3) Yuri

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Sophie POV

We get in the car with Kitty in the middle and the girl and I on either side of her.

"Where can we take you two?"the girl asks.

"Korean Independent School of Seoul."Kitty replies.

"No way."the girl fully turns to us.

"Do you know it?"Kitty asks.

"That's where we're headed."the girl replies.

"Shut up."Kitty looks at me with wide eyes

"I go there too."the girl nods and says something to her driver in Korean.

We start driving and the girl starts asking Kitty about her parents.

"I came by myself.Well not just by myself, we came here together."Kitty nudges me.

"What about you?"the girl asks me.

"My dad's a Wimbledon winner and my mom a top 100 author."I reply and she looks impressed.

"Anything I might have read?"she asks and I shrug.

"With you, me and tea. One of her more popular ones."I say and she gasps.

"Oh my word! I love that book!Your moms amazing."she exclaims and I nod.

"Yeah she is."I agree and look out the window.

"Well, anyway, there are ton of American Kids at KISS, so you'll feel totally at home.Half the School's foreign."she explains.

"Well, I'm half Korean."Kitty states proudly.

"Really? Do you have family here?"the girl asks.

"No, just my boyfriend.We met in Seoul a few years ago.I can't wait to surprise him."

"Wait, he has no clue that you moved here?"she asks.

"Yep"I answer and Kitty starts explaining her master plan.

"This is my plan: I'll find him at the welcome party, tap him on the shoulder and say,"Excuse me, but have you seen my boyfriend?" And then we'll kiss for the first time and it'll be fire."Kitty gushes.

"I don't know anyone who'd do something like that."She say's. Shocked.

"Well, now you do.I'm kitty."Kitty nudges my arm.

"And I'm Sophie."I say and give her a small smile.

Something about the girl is off but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Yuri."the girl introduces herself.

Kitty and her carry on talking while I just look at the view.

This place is pretty.

They start talking about relationships and how's Yuri's situation is apparently complicated.

"Are you like this with every new person you meet?"Yuri asks and I nod.


Kitty elbows me.

"Just the ones I find interesting."Kitty says and I roll my window down for some fresh air.

I take a Deep breath and just feel the wind in my air.

I hope this place adds some excitement to my life because it's been bland for way too long.

After a bit we finally arrive at KISS.

We would have never, in a million years, made it here alone.

We get out of the car and the driver hand us our bags.

"Thanks again for the drive."I say and look up at the building.

"Sure."Yuri replies.

"Good luck with everything."Kitty says over her shoulder and we walk towards the entrance.

I drag my suitcase up the stairs and look around.

Where are the gentleman when you need one, honestly?

I look at Kitty and catch Dae's name on her screen.

"Oh my word! Stop texting your lover boy, you're going to see him soon."I groan as I make the last step.

We finally make it too the entrance, with me walking infront and kitty trailing behind.

I get in line and look behind me to see Kitty look at me with wide eyes.

I look at her in question but hear the lady at the table shout 'next'.

"Welcome to KISS. Your name?"she asks.

"Hi I'm Sophie Alex Galileo. It's my first year here."I say and she goes through her files.

"And you?" the women asks Kitty, who's now next to me.

"Hi,I'm new too. Katherine Song Covey, "Kitty" to my friends."Kitty gives her a smile.

"Will you two be living in the dorms?"she asks and we both answer 'Yes' at the same time.

"If it helps we come from the same school."

She looks through her files and finally finds us.

"Ah.Here it is. Your information was in the wrong file."she hands us forms to fill out.

"Thank you"we say at the same time and walk off.

We walk to a seating area and start filling out the forms.

"It's so much."I sigh and look around.

Something catches Kitty's attention and she stares in its direction.

I look where she's looking at see her starting at a women.

"What up?"I ask and Kitty pulls out her moms old journal.

"Look this is the same women from the photo. I just heard her name."Kitty says, jumps up and starts walking over.

Girl doesn't even give me enough time to tell her it's a bad idea.

I watch the interaction and Kitty getting brushed off.

"Any luck?"I ask and she shakes her head.

"She couldn't remember."she plops down and leans her head against the wall behind her.

"Don't worry we just got here.You'll find out more."I rub her arm.

"Let's give our forms and head to our dorm."I pull her up and we grab our stuff.

After a bit we arrive and Kitty opens the door.

I walk in and look around.

"This is nice.It got a kitchen and all that."I put a hand on my hip.

"Hallo?"Kitty shouts but receives no answer.

Kitty checks out the rooms while I look at the view.

My dad must have paid some good money because this is next level.

"I found our space!"Kitty shouts and I walk in her direction.

"Can I please take the window bed?" Kitty asks giving me a pleading look.

"Fine but I get to go to the bathroom first every morning."I bargain and she quickly agrees.

I bring my stuff into the room and  jump on Kitty's bed.

I go on my phone while Kitty calls her dad.

I send a photo of myself to my mum and dad telling them I'm alive and well.

I go to the bathroom and when I come back Kitty's done calling.

"So what are we going to do now?"I ask and lie down next to her.

I feel my eyes grow heavy and yawn.

"We got to stay awake."Kitty sighs closing her eyes.

"Yeah"I agree but feel myself slipping.

Maybe just a little nap.

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