chapter 16

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"Dovekit was the third cat, not hollyleaf!" The tortoiseshell starclan cat told brokenstar.
The tom growled,"no matter what we try, we cant seem to get rid of them."
Hawkfrost came walking into the clearing, "lionblaze found out what i was doing. I almost got him on our side!"
"How could you let that happen?!" Brokenstar hissed, lunging at hawkfrost
"Wait! Let me speak!" Hawkfrost gasped, trying to push the dark forest leader off him.
"Very well" brokenstar said, not getting off hawkfrost.
"I can train ivykit with the other trainees! Ill find a way!" Hawkfrost weazed, not breathing under the weight of the tom on top of him.
"You have proven your worth" brokenstar said, getting off hawkfrost.
The riverclan warrior lay there shakily, gulping in air before standing up and shaking his head, "im surprised you let me go" he hissed at brokenstar.
"We need as many warriors as we can get. Well GO!" Hawkfrost scurried off, obviously fearing the brown leader.
"Ill make sure firestar values dovekit more so that ivykit can get jelous" spottedleaf dismissed herself.

She ran arround the dark forest to look for hawkfrost. His wounds were bleading badly. Something she learened in her time here was that no herbs grew so she would return to starclan's hunting grounds to look for herbs. She found him near the river of murky slime, ocuping himself by training two of their trainees. Snowtuft and another warrior she had not met yet. The she-cat smelled of riverclan. Snowtuft had passed out by beeing held under the slime and the riverclan warrior swam out without the white tom. Snowtuft floated to the surface unmoving, muzzle still in the water so that he could not breathe.

Spottedleaf pulled his body to the shore and started to press on the windclan warrior's white chest. The warrior was still not breathing and after a while a ghostly image stepped out of the body as the solid version dissapeared. He stood up and a scar from ear to chest could be seen, probably given to him by the riverclan cat. Hawkfrost stepped forwards. "Now you are truly one of us, snowtuft" the riverclan she-cat looked surprised that she had killed a cat but she started to wake and dissapear.

The stars that coated spottedleaf were slowly dissapearing and her ghostly shape started to wither away. Whenever she stayed too long in the place of no stars, her stars started to dissapear and her ghost would dissapear forever. Her stars would regenerate once she re-entered starclan. She ran since she was far away. As each last star dissapeared, she would feal a jab of pain. She had one star left on her body when she crossed the border. She hid in a bush, panting in pain untill her stars recovered.

I had no idea how snowtuft died so i just killed him here.

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