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How can I bless God
When my tongue is cursed
When my hands are a plague
Every action, stained
By the blood of countless sins

Yet bless God I will
Because it is right, and
Because others should know
Should see the example
For He is worthy
Even though I am not

What vile thing I am
To presume that God
Make or all blessing
Needs or even wants
Blessings from His rebel son

Yet bless God I will
Because it is right, and
Because others should know
Should see the example
For He is worthy
Even though I am not

What is in my heart
That God would want it
God would want anything
Or waste anything
For I am so unworthy

Yet bless god I will
Because it is right, and
Because other should know
Should see the example
For He is worthy
Even though I am not

What am I to Him
That would give His Son
That God would give Himself
Take my rightful place
In the path of destruction

So bless God, I will
Because it is right, and
Because others should know
Should see His example
That he is my hope
Grace that makes me worthy

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net
