Iron Asshole

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Anna had taken a solo job right when she got back to the guild, and she was now coming back from it. As she was walking back, she ended up meeting Gray, Ezra, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy who were seemingly coming back fromt heir own mission. She walked up to them and waved.

"Hi?" He asked/said. Ezra turned around tp greet the blonde while Lucy was yelling at Gray and Natsu. Happy flew over and started chatting with Pandora.

"So where are you living? You just arrived here. I could lend you one of the rooms of the guild dorm" Anna shook her head and hands while refusing. She was grateful for the offer but she couldn't accept it.

"I found my own house. It's nice enough." Anna scratched the back of her head. The two of them made small talk. Just then Anna noticed the towns people were hashed and whispering about them. Anna followed their line of sight and stopped in the guild hall. 

"The guild hall..." Anna trailed off until everyone was looking at the guild hall.

It was completely wrecked. Large iron rods stuck out in every direction. The building was almost collapsed. The others gasped and they all picked up their pace towards the guild hall. 

Mira lead the group to the basement where everyone was. Gramps went on his drunken rant about how the cowards attacked at night. Mira said she was grateful that no one had gotten hurt. Anna stayed at the back of the room trying to stay out of the fuss. She didn't understand. She had never been with other people before. why was a building so important? 

Anna thought back to her time with Zeref yet again. They never needed a house. The man himself was all she ever needed. They occasionally took shelter from rain and snow but besides that they never had the luxury to settle down in one place. She had thought about it often when she was with her big brother, but she enjoyed being with him more than anything and having a house suddenly didn't make any sense to her. 

"I don't understand. Why is a building so important?" She voiced her confusion. Natsu gripped the from of her shirt in rage. The black material that had a split down the middle was being held by three red strings. The pink-haired boy was pulling the side apart. 

"How dare you? This is our home!" Natsu yelled. he other in the guild yelled at Natsu telling him to let go of Anna, but he didn't. 

"Home? I don't know about you, but I think home is a person, not a place. As long as you have that person by your side you have a home" She said in a pensive tone. She looked down at the ground solemnly. Natsu let the girl go and she fixed her shirt before walking out of the destroyed building leaving the Fairy Tail guild silent in her wake. 

It was then that they realized Anna had never truly had a home. She's never had somewhere to go back to. A place where her loved ones lived and where she could feel safe. What kind of life did she live before joining the guild? How could a child of her age not have a home?

Anna walked through the city, then through the forest to her house. She lived alone in the forest. She used her magic to make the frame of the house and built the rest of it by hand using brick. She haven't slept since she joined the guild outside of when she took missions. The roof was still completely open, but everything else was in place.

The walls are made of red brick and she had oak doors. The walkway on the inside was finished as well. Anna used to sleep outside, so she just decided to lay out a thin mattress with a blanket over it. She had built herself a closet, but that was all the furniture she had in her house. A bathing area was in a room next to where she slept and she had bought a stove for cooking before her last mission. She ate at the guild hall for the most part, so she really didn't need anything but the bare minimum. 

Anna stood up and walked over to her closet. She only had three outfits. One was her usual outfits consisting of a black romper with the front split open only being held together by thre red strings. Three V shaped pieces of armor were wrapped around her waist. Her thigh high socks were both black. One had a cut on the side and was being held together by red strings like her shirt while the other had a golden strap holding the sock up. On her feet she wore black combat boots that came to just under her knees. Of corse, that whole get up is covered by Big brothers' cloak.

The other outfit was the exact same as Big brothers' outfit, but in black and red.  It was a dress-like robe with red cloth wrapped over the shoulder. 

The last outfit was a large black torn up shirt. Well, it's not so big anymore compared to Anna's height and body size; though it always seems so big when she looks at it. It was all she was allowed to wear when she was enslaved in the wretched guild.

To be honest Anna was hesitant about joining a guild. The only one she had ever known was Shadow Blood and that was a less than pleasant experience  to say the least. She was glad that Fairy Tail wasn't the same as them. 

The next morning, Anna woke up only to find Levy and team shadow gear hung on a tree. Their arms were held down to the tree by metal bars. On their battered bodies what the Phantom Lord's guild symbol. She once again stuck to the back of he crowd. This wasn't her problem. First, it was the iron asshole wrecking the guild hall. Now it's this.

Anna seethed looking at the tree bodied hung on the tree. No one deserves to be treated like that. She shadowed Erza and the rest of the guild until they made it to the phantom lord guild hall.

"Defusing dome."  A vast crimson dome was cast around the building. Everyone in fairy tail had a glowing black heart on their chest made from magical energy. Everyone was confused until Anna stepped out of the darkness.

"Worthless. Weak. Bastard. You will never be anything else." Anna repeated the words Muk always told her when she was held captive. Those were the worst years of her life.

"No one deserves to be treated this way. My heart may be as black as coal, but it is still a heart." Anna walked forward, trudging out of the shadows slowly.

"Fairy Tail hear me. I may be new, but I can't stand for this. The black heart on your chest represents my own. I have casted a barrier around the guild hall. No one without the black heart can use magic." Fairy Tail cheered.

"This is not revenge... It's a promise that we will treat you as you have treated us." The guilds both rushed forwards to fight. Fairy tail was kicking butt seeing as the other guild couldn't use magic, until someone came up behind Anna and knocked her out. Her eye rolled tot he back of her head and she collapsed into someone arms.

"Sorry little fairy, you're ruining our plans." Everyone went into battle. When the barrier fell, no one payed attention to it, they just fought harder, not even stopping to think about why it had fallen.

Suddenly, Gramps fell through the boards with a green complexion and was drained of magical energy. Fairy tail retreated quickly after that.

Gajeel walked up to Anna and stomped on her stomach before kicking her into a corner. She was all scratched and beaten up. He walked up to her and grabbed her silk wrap that covered her eyes.

"Let's see what you look like underneath your mask little girl" Gajeel chuckled with a menacing look cast upon his face. He ripped the cloth to pieces and scowled.

"Little girl has her secrets eh? I wonder if they know about this" Gajeel laughed to himself.

One eye was completely gouged out and the other had a box shape with the top open and the left side was curved burned into her eye. The inside was shaped like a cross but the middle line was shaped like an S. A small triangle sat in the bottom right corner, inside the box but under the cross.

"Shadow Blood huh? This'll be fun" Gajeel laughed to himself. He tied up Anna threw her in their head quarters.

"Gajeel got a lady friend?" One of the men asked.

"She's a fairy. The one who casted the defusing magic. I thought she'd be fun to play with" the whole guild let out a dark chuckle before having their fun with the fairy.

Gajeel dragged Anna's unconscious body by her bangs and threw her in one of the rooms. to die. 

By the time Anna awoke, she was in some kind of control room. Her eyes widened and she fell over when she tried to get up. Her arms and legs were broken, along with her ribs and a few other bones. She was bleeding from different places, but mostly out of the stab wound in her thigh.

Anna coughed up blood and crawled towards the big black lacrima that was in front of her. There were four people in the room, projecting their magic power in four orbs. 

Anna picked herself up again and made her way to each wizard. SHe knocked them out one by one with a smack tot he back of the neck. Anna the hobbled towards the four separate orbs and rammed her body into them one at a time. They shattered from the impact

Anna had blood running down her face as she looked up at the giant black lacrimal.

"Oh Angraloth. This is gonna be rough."

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