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Gray and Anna didn't travel long before they saw another boat.

"Damn. If I had left earlier then we would've gotten to them before they got on the boat." Gray froze the ice and made skates for his feet. He hopped from the boat and quickly skated towards the other boat.

"Wait for me!" Anna tapped her heals together and formed ice skates. Pandora dropped her down on the ice and Anna skated around. 

"Anna!" She looked over her shoulder to see Gray calling her. The ice was melting.

"Right!" She called back. Anna put her hands on the ice that was left over. Gray was right, it was so thin she almost fell through.

"Ice, make floor." Everywhere Anna touched turned into ice. Once Anna made it to the boat, she tackled the pink haired boy. He was leaning over the end of the boat and looked sick. 

"You're warm!" She said in awe. When she felt a vibration, she looked up just in time to see him puke. Anna flinched back so she didn't get dirty and found a seat next to Gray.

"Are you okay pinky?" Anna yelled while shaking him. She stopped all of a sudden and leaned over the boat next to the pink-haired boy feeling a similar sickness,

Anna didn't really hear anything that was going on during the long ride to the island. She just hung over the boat miserably. 

"Pandora" She said meekly. The phoenix sighed and picked her up again. Right when she was lifted off of the boat Anna felt better.

Anna flew with Pandora the rest of the way over. During the ride a blue cat flew over to the pair and made small talk with them.

"I'm happy and that guy is Natsu." Happy waved to the pair.

"I'm Anna, and this here is Pandora!" They began chatting until they made it to the island.

The person moving the boat suddenly disappeared. Everyone was freaking out about it but Anna pointed at the huge wave behind them.

"Uh guys?" No one was listening.

"I tried to warm them... Pandora, let's go up!" The fiery bird nodded and lifted Anna over the wave. They got ship wrecked and Anna rushed over to the shore. She kneeled down next to a body with it's head stuck in the sand. It was Natsu. 

As they got out of the sand, Natsu, Gray and blondie were looking around. Anna followed them as they began walking to a large gate near the shore. Gray was shouting to the person behind the gate.They had to show their emblems to get in the village to get inside. Anna silently listened to the explanation, but her eyes were drawn towards the moon.

"There must be some kind of dome around he village" She said to herself. When she was flying over she saw something similar to a dome hanging over the village. However, she didn't know what would cause such a phenomenon.  

"Anna!" She popped her head up curiously. Everyone was standing there looking at her. Anna blushed and followed the four to a small camp. As they walked further into the village, she stopped to take in the scent. 

"Smells like big brother. No it smells like Deliora" Anna said sadly.

As everyone talked amongst themselves, Anna set up a bed for herself. She passed out quickly.

"No! Ur don't do that! Don't seal Deliora! Let me. I'm all alone I don't have anyone. Protect the boys!" Anna yelled loudly. They were both screaming and running and failed to see her. She had just come to visit while Big Brother went on one of his day trips.

Ur shook her head. Just then, the boys came out of their hiding places and Ur stared her iced shell. Anna stepped back into the shadows and watched it happen. She couldn't do anything...

"Azreil, she's a good one. Take care of her." Anna prayed silently. Once it was finally over, she walked back to camp and Zeref was there.

"Where were you Anna?" Big brother asked.

"Just seeing an old friend~" Anna said while smiling. Deliora smelled like big brother. It must be the one from his book.

"Wake up!" a growl like yell woke Anna up. It was the middle of the night and Natsu and Blondy were both sleeping. It was Gray who woke her up.

"How do you know about Deliora?" He asked in a harsh voice. Anna shook her head and laid back down facing away from the man questioning her.

"The story of Deliora is well known. Let's go back to bed.." Anna's face twisted into one of pain and she sighed before closing her eyes. 

I miss you Ur.

The next morning, the group went to go walk around. Anna was slightly lost because she spaced out yesterday, but got the jist of what was happening. The villagers would turn into demons during the nighttime and it was terrorizing them. The chief wanted them to destroy the moon. 

After being attacked by a giant rat as they made their way to a large temple in the middle of the island, they ended up falling down through a bunch of floors because Natsu was randomly stomping around. Pandora caught Anna just before she hit the ground.

"Natsu, that was stupid" Anna told him. The others agreed with her. 

"Wow! It's a secret cave!" Natsu cheered. Anna looked around and shivered. It reminded her of that dreadful cage she once lived in. She wrapped her arms around herself in a protective manner and stayed close to the group. 

"Would you quit running around like a crazy person?" Gray yelled at Natsu and Happy. They all followed Natsu as he ran around like a kid. He was probably just following his nose.

"Hey guys? What's that?" Gray stoped in his tracks and his eyes went wide.

"That's impossible... It's Deliora" Everyone was terrified. Anna turned around. She couldn't bear to look at it. Not after what happened. It should've been her. Ur still had so much to teach those boys. It would've been better if it was her who died instead. 

"But how? How did this happen? Why is it here? What's is doing on Galuna island!" Gray called out in a pleading voice and stared yelling by the time he finished talking. He stared hyperventilating. Anna rested a hand on his shoulder in silent support. It calmed the boy down at least a little bit. 

"It's Deliora. The demon of destruction." Anna voiced quietly. 

Voices came from where they had fallen before and everyone quickly hid. Anna hid alone behind a large rock. 

"From the scent I picked up, they're not from this island." Natsu whispered to the others. Everyone listened in as they talked amongst themselves.

"The cold emperor will be displeased" they began talking quietly but stopped when they heard a noise. They ran away following the mysterious noise and they were once again alone with Deliora. Happy came floating back over to the group. He seemed pleased with himself for throwing a rock to distract the mysterious people. Anna came out of her hiding spot to see everyone else hid together.

After talking for a bit thy decided it would be best to wait and see what happens when nightfalls.

Lucy brought out one of her sprites to sing a song, but stopped because they were making too much noise. Lucy was a celestial wizard. She had read about those before and she had even met the zodiac king. It was when she tried to open a gate, but ended up going into the celestial world instead. She still has no idea how she did that.

Gray hadn't taken his eyes off of the monster since they had found it. Anna felt for Gray. Having someone or something destroy your home is not fun at all. It is a kind of pain that cannot be healed easily. 

Everyone was tired and sleepy by the time nightfall had come. All of a sudden, the ground started shaking. Anna looked over from her book  she was reading to Deliora. Purple light was being poured on the ice. It was slowly melting. Her eyes widened slightly as she watched water trickle down the monster. 

Anna followed as the group ran each flight of stairs until they reached the main level again. Upon finding another magic circle there, they climbed higher until they made it to the roof. On every level was an identical magic circle.

Weird people in robes were chanting around a magic circle. All Anna caught was one word.

"Zeref" Anna repeated. Big brother? Why were they chanting his name? Whatever it was, it was for evil. Anna would stop what ever is going on. For the sake of her big brother. He hated bringing pain to others and she would make sure none of his creations won't do it either. 

"It's moon drip. They're using the moonlight to melt the ice around Deliora." Lyra, Lucy's spirit, explained. It was used to melt the ice around Deliora.

Gray raged over what he had just heard. Natsu was about to fight, but Lucy stopped him. A boy in armor and some odd coat stepped into the middle of the ceremony and watched at they chanted. The three from before joined the man who they call the cold emperor.

"Kill the intruders, they will get in the way. Go destroy the village as well. Anyone who stands in my way is an enemy." Gray jumped out and began battling the cold emperor. They both fought with ice make magic and they seemed evenly matched.

Gray made spikes of ice come from the floor and the cold emperor jumped up and used his own attack. The exact same one Gray used. Gray had managed to knock off the Cold Emporer's helmet and revealed a boy with spiked white hair. It seemed like Gray knew this person. Anna was able to tell who he was as well. He was Leon, one of the boys Ur trained. 

The two wizards went back and forth as Anna watched

Well, three can play at that game.

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