So Many Problems With You People

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The whole shtick was explained and Natsu took off with Anna, flying close behind him.

Six people showed up in front of the thirteen wizards.

"It's them." Erza stated. Anna stayed still and decided to watch, but when the giant snake bit Erza, Anna decided to step in.

"Ice, make cat armor and claws." ice wrapped around Anna's body giving her catlike features. She had iron knuckles with spikes in them. She matched punches with Cobra and Racer. They backed off when she was the only one standing.

The leader stopped and looked at Wendy. Anna's eyes widened. No.

Hands of green came from the skull cane and took Wendy.

"Dark Rondo" an evil green aura surrounded them.

"Defusing dome." Anna held out both of her hands to stop the magic from hitting them, but it didn't work. They were gone with Wendy by the time the smoke cleared.

Ichiya used his pain killer perfume, but it didn't help Erza at all. Anna knocked Erza out as she reached for Lucy's belt.

"She's going to try and cut her arm off." Anna said sternly.

"Wendy can heal her. She's a sky dragon slayer. The sky maiden." after a small talk, everyone spilt up and were looking for Wendy. Anna stayed back with Lucy and Hibiki.

Anna looked down at Erza.

"I can heal her." Anna said monotonously.

"You should have said so!" Lucy yelled.

"Leave. Get away from here. Leave me with Erza. Give me ten minutes." Lucy argued with Anna, but when she saw the pain in her eyes, she stopped talking. Hibiki put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. They exchanged a nod and walked away.

"Dragon slayer secret art: Lost in Thoughts All Alone

"You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek
Life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Yet the waters ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
In the white light
A hand reaches through
A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two
Waking dreams fade away
Embrace the brand new day
Sing with me a song
Of birthrights and love
The light scatters to the sky above
Dawn breaks through the gloom
White as a bone
Lost in thoughts, all alone
Embrace the dark,
You call a home.
Gaze your eyes upon an empty white throne,
A legacy of lies,
A familiar, disguise.
Sing with me a song, of conquests and fates
The black pillar cracks, beneath its weight.
Night breaks through, the day,
Hard as a stone
Lost in thoughts, all alone
The path you walk on belongs to destiny
Just let it flow
All of your joy and your pain all fall like the tide
Just let it flow
Life is not just filled with happiness
Nor sorrow
Even the thorn in your heart
In time it may become
A rose
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls but
Can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells madness and pride
Can no one hear my cry?
You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Yet the waters ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
You are the ocean's gray waves" Anna had sweat budding down her face. This song took a lot of magic power. It was similar to the regret message song, but this was more powerful.

Erza groaned and sat up. Just then, Lucy and Hibiki came back. She ran to hug Erza and Hibiki congratulated Anna.

Hibiki informed Anna that Natsu and Wendy and Happy and we're heading their way. 

Suddenly, a huge beam of light shot up towards the sky.

"It's been unsealed that's Nirvana!" Anna screamed like a little girl and shrugged when everyone looked at her.

"What?" Natsu stood up and glared.

"That pillar of light. Jellal's there!" He yelled and ran away. Erza followed and then Lucy and Hibiki chased after him. Anna was alone.

She decided to run in a random direction. Well not random, more  like wherever the highest concentration of magic power was. It didn't take long for Anna to stumble upon the beginning of Ren fighting Midnight. Anna jumped into the shadow of a nearby tree and tried to see how long she could watch and strategize without Ren getting completely over powered.

He used attack after attack, but they all seemed to go around him. Ren quickly fell over and Anna took his place.

"Defusing dome." A thick layer of red light surrounded the two.

Anna charged forward and punched Midnight. When the punch landed, he seemed surprised.

"Not so strong without your magic huh?" Anna continued to use the martial arts big brother #2 taught her. It was a quick and easy fight. He was knocked out in minutes.

"You like what Zeref taught me?" She asked. A hand grabbed Anna's fist and she dropped Midnight. It was Ren.

"You know Zeref.." He said darkly. Anna's eyes widened.

"Time manipulation- erase." Anna placed her fingers on his forehead. Ren fell over and Anna caught him. He woke up a few seconds later.

"Wake up sleepy head~" Anna said as she wiped his bangs to the side. She put up his hair like it was before and ran her fingers through it.

"What happened?.." he asked. Anna pointed behind her towards Midnight.

"That thing happened. We've been trough a lot. Let's rest. Everyone is dealing with it." Ren backed away and leaned against a tree. Anna stood up and dusted herself off.

Just then, the ground started shaking, and then Anna was lifted in the air. She gagged as something lifted her up. When it stopped, Anna was high in the air.

"Nirvana." she whispered. This was bad. Very bad.

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