The Queen Chapter 6

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/you guys all love this story I can tell. This is my next chapter. Yay super long chapter! I got done with this sooner than I thought. The last part is a little bleck but everything else is pretty good. Please review this chapter. Oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!/

The Queen

Part 1 of 3: Nightshade

OoOoO Shadow

'Training was going great it was easy and simple.'

I fell from the air after hitting a seastack.

'Okay so I wasn't going great. It is the hardest thing I have tried to do.'

Everytime I get up, I get chased by a group of nightmares. They let out a blast of fire at the same time making a huge blast of fire that would engulf me along with 4 other dragons if they were in the same position. The goal is to not get hit and train my maneuvering abilities. Thunderdrums followed me incase I fell in the water. I heard a wave a fire get close to me. I went faster and dodge to the side, but this time the fire followed. I hid behind a rock, feeling the heat all around me. Fire engulfed the rock and went around me. I saw melted bits splash to the side. I pushed off the rock and saw it melt and fall.

"Asterisk! That could of killed me!"

"It will if you just sit there, so move!" I felt the heat of more fire near me. I turned and saw the giant flame chase me. I was about to started flapping when all the sudden the flames stopped. I heard the whistle of a night fury. I looked up and saw a black creature up in the sky it had black wings with red edged on the side. Red stripes went around the tail and neck. It looked just like a Night fury. Maybe it was a night fury just a different type.

I saw a blast of, red plasma! It hurled towards me. I dodged it just barely. It hit the water and sunk deep in making a hole in the water that was quickly filled in. I felt a burning pain on my side. The plasma must of hit me.

"Shadow! Look out!" Another red plasma ball shot towards me. This time I dodged it completely but I still felt a burning pain. I saw red run down my scales. It was like the plasma had blades that stretched out to cut you. I screeched in pain. "You!? I thought you were dead." Asterisk called up after the night fury in the sky.

"Hello Asterisk, why did you abandon the queen. She is the greatest there is. She never killed me. She showed me true power. She can show you too if you come with me and let me kill this one." His gaze left Asterisk and turned towards me. He had a maniacal grin.

"Nightshade! Don't! What happened to you. Why are you doing this!?"

"The queen's orders," he showed a hideous smirk. I felt the wound at my side burn. I began to lose consciousness. I saw Asterisk jump up and fly towards Nightshade. I closed my eyes and felt myself fall. I opened them back up to see that Nightshade was falling and Asterisk was flying towards me. I was paralyzed, my eyes closed again, it seemed everything was going in slow motion. I was still falling, falling away from life. Falling away from everything.

'Why am I here? Why have the godz chosen me? I am just a hopeless boy, and I will always be. This is it. I am about to die. I can't survive a fall from this high, even if I am above water. If I do, I will drown.' I looked at Asterisk, I have given up. I see tears coming out of her eyes. She is crying, for me.

'Asterisk, I haven't ever felt love. Then you came to my side and cared for me. You did everything in your power to help me, to protect me. Why? You know what I am, or do you see that I am different. That I had changed. Is that why you love me? Have I changed?' I feel the water slap against my back. Something snapped.

'I have changed! I am not the small viking I used to be. I am a strong young dragon that has found love and I, I will not lose this! I will stay by your side, just like you did for me!' Something woke inside of me. Before darkness took me my wings made one last mighty flap. I felt my wings push away the water. The water split out from under me causing me to fall again. I regained flight the water rushed back in to fill the gap that I had created. It pushed me high in the air. I did a quick spin showering water everywhere. Plasma starting building up in my throat. I shot it into the air. It exploded into a purple fury of fire. I looked around for Nightshade.

He was flying up towards me. Fury burned in his eyes. He was building up another red plasma blast. I quickly opened my mouth and let out a blast of plasma that went down his throat. He kept going up with his momentum but he slowed and began to fall backwards. He looked up at me and gave me a friendly smile and said something that looked like "Thank you, Shadow." His body hit the water. I was very high up but I still heard the crack and snap of bones. He sank to the bottom of the ocean. Black blood rose to the top of the water.

I looked away. I felt like I had just destroyed something that could've been saved. I saw Asterisk ascend towards me. "Shadow, you're okay!" She gave me a hug and we began to fall, she quickly broke away before we went to far down.

"Asterisk, who was that night fury." Asterisk looked down a little said.

"When I was little, I lived on an island with so many night furies. It was a place that we lived, that is before the queen made it her home. We tried to flee but she killed so many of us. My older brother protected me. He kept me safe. He then left me in our cave and the second he did I saw the queen's fire engulf his body. After the queen's rampage I came out. As far as I knew, I was the only survivor. The queen found me and turned me into her slave."

"You must be hurt,"

"Right now, yeah. Nightshade was my brother." I felt a pang of horror stab through me down. I had just killed her brother. My mouth went dry.

"Asterisk, I am so..." Asterisk put a paw over my mouth and gave me a soft smile.

"It's alright. You did it only to defend yourself and me." I turned away.

"I feel so helpless, I feel like I could have done something different."

"I know how you feel, that night when I was little. I wish I could have done something to protect him." We were silent for a long time while hovering in place. "We should get back, tell Valka what happened."

"Yeah we should." We began flying back towards the nest. It's kind of a home to us now. We've spent a few months there, Asterisk would train me everyday. A few months, I wonder how things are going at Berk. "Berk! I hope that they are alright."

"Shadow, those people are monsters."

"There is at least one person that was nice to me. He was my teacher as a blacksmith."

"You were blacksmith!? Your were so small and skinny when I saw you with that contraption. I find it hard to believe."

"Don't remind me." I looked ahead and saw that we were nearing the nest. We've went through the passage so many times I didn't even have to think when we go through. Though I have never been injured going through. I fell a few times but I always caught myself. It was at the end when I collapsed. The would started sting and burn. I whimpered and scratched. I felt like it was melting the flesh off my bones and then melting my bones. I started attracting attention. "Look at the gash, it's glowing red!" Tears burned my eyes. I twitched and squirmed as it the gash seemed to focus more in one spot that stung so very much.

"Hiccup! Asterisk what happened," it was my mother.

"My brother, he's dead now but he did some serious damage to Shadow."

"Nightshade has a deadly form of plasma. If you dodge it, there are near invisible blades that inject a sort of venom the burns the victim starting from the wound throughout the inside," the alpha said.

"I know this because I once knew Nightshade. The process and slow and fatal, almost certain death. It can be cured or he might possibly survive, but I wouldn't take the chance... if I had a choice."

'What does he mean. Help me! It hurts so much!' I screeched and roared.

"A cure for this is thousands of miles away. It would take 10 days and by that time, Shadow would have survived or died within the first 4 days." I heard Asterisk start sobbing. She leaned against me heartbroken. I tried my best to not squirm, the burning was painful.

"The best we can do is comfort him and hope and pray that he will survive."

OoOoO Asterisk

'Shadow, please live, please stay alive for me. I love you Shadow, I really do. I will be there for you. Keep you safe and out of danger.' My eyes burned with tears. "Shadow live for me. Please, I love you I can't lose you now. You're the only thing I have left." I felt so much emotion build up inside of me. I couldn't hold it in much longer, I am slipping.

"Get him to the resting cave," Valka said. She was also sad as well. I lifted him up on my back. He was surprisingly lighter than I had expected. I carried him to the cave. I could feel his muscles tense and pulse. I layed him down on the soft pile of leaves. His fit seemed to calm down.

"Asterisk. If I don't make it..." I couldn't believe what he is saying. Is giving up?

"Shadow, you will survive. You have to." The emotions inside started boiling to the brim.

"Asterisk, I..." his voice was weak.

"Want to tell you that I..." I broke. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hugged him and gave him a dragon's kiss. Which is touching noses and mouth to mouth. This was a kiss that signified that we were mates for life. I felt him hesitate but he returned it. I felt a slight bit of happiness overwhelm me. I broke away and what I saw astonished me. Markings started forming around his eye. They seemed to glow blue. Looked in his eyes and saw a pinkish purple on me. They were identical. A ring around the left eye, a streak formed from the top of the eye to the tip of the ear. Spots trailed from the bottom of the eye down the neck gradually getting smaller. "Asterisk, what are these markings."

"It's when two night furies are mates for life." I heard Shadow gulp. I let out a chuckle.

"This is a little fast but, I think I will go through with it to the end,"

"How is the wound?"

"It still hurts but not as bad."

"I hope that means you are recovering."


"And what have you two mean up to?" I looked up to see Valka.

"I can explain everything," said Shadow.

"I know what happened." She let out a sigh. "What's done is done, especially in this situation," Valka raised her eyebrow and I realized I was resting my head on Shadow's shoulder. I lifted my head up quickly. Valka smirked. "Though I think that you helped Hiccup recover. What you did probably saved his life."

"Mom, my name is Shadow."

"But that's not what I named my son. You are still Hiccup to me. Oh and by the way, congratulations you two." She winked at us before she left. The vines closed at the room went dark, except for the glow that markings emitted.

"You look amazing Asterisk." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. My eyes closed. He layed down and I went down with him, my head under his chin. I felt sleep take over.

The Queen

Part: 2/3 An Army to Bring Peace

OoOoO Stoick

"Stoick we have never found the nest. We aren't going to find it today."

"One more search this month. Then will have the rest of the year." Groans could be heard across the room. "We leave at the first sign of dawn."

"Be reasonable Stoick," said Malina, a recruited viking that had the highest score in dragon training.

"If we don't get rid of these dragons, then they will be one lucky raid away from destroying us entirely. Now get packed and prepared for the journey to the mist," I said. 'Disrespect these vikings have. They don't think about what will happen if we let the dragons keep raiding. It's been a year since Hiccup's disappearance. I know that he is a dragon and he has a dragon friend. Can't believe he would give up returning to the village and stay with a friend, especially since it is a dragon.' I let out a deep sigh.

"Thinking about Hiccup?"


"It's alright Stoick. You did it because you thought he was betraying the village."

"I don't think it is alright. He made friends with the enemy. He is a friend to that night fury. That was the slightest hint of proof in... Valka's opinion of dragons."

"So is the trip to the mist cancelled?"

"Of course not Gobber. We need to rid of these dragons."

"I will go pack up... if I am coming with you that is."

"Yes Gobber."

"That's what I... wait I can come."

"Go get your things Gobber."

"Well alright Stoick." Gobber left the meeting chamber. leaving me all alone. I slouched in my chair. This was difficult for me. These voyages into the mist always end up with less than I came with. 'These dragons know where to go, but we don't.' Suddenly something clicked in my head. 'They know where they're going. We can use one to show us the way.' I clasped my hands together. This is going to lead us straight to the nest.

I stood up from my chair and exited the meeting chamber. I strode down the village road with pride. The day was almost over. The evening sun was setting and the moon will be rising soon. I just had to finish the rest of my chiefly duties and I could be done for the day.

OoOoO Nightshade (didn't expect this did you?)

I am sinking down in the water. The Queen's power over me died down. 'I can choose what to do now. There aren't many choices at the moment of course. This Shadow guy, he beat me. No one has ever beat me. Maybe he can save my sister. He has already done a better job at protecting her than I am. I could seen her as me and not as the queen's slave. Whatever is keeping me alive is incredible. I should have died from the fall but I am going to be tortured by lack of oxygen instead. It's better than being the queen's slave forever. I won't be able to hurt another dragon again. Goodluck little sister, I hope you and Shadow can defeat the queen.' My life is slipping away into the water.

Darkness shrouds my vision. I see the last light above the ocean before I died, or so I thought. I was pulled into an air pocket by a water current. I was shot into an underwater cave. I collapsed and sputtered out water. "How am I alive? Gah!" My front left leg was broken. My wings were not facing the right angle and were bent in weird places. My tail was also misshaped. My head throbbed and there was a gash across my waist.

"Hey you, what are you doing in our cave?" I turned to see and angry thunderdrum.

"I fell from the sky and got pulled into the cave by a current."

"Fine, I'll accept that story for now. Tomorrow you leave."

"I... can't. I am to injured and I am not a swimming dragon like you." The Thunderdrum groaned.

"I guess I could help you get to the great bewilderbeast's nest."

"Thank you. My name is Nightshade, yours?"

"I don't like to give my name to strangers," the Thunderdrum muttered. He went to the far side of the cave pocket. I layed down where I was because it hurt too much to move anywhere else. The ground was very smooth and hard. I probably won't live long enough to see my sister. They must live far from here, unless it's home of the great ice breathing alpha. I wondered if the alpha is the same one I knew long ago.

OoOoO Stoick

I felt the bare warmth, no not even a bit of warmth, the cold air seemed to be less cold. My eyes opened, today was the day that we go after the nest again. I got out of bed and grabbed the helmet off the table. I saw the smaller identical once on the side. I was going to give this one to Hiccup. It's not going to fit him anymore now.

I hobbled out of the house. I saw some of the other villagers coming out of their houses and heading towards the docks. Gobber stumbled out of the forge on his fake leg. "Let's get going."

"Gobber, I want you to grab on of the dragons. Bind in it and bring it to the docks."

"Stoick, what are plannin' here?"

"The dragon will lead the way through the mist."

"Are you sure that'll work? I mean what if the beast gets free?"

"Then that will be your fault Gobber. I am making you in charge of that dragon."

"Stoick, I'm not so sure about this. I will do it though." Gobber heads down to the dragon ring. I went down to the docks.

"We're ready for sail Stoick."

"We must wait for Gobber. He is going to bring a dragon. When we go into the mist, the dragon will lead the way through it." As if on Cue. The screech of a dragon could be heard. It bound to a cart and was being pulled by Gobber. The dragon was a nadder. The tail was secured to the cart and wrapped in leather to prevent spikes from shooting out.

It growled and rawred. Gobber loaded it on the ship. "Take us home, devil." The nadder glared at me; I was not phased. Every other viking seemed a little wary that a dragon was coming with us. The sails raised and the wind blew against them causing us to move. We were heading to the mist.

OoOoO Shadow

We were ready leave the nest. My mother insisted on coming with us, so we weren't alone.

We all stood at the edge of the nest.

"Are you ready?" asked Asterisk a little hint of concern in her voice.

"As ready as I will probably ever be. How about you mom?"

"A little uncomfortable about fighting the queen but other than that, I am good." She rubbed my head. I let out a purr. My eyes shot open. I just did that. What did I just do? Asterisk stifled a laugh, mom only smiled.

"Did I just...?"

"Mmmhmm," Asterisk hummed. My ears dropped.

"Why now?" I mumbled.

My wings glided through the air with ease. Asterisk right beside me and my mother, straggling behind on Cloudjumper. "What's wrong Cloudjumper. Can't keep up?" I teased.

"Night furies are the fastest dragons to live. The only thing that can come even close to beating a night fury going at full speed is a Skrill." I flinched. Skrills were scary. They shoot endless beams of electricity. I am glad that they are just as rare as night furies.

We have probably flown have flown for a hours because the sun was setting. Then I smelled something familiar. The forge. It had a metallic smell. I looked down and saw that we were right above Berk. "It looks like most people are gone. I think they made another voyage to the

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