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Anna listened to the play by play and occasionally stopped to watch the screens. The rest of her fairy tail team was doing great so far.

Her victory put Anna in a good mood. She was prancing around unsuspectingly through the city with her furry friends following her around. As she turned a corner she bumped into someone.



Anna looked to to see the sky God slayer Shelia. With hearts in her eyes Anna jumped on Shelia and hugged her. 

"Aren't you the cutest. I'll give you all of my love" Anna winked. Shelia looked scared.

"I don't want your love!" She yelled and ran away. Anna gave chase.

"Come back!! I'll give you this bunny!" Shelia stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly.

"But first you have to say you love me!" Shelia blushed and looked away.

"I- I love you!" She yelled bashfully. Anna smiled and opened her arms.

"Gimme a hug!" Shelia came running at Anna and hugged her.

They giggled in their little ball of love surrounded by bunnies and puppies and hamsters.

Anna used her thumb and pressed on one of Shelia's pressure points. She didn't want to fight the girl and her healing powers would prove to be a nuisance. To make it easier on her Anna knocked her out.

To make it up to her Anna left a whole bunch of bunnies to watch over Shelia.

As Anna turned around she felt an aura behind her. She slowly turned around to see Shelia is devil mode. Scary!

"You took advantage of my love! I won't let you embarrass me in front of Leon!" Shelia yelled and waved her hands around.

"Did you forget I can heal myself?" She asked innocently. Anna mirrored Shelia's smile and twirled around once before clicking her heels together.

"Defusing dome!" She tried to use her power, but it was no use. Anna has gotten rid of it.

"Fine! We'll do this the old fashioned way!" Shelia yelled cutely. Anna nodded and took her own stance.

"Take that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that!" They both looked away and punched at each other; neither of them landing a hit.

They both separated and panted for a few seconds before going back at it.

They repeated that for awhile, but Anna saw something out of the side of her eye. One of her opponents were moving towards Erza. Anna couldn't let that happen. In a flash Shelia was out cold and Anna stood victorious.

Anna looked up and closed her eyes. She needed to concentrate on this next match.

After a few deep breaths and smiled. She needed her calm for this match. With that in mind Anna used her teleportation magic to appear behind Minerva.

The enemy was to quick and Anna ended up getting blasted back with Minerva's spacial magic.

Anna took a stance.

"Memory make-" Anna began.

"Ah ah ah~" Minerva sang. She had a vicious smile on her face. Anna glared at the woman.

With her spacial magic Minerva pulled Pandora out of her space. He was all beaten up. Anna's eyes widened.

"You will let me beat you if you don't want your little friend to let killed!" She hissed. Anna took a deep breath and put her arms down.

"Anna No!" Pandora yelled. She looked at her best friend and smiled.

"You're okay now Pandora. I'm here for you"

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