Is It Really You?

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The five of them went around Town looking at all the attractions and shops. They even got flower crowns. Anna helped put Lucy's on. When Pandora put his on it burned and the flower weaver looked like he lost his soul. Anna was cracking up while Lucy quickly apologized and they moved on.

"A fight!" Someone yelled. Natsu immediately went running slightly behind Anna. They pushed through the crowd.

"You smell that? It smells like there's a dragon around" Anna nodded she smelled it to. However she was more interested in the fact that their since were so familiar.

Two guys were standing in the middle of a bunch of knocked out people. Anna and Nastu popped out in the middle.

"Lookey here" the blonde one said.

"Is that Natsu Dragneel?" The one with the black hair said.

"I'm here to y'know!" Anna yelled. They completely ignored her and Anna pouted.

"Yeah that's me but who are you?" Natsu asked.

"this guy really never heard of Sting in Rouge? The twin dragons of sabertooth?" Just like that it clicked. It was like a bell went off in Anna's head. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the two dragon slayers.

"You think you're hot stuff?" Natsu asked sitting on the ground. Sting laughed and looked down and Natsu.

"That laugh" Anna whispered.

"So the rumors about you guys entering the grand magic games were true" Sting leaned into Natsu's face. Anna was to shocked to move.

"everyone knows who you are. You're the dragonslayer who couldn't slayer dragon" he said cockily.

"You're dragon slayers too?" Natsu asked.

"I prefer you call us true dragon slayers became unlike you we could've taken down Acnalogia" Sting gloated. Anna's fist balled up at her sides.

"Let me explain something to you. Natsu and the others are first gen dragon slayers cause they were taught by actual dragons. Laxus is second a generation because he had a lacrima implanted inside of him. Sting and Rouge where are third generation Dragon slayers. They have a lacrima implanted in them and they were trained by dragons" the red exceed explained. Just like that another switch had flipped inside of Anna. She walked up to Sting with her bangs covering her eyes and punched him. He went flying a few feet but caught himself. She glared at the girl.

"Who are you?" Sting asked.

"Another Dragon slayer who couldn't slay a dragon. Going off your logic you can call me a zero generation Dragon slayer. I was trained by two dragons. I have the power of both. Awe it's makes me sad that you don't remember me" Anna looked up. Tears were streaming down her face through her silk ribbon.

"Big brother Sting" Anna said with venom laced in her voice. Stings eyed widened.

"Anna? It that really you?" He took a step closer to Anna.

"No you stay away!" Anna roared with tears in her eyes

"How do I know you're who you say you are? My little sister died seveneteen years ago. If you're telling the truth then Let me see your eyes!" Sting demanded. Her eyes were a rare color. When they were little he love to look into them he said they were like stardust. Anna ripped her head to the side.

"I said show me your eyes!" He roared again. Anan shook her head. Anna was preoccupied with Sting she didn't notice Rouge rip off her eye ribbon. Anna yelled and hid her eyes. Rouge forced Anna's hands away. She gave up and looked at Sting. He was horrified.

Her eyes were completely ruined. Scars made her eye a dull teal in one eye and in the other a nasty burn mark. The guild emblem for Shadow Blood.

"It really is you" he said shocked. Anna got up and ran away.

Sting was left there wide-eyed and shocked. Natsu stood up and gripped Stings jacket.

"I don't care if you're her big brother or a total stranger. You make Anna cry again and you're dead!" With that Nastu ran off to find Anna leaving Pandora with Lucy and Happy.

Anna found herself walking towards the hotel. She still had a job to do.

Anna opened the door and the midnight bell tolled. It seemed everyone else who was competing was there.

"Attention participants in the grand magic games. Good morning!" Anna and the others ran to the balcony to look outside. Only they found a production of a huge pumpkin man floating in the sky.

"Seriously someone slipped me something" Anna said rubbing her eyes.

"to get rid of some of the 113 guilds we are holding a preliminary round! Only eight guilds can make it this year. The rules are simple." The inn began rising along with all the other inns.

"You'll be participating in a race the first eight teams to get to the center will move on to the real games"

A path begin building itself from the inn to a giant labyrinth in the sky.

"Those losers won't know what hit em" Gajy chuckled. Anna snacked his arm and told him it was rude to call their guild mates losers. Anna looked up at the wooden path.

"Now Let the preliminary round for the Grand Magic Games, Sky labyrin begin!" Pumpkin man called.

Laxus easily came up with a plan to steal others maps. It only took them a little bit of time to collect maps.

Once Anna knew where the center was she grabbed onto them and teleported there. The five of them ran as fast as they could to the door. They busted through.

"Congratulations! Mirajane Straus, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dryer, Mystogan, and Anna from fairy tail. You are the second team to arrive" the pumpkin guy said.

"Second?! Who's the first?" Gajy yelled. Anna put her hand on his shoulder.

"You know who" she said. Gajeel tisked and looked away. Anna laughed at his childishness. What can ya do?

they walked into the goal room and secured their place on the grand magic games.

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