/I hope you guys have been enjoying this. Over almost 1000 views! Let's get that number higher shall we. A new speech format is being added. "CAPS BOLD" Dragon Writing./
Taking Flight
OoOoO Stoick
I see the Berk straight ahead. I let out a sigh of relief. The hunt for the nest out holes in our sails and our spirits, parts of the ship was burned and broken, and our arms were sore and were covered in scars. We lost some of our fleet to the beasts. They will go to Valhalla, where I may be go in a few decades if a dragon doesn't get a lucky shot at me first.
As we neared the docks, I could faintly hear distressed and worried voices. "He's back already?"
"What are we going to say?"
"We can't just tell him."
"We have to tell him."
"Really, like that will work."
"He will find out soon and we'll be in more trouble." I reached the dock and it went quiet. I stared up at all of them.
"I heard you whispering about something so tell me. Nothing happens on this island without me knowing, spit it out," I said.
"Hiccup..." I began to fear that something had happened to him. I shouldn't have let him go into dragon training, but instead I heard something that made my blood grow cold,"...has turned into a dragon, we believe it is a Night Fury."
"Yes, we all witnessed it." I felt burning rage build up.
"What? Is this a sick joke to all of you!? To say something like that about my son! Now where is he? Show him to me." I turned to see Gobber walk up to me, a sad expression on his face.
"It's true, Stoick. I saw it myself, Astrid and Snotlout claimed to have seen 'him' and another Night Fury." I scanned the the crowd and saw Astrid and Snotlout turn around and walk away.
"If this is all the news you have to give me, then you are dismissed!" Without another word, I marched through the crowd looking for Astrid and Snotlout. 'When I find them, they are going to take me to the dragon that supposedly is my son.'
Two black dragons lay in a cover side by side. Their sleek black scales glinted in the sunlight, the water was completely still. It was so still that you could faintly hear the... villagers? Shadow quickly sat up. His eyes narrowed as he looked up the side of the cove. His ears swivelled pointing into the direction of the noise. It was getting louder.
"A-asterisk," he whispered. There was snaps of twigs getting closer
"Asterisk," he hissed louder. Asterisk stirred a little, the stir turned into her bolting straight up, hitting Shadow's jaw knocking him to the ground. "You hear it?" Shadow grunted. She just nodded while rubbing her head.
"There's a few of them, one sound big and strong, two are scrawnier but should not be underestimated." she said. "Hide!" we ran for the darkest shadow and flattened out.
"This is where we saw them Stoick," said a familiar female voice.
"Let me handle this," said Snotlout pulling out his axe.
"Snotlout, get back..."
"He won't be able to lay a hand on them, trust me."
"That's what I'm worried about," said Stoick. There was a small passage into the cove. It was a tight squeeze, but they managed to get in the cove to the Dragons' disappointment.
Snotlout started running ahead looking for the Shadow and Asterisk.
Asterisk and Shadow stay flattened out in the shadows. Asterisk looks at Shadow with a slight fear.
"Hiccup? Come out if you can understand us." Shadow hesitated, then started to rise. The moment he did, Asterisk pulled him down.
"Are you Hiccup anymore?" she asked him.
"No but, they don't know that yet..."
"Shadow, please." Her voice held fear and sadness. "I don't want to lose the one friend I have."
'A friend? Is that, how she really thinks of me? Of course that's how she should feel about me, we're friends. So why do I feel like this when she said it, it means more?' Shadow snapped out of his thoughts when the ground seemed to thunder. That's when he realized they were spotted. A hammer had imbedded itself a few inches in the soft soil not far from his skull. Shadow jumped back making all eyes turn on him. Moments later, Snotlout was right in front of Shadow with his hammer raised. He quickly slid his tail under him causing him to fall backwards. Shadow picked up Snotlout by his boot with his claws and raised him upside down looking directly into his eyes.
"N-nice Night Fury." Stoick bashed Shadow on the head with the face of his axe sending him sprawling to the ground. Asterisk pinned down Stoick making it impossible for him to move and made a threatening growl. Snotlout was still a little shaken from what had just happened, but Astrid... not so much. She came charging towards Asterisk planning on chopping her head off with her razor sharp axe. Shadow hurled himself at her.
OoOoO Shadow
'I just hurt Astrid?Crap! I just hurt Astrid... It was hurting her or your dragon friend getting killed,' I shook my thoughts away and pinned Astrid, feeling really awkward doing so. I began to hear gas being built up faintly and looked at Asterisk. She was about to shoot him! "Don't! That's... my father." Asterisk choked back the gas and stared into my eyes and looked back at my father.
"Your father!? He tried to kill you!"
"They came looking for me."
"They probably did it seeing you as an easy target so they could bring pride and glory back to their village."
"I'm still not going to let you kill my father." She glared at me with anger.
"Fine! But don't blame me if we get killed." She took her claw off of him and jumped back expecting the big viking to swing his fist at her. I followed her example. My paws skidded across the ground causing marks on the dirt. I poked my claw into the ground and began to write. It was messy but good enough to qualify for poor viking hand writing.
"HI DAD. YEAH IT'S ME, HICCUP." I wrote in the dirt. He didn't notice the writing until he was standing up. He seemed to grow pale.
"H-hiccup?" He looked at me. It seemed he didn't know what to do. I knew it would come to this. His gaze then turned to Asterisk. I could see anger and hate in his eyes. His stance shifted and his axe readied.
"No..." He began to run towards Asterisk. Asterisk looked up in fear, he was coming too fast and strong. I pounced catching him by surprise. I felt my body impact his with great force. He slammed against the ground.
"Siding with the beasts are you! I won't have a son that side with them. I have no son!" He swung his axe aiming for my head. I felt fear, anger, sadness, helplessness.
"Is this where I end? By my own father? Asterisk... the few days together was much more than any day at Berk. I was hated, friendless, weak, the hiccup of the village. You brought me happiness. You became my friend. Something I didn't have in Berk. I never got to thank you. You became the most important thing in my life. You... I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you. You the closest thing to me that I have ever ever felt. Forgive me, forgive me for taking your flight. I hope you survive. Flightless or not." I could feel the axe sharp edge tap my skin before it was yanked away. Then I saw black scales above me. I saw her bite the axe right out of his hands. I jumped away. Stoick grabbed Astrid and Snotlout and began to run out of the cove.
"He's going to be back, and he's going to bring more than a search party. We need to leave," Asterisk said.
"How are we going to get out of here?"
"I... might not be able to. But you can, you need to fly."
"What!? No I'm not leaving you. You are the only thing I have left."
"We have no time, now get up on that rock." My gaze went to a tall rock then back to her. "Go now!" I laid my ears against my head do to volume. I ran up the rock. "Spread your wing evenly. Even the slightest tilt could throw you off."
It took me a while to figure out how to use the muscles on my back. I managed to spread my big black wings. I looked across them carefully making sure they were perfectly straight. After checking I prepared for a leap when Asterisk suddenly shouted after me. "You need to angle your wings at a steeper angle, if you jump like that your wings won't move smoothly through the air causing more strain on your wings' muscles." I made them point higher. "That's too much, you jump like that you go up too straight causing you to fall back." I moved them forward a touch and waited for another bit of advice. None came so I made a mighty leap. I felt the air rush my wings. I felt the air press under my wings. The joy didn't last long, I began to fall. "Straighten your tail! You leave it hanging at you will fall off balance." I attempted to move my tail but I was to close to the ground and resulted in slammed on the ground on my back. I tried to breath but the air was knocked out of my lungs. I couldn't breath!
What do I do. Breath! Asterisk ran over to me. "Can't breath! Can't breath!" I wheezed in panic. Asterisk's mind raced. Her face went really close to mine. Before I realized what happened, I felt a rush of air in my lungs. I took a deep breath. I began to sit up.
"Are you okay now?"
"Did you just?"
"Don't say a word." Asterisk fell a little limp and wrapped her wings around me. "Just don't scare me like that again," she whimpered. "Okay now get back up on the rock you need to get out of here."
"We are getting out of here," I assured her and sprinted back up the rock.
"Remember to lift the tail it is the most important part for balance." I lifted up the tail and took another mighty leap, keeping the tail strait. I began to glide. The ground came close and I began to level out to slow the landing. It was almost like dragon instinct took over. I landed clumsily but I still flew, well glided but was still super cool. "Now flap your wings once when you take off."
"The Night Furies are at this part of the island. Don't underestimate them."
"I'm not killing my own apprentice Stoick so don't expect my help."
"Gobber!" Gobber had already left. Stoick stabbed his knife right the the cove spot on the map and grunted. "Grab your weapons and follow my lead." Stoick sat from the table. "Today we get rid of the night furies once and for all." His axe flew into frame at the back of the room with a label. Night Fury.
OoOoO Asterisk.
Hiccup was making good progress, faster than any other hatchling. But who wouldn't when there is a whole village after you. He has already mastered the basics, that's all he needs to get out of here. I will make sure he escapes. I will distract the vikings. "Asterisk. I am not leaving you here." I looked up at him. He was flying in place. "Grab my paw." My eyes widened.
"It won't work."
"We have got to try!" tears welled up in his eyes. Does he really care that much about me? I grabbed his paw getting a firm grip. I began to drag him down.
"I am sorry it..." I stopped. He wanted to do this. I made strong thrust with his wings. He lifted me up a few feet in the air. He clamped his eyes shut. He made several strong flaps grunting about each one. I was about to let go so he could go without me dragging him.
"Come... on... just... a little... farther!" He wheezed out within grunts. My eyes widened we actually almost there. I started to see us started to droop, his was getting tired. I started to hear an angry villagers coming our way. I looked back up to Shadow. He is a great friend. There's no hope for me now. 'Let go, just let go, don't be selfish.'
I suddenly felt me teater back. He swung forward and threw me forward. I let go and spread my wings to get a little farther. I managed to double over on to land. "You did it!" I cried out.
I turned and saw him begin to fall. He grabbed into the edge grasping it with his claws. "Shadow!" I rushed to the edge and grabbed his claw right when it slipped and yanked backward bringing us both on top. We began to tumble away a few yards before we stopped. I found myself flat on my back with Shadow on top. Well this was certainly awkward.
"I told you I wouldn't leave you behind!" he shouted with a grin on his face. "Come on, we can't stay here."
"Where are we going to go? I still can't fly." I lifted my wing to prove point. It was healing but there was still some tear in it.
"I don't know, but what I do know is that we can't stay here. Now follow me." He ran from the cove and I followed. He had gotten faster since he first found me. He'd been practicing when we were playing.
It must have been a few hours because is getting dark and I was running low on breath. My head hurt from breathing so hard. "ack!" I tripped over a log and fell flat on my face in mud.
"Asterisk, are you okay?"
"Yeah, let's keep going."
"I saw a cave up ahead, we could hide there." He took the lead. He made a sharp turn right and sure enough, a cave stood in the side of a mountain. It looked uninhabited but I couldn't be too sure. Then I heard an angry mob coming closer.
"How did they get here so fast!" I turned to see lights of torches. I jump to the cave dragging Shadow in with me. Bad idea. The momentum I created causing us to slide down an inner stream that when in a slope down a tunnel.
"No no no. Oh no!" We started sliding down an underground river. I bobbed up and down trying not to drown or hit the sides of the cave. It was almost pitch black, even with the nightvision Night Furies have.
It suddenly became bright as sunlight entered our eyes. I grabbed Shadow and dragged us out of the water. I took a moment to look around. We at a beech on the sand. The river disappeared under the sand. Gave an exasperated sigh and collapsed. "We did it! Woohoo yeah!" I found silence rather odd as a reply. "Shadow?" I sat up and looked to my friend. He wasn't moving. His chest wasn't rising like should when he breathes. "Shadow! Shadow wake up!" I felt tears well up. "Shadow, get up." I nudged him with my snout. "Shadow, please! Get up." I suddenly heard him coughing. A little of it was blood, the rest was water he must have taken in. He sat up weakly.
"I told you not to do that again!" I hugged him and sobbed. He was alive and that's all that matters now. We are safe for now.
"Too... tight!" He wheezed. I loosened my hold around his neck. I felt wings drape around
me. He was hugging back. "Why do you care so much?" I didn't answer. He didn't need to know yet.
/Sorry for taking so long to update. It's been slow but I hope you enjoyed this chapter./
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