She silenced her phone as she stepped into her home, keeping everything as quiet as she could. It was only when she was alone that she would let her walls fall down. It’s why there were so many bottles sitting around when Sam and Dean had shown up. She drank to make herself sleep to help herself forget. She tried so hard to let everyone around her know that nothing was wrong. Only Beatrice knew how much this was effecting her, and she could only hope that she wouldn’t let the boys know.
She had just went to grab herself something out of the fridge when she saw her phone light up with a call. No noise, because she had silenced it, but if she would ignore it, it would go away. It happened a few more times before (y/n) finally decided to check it. Keith. He had called several time and finally had sent a text.
“I need your help. Come to the plant. Hurry.”
(Y/n) kept staring at the text, reading it over and over again. Something was wrong. Keith didn’t send texts like that unless something was bad. And the last time that had happened, he was corned by a vampire with a vengeance. (Y/n) left her phone on the counter and quickly climbed into the loft of her home. There, all her weapons were organized nice and neat. All cleaned and polished and ready. She kept a knife and a gun in her bedroom, and a knife in the bathroom, but this place was warded, the land was salted and there was iron and silver fixtures everywhere. She was protected, and she didn’t even need a bunker. She grabbed a gun, one that matched Dean’s favorite, and a shiny angel blade that she had taken from the bunker when she left a year ago.
She left the house and drove towards the plant, praying that Keith was still okay and whatever he had gotten in to wasn’t too bad. He somehow always ended up as the damsel. It was okay thought. She didn’t mind. She was so used to macho, in your face guys like Dean that wouldn’t even stop to ask for directions. She drove to the plant in silent, a little scared of what she was about to find. There were no other cars in the parking lot, not even Keith’s Blazer. (Y/n) knew that was a big red flag, but she didn’t have time to worry about it. The mark made her work more on adrenaline. She made her way into the building slowly.
Everything was quiet. A little too quiet, but (Y/n) ignored the signs. Walking by the dim illumination of the security lights, (y/n) made her way into the main room. Her eyes widened as she recognized a figure hanging by a hook in the middle of the room. She quickly rushed forward. Keith was hanging from the hook by bound wrists. His face was bruised and bloody, and she couldn’t tell if he was breathing.
“Keith.” She whispered, trying to get him down off the hook. She grabbed a crate and stood on it, getting his limp body down on to the ground. She untied his hands after she checked his pulse. It was weak, but there. She was about to call for 911 when a news behind her hand her pulling her gun.
“Easy.” The man standing there said. “I’m not the one who did this. I know exactly where he is though.”
“Who are you? Why are you here?” (Y/n) growled, still kneeling by Keith but keeping her body between him and the other man. She had to keep him safe. She wasn’t sure how much longer he had.
“I was following the demon who did this.” He explained to (Y/n). “You must have got sloppy on your last exorcism. He wants revenge. And you showed a weakness to this man.” He motioned to Keith. (y/n) glared at the demon.
“He has nothing to do with any of this.” She said. “He’s…”
“Innocent? Sweetheart, anyone that gets involved with you is not innocent.” She looked down at Keith. He had never done a wrong thing to her. Not working with her, not going to the bar, not kissing her… She shook her head.
“What do you want from me?” She asked. He smiled and moved his hands from behind his back to show off something that made her breath catch in her throat.
“Look familiar?” He asked, showing off the First Blade. Her arm started to burn and the need to hold it started to grow strong. She slowly stood up.
“Where did you get that?” She asked. The demon looked down at it.
“Your friends aren’t really good about cleaning up their toys.” The demon laughed. “Good thing I was responsible and did it for them.” (Y/n) walked closer to him. “The demon you’re after is around town. He’s going to make his move again soon. And I want you to be ready.”
“Why do you want to help me?” She asked, hand twitching. He smiled.
“I just want on the good side of the queen.” He said proudly. He held the blade out more for her. “Go on. Take it. It’s rightfully yours.” (Y/n) looked back at Keith. He needed help. And he needed someone strong to protect him. And she couldn’t do that if she was still feeling all this regret of taking the mark from Dean.
“Forgive me.” She whispered. To Keith. To Beatrice. To Sam. To Dean. Closing her eyes for a second, she took a deep breath, then reached out to grab the blade.
Dean couldn’t sleep. They had went back to their motel room not long after (y/n) had left the bar. He had wanted to go back to her, but Sam had talked him out of it. He laid on his bed though, listening to Sam snore. Something wasn’t right. He just knew it.
That’s when there was a loud knock at motel door. Sam sprung up immediately, looking over at Dean. The knock happened again. This time, there was a woman’s voice that accompanied it.
“Hello? Sam? Dean? Please open the door.” A woman begged. Dean grabbed his gun from his nightstand and made his way to the door. He slowly opened it, to see a shaking woman standing outside. He knew her though. She was friends with (Y/n). He just couldn’t place her name.
“How did you find us?” Dean asked, opening the door to let her in. She came inside, looking around at the place.
“Not too many black 1967 Chevy Impalas around.” She explained.
“Why are you here?” A grumpy Sam asked. She looked down at the bag she was holding.
“Uh, (Y/n) told me to come by if I found any new info about how to get rid of the mark…” She said, clutching the bag closer to her. Sam and Dean looked at each other.
“And?” Dean asked. Beatrice offered a small smile.
“I found a cure.” She said. “And I have some of the ingredients. But I needed (Y/n)’s help translating the rest. And I went to her house and she wasn’t there. She told me you guys were here and were staying at a motel. But there’s no motels in Sheridan and…” She was rambling. Sam laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Thank you. Can you give me the cure? I’ll translate the rest.” She nodded and reached into her bag, pulling out the list. Sam took it over to the table in the room to get to work translating. Dean looked at Beatrice.
“Wait, what do you mean (Y/n) wasn’t home?” He asked. “She left the bar hours ago to go home.” Beatrice just shrugged. Dean looked up at Sam. The Winchesters both had a bad feeling about something. Too bad they didn’t know what was about to happen.
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