyon at nagusisa naman yung iba.

My uncle nudged me to go forward.
The man who was near me gave a threatening glare. Then he handed me a brown envelope.

"Ms. Kaleido, no Ms. Miracle the Human, we obliged you to move out this country and continue to reside on your homeland. This academy is dangerous for you."

Nakatingin lang ako sa envelope na ito. Sa tingin ko ang laman nito ay mga papeles para sa transfer.

"Sir!" Naka taas ang kamay yung isang lalaki sa likuran. "I still have my question unanswered and I believe that person I wanted to hear from is here."

"There is no need! You saw already! The evidence! She can't be here any longer." The man argued but the man at the back didnt gave up.

"But still! To think we decide decisions without consulting the transferee, isnt that a bit harsh and unfair to the girl who hasnt even an idea why she was here in the first place? I say it was being an inconsiderate move."

The man just grunted and looked at me again.

"You're just a petty human."


"Okay fine. What do you think, Human?"

Namilog lang ang mata ko sakanya tapos tumingin sa envelope.

I don't actually know anymore. I don't have much benefit to continue my life full of lies and excuses. Tama nga sila. A human can't live amongst nations. It's risky.

"How about..." sabi yung kasama nila na naka salamin,"let her become a nation?"

Halos napatayo ang lahat ng nasa table at napaawang.Nagkagulo at nagusisa naman sila.

"Think about it." Pagtutuloy yung nakasalamin at tumahimik ulit ang buong paligid.

"If her being a human is risky, why not let her become one of us? And since its a sudden decision, I would suggest that she would have to become accustomed and study and analyze our lifestyle."

"What but-"pag interrupt naman yung lalaki nas harap ko pero sumingit si Uncle sa kanila.

"The idea itself is marvelous, but let her be a nation? That's against the law of Dimourgous! The survival chance of a human becoming a nation is-"

"70% chance of death, I know. Do you even thought of anything why I brought this up?"Glasses Guy asked slowly and eyed every person in the room.


"It's huge bargain. But it is up to this girl what her decision might be."

Napatahimik silang lahat.

"No. I will be this human's guardian, Austria. But as her guardian, I strongly oppose that thought of her becoming a nation. She has a future to live on. I will not tolerate more deaths anymore."

All of them nodded and agreed. But San Marino stared at me and blinked.

"Very well. We will end this conclusion of this meeting that this human will be expelled and will be under the guidance of Mr. Velasquez. I trust you this you won't even break the pact, are you not?"

Uncle nodded," I certaintly would not."

The meeting was adjourned after that exchange.

But my thoughts and emotions are also in disarranged and distraught order.

Sorry for the very late update ajujujuju ;;__;;

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