1) Blast to the past

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Hugo POV:
"Em... Emma! Get up! They're gone!" I whisper yelled at my twin. Today was the day. Mom and Dad had just left for their annual week-long fashion convention, leaving me and my siblings the perfect opportunity to follow through with our plan.

"Five more minutes," my sister muttered from under her pillow. Typical, I thought, she's still half asleep.

"Em, we need to get Louis. It's now or never!" Finally recognizing the urgency in my voice, Emma promptly sat up, legs still covered by a mass of blankets.

"Are you ready, Hugo?" She anxiously whispered.

"Well, as ready as I'll ever be!" I stated as confidently as possible. We were finally doing something we always dreamed of, meeting our parents as teenagers. I know what you must be thinking, what kind of life long goal is that? But when your parents are the most famous superhero duo is history, their adventures in their prime time tend to spark  some curiosity.

And we were going to do it. We were going to meet the protagonists of every story we had ever heard growing up, all because of our easy access to Max's time machine.

You see, my parents are still incredibly close to their high school friends and classmates. They trust all of them with their lives, and with that their biggest secret. And for 20 years every single one of them have stayed true to their word... leaving me, Emma, and Louis with France's largest extended family, not that we were complaining. Growing up, someone was always by our side, we were never alone. Unfortunately, though, we were now. What we were about to do would never leave the confines of the Agreste siblings knowledge... and for good reason too.

That good reason being Mom would bury us alive in a six foot deep hole. Not exactly how I planned on spending the rest of my Junior year.

"Ready?" I heard Louis question as he rounded the corner. He must of overheard the commotion in Emma's room.

I smiled in reply.

"Let's do this."

Emma's POV
It wasn't very often that all three Agreste siblings agreed on anything, so when we did, we knew we must be doing something right. This plan to "blast to the past" was one of the rarities that fit that column.

As soon as my brothers left my room, I quickly got dressed and ready for our adventure before rejoining them in the kitchen.

"Let's go over everything one more time," I cautioned. "Unless we want to get busted, we need to stick perfectly to the script."

"I believe you mean puurfectly, dear sister," Louis smirked. Here we go again.

"Nope. I meant exactly what I said. But all puns aside, we need to make sure we have everything figured out. One mistake, one wrong word to teenage Mom and Dad, and our timeline could shatter. This is serious. We're risking everything on this mission. So let me repeat myself, we are going through the plan one more time."

The boys stared at me dumbfounded. It wasn't often that I went full lawyer mode on them, but when I did, my brothers knew better than to ignore me.

"Well okay," Hugo muttered, finally breaking the silence. "Here's our game plan. Mom and Dad left this morning for their conference in Sweden. They will be gone for six days. We will set the time machine to exactly 20 years ago, and when we are done, we will return to the exact moment that we had left."

"While we are in the past," Louis continues, "We will enroll at the Collège Françoise Dupont  as Hugo, Emma, and Louis Dubois. The twins will join the Seniors in Miss Bustier's class, and I will stay with my current grade as a Freshmen. All of the required  paperwork and identification have already been filled out, obviously altering our names, guardians, and your ages. We will stay in a hotel and pay for food and shelter using the unholy amount of cash that Hugo has saved up from working with Mom and Dad. No one will suspect a thing."

We had recited the plan so many times before, that Louis appeared quite bored as he finished his portion. To me though, planning out our adventure was exhilarating every time. Each time it was repeated, it felt as if it was becoming more and more real. We are actually doing this, it's really happening. And somehow, the simple idea that this little excursion wasn't suppose to happen made it all the more thrilling.

"Very good," I concluded. " And remember the rules... no giving Mom and Dad any indication that we know their identities, are from their future, or know what the future will be like. Who knows what consequences might come from anyone learning the truth." The boys stiffly nodded their heads in understanding.  "So... let's do this."

I dialed back the controls and pressed the buttons required to move backwards in time. Here we go, I couldn't help but think. This better be worth it. And with the thought of meeting Ladybug and Chat Noir in mind, the thought of meeting our parents as we had only imagined, everything went dark.

Whoo! One chapter down! So I know no one will ever read this... but what the heck! Might as well have some fun! So to all you non-existent readers out there... thanking you for checking out my story and I hope you enjoy 😂

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