Party Time!!!!

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As a thank you the king threw a huge party for all the wizards who fight for the kingdom.

Anna has restored the whole entire kingdom right when she woke up using her memory make magic. It was a spell she took from Urtear.

"Memory make: turn back stone" the whole entire city was restored in only s few seconds, but Anna fell back. Stars circled around her as Laxus picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

A few more days past and everyone was healed. That's when the party was held.

Anna was getting ready in one of the rooms in the palace. She was doing some finishing touches to her hair and Makeup. Anna smoothed out her dress. It was crimson and royal purple. The top was simple. It was a red keyhole neck line that was tight in her body. It went down to her knees. Purple designs adorned the tight skirt of the dress. A thick purple ribbon was tied around her waist just below her chest. Just below the butt was a long cape with three layers. The top and shortest layer was just a simple purple layer of silk with a red wavy line at the bottom. The second was similar but with inverted colors. The last and longest layer was a see-through purple cloth with crimson lace showing through.

Clips with Purple bellflowers and red poppy's we're behind Anna's ears. Anna looked at her hair with a complicated look. A stran of red hair was sitting in the middle of her blonde hair. Which shall she add was lighter than before. Anna sighed.

She stepped out of the room and made her way to the banquet hall. Almost no one was there. Anna did change rather quickly and it didn't take much time for the palace maids to do Anna's hair and makeup considering how little Anna wanted on her face.

Out of the side of her eye she saw a flash of pink. Anna raised an eyebrow in question and decided to follow whatever that was.

Anna wandered through the palace until she caught up to whatever the pink thing was. She snickered and follows them into the room.

Two Hours Later

Anna laughed as she stood at the beginning of the hallway. After clearing her throat she let the "king" go first before she followed soon after. An audible "oh no" came from below.

"Hahaha I am your king you will all do as I say!" Natsu laughed with the crown on his head.

"Who said you peasants could speak?!" Anna yelled. She walked into the light and looked down at her fellow wizards.

"As of today I am queen Anna! Any who oppose me with be burned by your king or put to death by me. Wahahaha!" Anna laughed.

It didn't take long for Natsu and Anna to get escorted downstairs and began to mingle with the other wizards.

Anna was eating with Pandora who actually was in his exceed form for once. He had a matching purple and crimson suit with flowers in his pocket.

Eventually Anna found her way to Laxus and climbed the large man. She sat on his shoulder with her legs to one side. She watched as Sting was looking for Natsu so he could drink with him.

Anna's narrowed her eyes. She still wasn't sure how to feel about Sting. He was her brother, but in name only. She didn't think getting close to him would change anything, but at the same time he was her only remaining flesh and blood. Anna shrugged.

She looked around and saw almost everyone dancing. A few people including herself were simply standing around. Something caught Laxus' attention and Anna fell off as he walked away.

"Are you Alright?" A smooth voice called. Angraloth? No that's not possible. She looked up only to see Rouge with his hand extended towards her. He looked good in his yellow and red suit.

"Can you not stand?" He asked. Anna noticed how long she was staring and accepted his hand.

"Thanks! Let's join the rest shall we?" Rouge looked scared and let Anna pull him onto the dance floor.

"B-but I can't dance" Rouge argued. Anna just smiled at him brightly and pulled him.

"You don't need to know how to dance" she told him. Anna looked up at the musicians.

"Give me something to work with" they stopped playing the song they were before and began playing a different melody. Anna smirked and began to sing.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you would marry me
No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will stop me on my journey
If you will promise me your heart
And love me for eternity
My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me
But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me
I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold
I only want you near me
To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail a savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves so white
And you will marry me!" Anna and Rouge swayed at the start, but as the song got faster she began to twirl around Rouge with her dress following close behind. The black haired man smiled and took Anna's hand as the other dancers followed Anna's lead.

Stomp, stomp, clap, clap harms up and around you parters, spin around twice, separate, swing arms back and forth by your hips, stomp, stomp, clap, clap, step back, grab hands, take a step back, spread arm out completely, come back in and dip.

By the end of the song everyone was laughing and happily talking. Rouge looked tired so Anna bright him back by the food. She grabbed some sweets and handed one to Rouge.

"See? Dancing's not that hard" Anna smiling. Rouge looked away with a slight blush and nodded.

"Wow Anna that was great!" A few people came up to talk to Anna and Rouge was left standing there alone.

"My sister is a real beauty huh?" Stings voice startled Rouge and he jumped a bit. Rouge hesitantly nodded.

"I know I have no say over anything, but I give you permission. You're the only man who I trust with my sister." Sting rested his arms on Rouge's shoulder.

"When we became friends I always thought about my sister marrying you. It was a stupid thought because my sister was gone but here she is. safe and happy" Stings eyes softened when he saw Anna smiling brightly while talking to Natsu and Gajeel. Laxus stepped in to and Anna climbed up him.

"I've missed you Anna" Sting whispered. Rouge nodded. He missed her to, but in a different way. He misses all the changes he had to get close to her and he misses the scenes he makes in his head of them together.

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