Chapter 11: Halloween (Part 2)

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trigger warning: mild sexual content that may be offensive or upsetting to some readers

Bucky's POV

"Done!" announced Marjorie, to Bucky's relief.

Sofi had unknowingly been wandering closer to them. It was only been a matter of time before she spotted them, and he had been anxious to leave before then.

"It looks awesome, Doll," he said, trying to pay attention to her carved pumpkin. "Much better than all the other ones, you should have been consulted by the party-planning committee."

"Thanks," she blushed. It did look awesome; Marjorie was good at all things art, apparently including sculpture. And her blush was adorable.

"Follow me," he requested, gently leaning her across the side of the room, avoiding the party-goers. She happily obliged, leaving her pumpkin at the table and hooking her arms around his right bicep.

Bucky liked that, and tried not to let her distract him from his mission of distracting him from Sofi. He had been noticing Marjorie doing that instead of holding his hand more recently, and wondered if she was actively trying to seduce him, or if he was just pathetic and so desperate for physical contact that she had noticed.

He stopped in the corner closest to the doors, so they could exit quickly if needed.

"Are you okay?" Marjorie worriedly chewed on her lip. "You're very stressed. Did something happen?"

"No," he lied, "it's just all the people."

She looked hurt. "You're lying." Shit, he had forgotten about that aspect of her power. "Why won't you tell me? Are you mad at me? I didn't mean to pressure you into coming—"

Bucky covered her mouth with his metal hand and gently held her jaw still. She was spiraling, and he knew from experience that Marjorie would not stop until she made herself miserable unless he stopped it early.

"Shh," he soothed. "It's not you, I promise. I'll tell you in more detail, later, okay?"

He watched her eyes slowly accept his truth and felt her heart slow down. Marjorie nodded, and Bucky released her.

"Do you want to leave, now?" offered Marjorie. "Now that I've finished my pumpkin, there's not really anything else for me here."

He frowned. This was convenient to the Sofi threat, but the last thing he wanted was to make her feel like she couldn't do normal teenager things because of his discomfort.

Before he could decide how to respond to her offer, another complication showed up. A very vexing complication, in the form of his least-favorite of Marjorie's friends.

Wade Wilson.

Wade darted out the crowd, and tried to sling his arm around Marjorie's shoulders. She retreated into Bucky's chest with a scowl.

"Ew, Wade, don't get glitter on me." It was true, Wade looked like he had dumped red glitter on top of himself in an attempt to make his suit more festive.

"I thought you liked glitter, Mar," pouted Wade.

She grinded her teeth at the nickname. "I don't like it on my costume."

"Oh, fine," he said, undaunted. "Nice costume, by the way. You look cute."

It was true. Bucky hadn't been able to fully appreciate her appearance before, and did so while only partially listening to Marjorie and Wade's conversation and keeping tabs on Sofi's position.

First of all, Marjorie in a cloak was highly possible to be the most adorable thing he had ever seen. She looked so tiny and happy, and Bucky liked how it was all swishy.

Secondly, the emerald color of the cloak contrasted beautifully with her cream skin. He had said it before—and would say it again—but green was definitely her color. It made him wait to touch her, to taste her.

Bucky wanted very much to pin her down and bite her neck. She made such a thrilling noise when he did.

He would hold her still, pinning her wrist above her head and lick the tender spot that she liked, how she liked. And she would moan and beg for him to touch her.

He would let his hands wander and slowly peel off her clothes... Bucky could picture how she would tremble in his arms.

He was confident that Winter had had enough experience to make it enjoyable for her. He would have to be very careful the first time; her body wouldn't be adjusted immediately. That was fine, he would go slow—

Bucky suddenly remembered where he was, and what he was thinking about. He abruptly felt very angry with himself.

He was firm in his decision to hold off on sex with Marjorie (a decision he made against his wishes in order to protect her) and it made the situation worse when he found himself in fantasies like that, which happened far too much for his peace of mind.

Trying to be good was harder than it should be. Bucky needed to get a grip; she was only 16, and it was wrong to think of her like that. He knew this was a one sided opinion in between them, but he still made himself nauseous whenever he thought about the age difference.

Of course, Marjorie insisted he was 17 whenever he brought it up, and—most times—he felt 17. And wasn't his physical age what mattered for this?

But none of this mattered right now. He had lost Sofi in the crowd with his preoccupation with his internal turmoil. Ugh, he was such an idiot. Bucky grinded his teeth together and refocused.

Wade was trying to persuade Marjorie to go somewhere—saying, "Come on, it'll be fun,"—and Bucky could tell she would agree. He couldn't recall what Wade wanted: he hadn't been listening at all.

He loosened his arms around her waist and half-turned to the crowd, scanning for the threat. Beside him, Marjorie and Wade slipped away, leaving the party out of the double-doors. Marjorie would assume he would follow...

Bucky grew more frustrated as he struggled to locate Sofi. He had let his emotions get in the way of completing his mission. He scanned the crowd frantically, pushing away from the wall and walking slowly towards the door.

This wasn't good, he needed to get to Marjorie now

Ah, there was Sofi.

His relief in locating his target was short-lived. Sofi had separated from her group and was sliding out of the door.

To where Marjorie was.

No. No!

Bucky gave up the pretense of casually walking and darted to the door, catching it before it fully swung close. He fully intended to grab Sofi and knock her out before she could notice Marjorie, but both girls had already saw each other and froze.

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