The Knight's Tale

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"Keep going... keep going..." Miruko's breath was ragged as her leg flew through the air, the armored shin separating the head of a Direwolf from its body. "Faster... come on!" Her armor was still intact, but after hours of fighting, her body had accumulated scrapes and cuts, and the exhaustion was setting in. "It's just an A-Rank! If you can't handle this by yourself then you don't deserve to... you don't deserve to stand by his side." Miruko dispatched the last of the beast-type Villains in that junction of the cave with a gasp of respite.

Though an A-Rank was many times weaker than an S-Rank, protocol was that every Raid had a certain number of people so that there were backups in case someone got injured. This was, in fact, the only reason Izuku ever survived any of his early Raiding.

Regardless, Miruko, despite having the advantage of raw strength, also had the disadvantage of not knowing when to give up. This A-Rank Gate she was in was the third solo Raid of the day for her, with the previous two also being A-Ranked.

Not even Endeavor, the most arrogant asshole in Japan, went into A-Ranks alone. He always had his party to back him up. Granted they mostly just watched as Endeavor was too proud to not annihilate the Gate single-handedly. But they were still there in case of an emergency.

Only a few days had passed since being released from the hospital, but no one would have suspected it by the way Miruko was going at it. If anyone saw her, they'd probably assume she had a death wish, but really, the reason was much simpler. She felt pathetic.

Miruko wasn't like most S-Ranks. She lived in a small apartment, she had no extravagant hobbies, nor did she hook up with people like the human race was going extinct, something that could be said of Thomas Andre or Endeavor himself. She donated most of her money to charities, or used it to take care of her siblings, and often accepted less money from Raiding than she was owed, giving items to other lower Ranks who desperately needed them rather than selling them to make a quick buck. However, there was one trait Miruko shared with all the S-Ranks in the world. She couldn't stand to lose a fight.

All that bravado, all that courage, and it ended up with her on the floor of a cave, her body broken by a fucking ant.

Of course no one blamed her. It wasn't like that "ant" was a normal Villain. And no one even gave her shit for her upbeat attitude. Japan saw it as a staunch willingness to never give up. Miruko was a symbol to Japan in a way All Might wasn't.

Miruko was a hard worker, who pushed herself, even if it was for no direct monetary benefit. Somewhat tragically, she was a symbol of Japan's horrible work environment. More hours, less pay, but still just as ready to fight. It didn't actually help anyone push for office reforms, but it gave them the energy and spirit to continue on, even if they shouldn't.

Miruko was looked upon highly, even in her failures, people loved her, and she despised it. To her, she hadn't earned it, she hadn't earned any aplomb or praise. Not when she had to be saved, not when she failed to be that protector, that fierce warrior who would end a fight before anyone else needed to involve themselves. It wasn't just that she loved the rush of a battle, though she did enjoy that, it was that she felt an urge to end the fight so no one else had to risk their life.

Ever since she woke up in that hospital, Miruko had one image burned into her mind. A fading glimpse of a dark shape appearing in that cavern. She heard his reassurances. "It's okay now." And just before fading into unconsciousness from a loss of blood and incredible pain, she had caught something else, a whiff of his scent.

Mirio hadn't smelled too bad to either Miruko or Cha Hae-In's noses, but he didn't smell particularly good either. This was in stark contrast to a boy Miruko had met in a hole in the wall restaurant. The boy with green eyes. In other words, Miruko knew that Izuku Midoriya was the Shadow Monarch.

But she didn't seek him out, not yet. Despite being borderline obsessed, despite her heart pounding at the thought of him, she kept to herself. He was too strong for her, she didn't deserve him. After all, she was just a glorified bodyguard right? What other need would he have for her?

And that wasn't even addressing the deeper issue. She had no idea what made her so love-stricken. She could've had basically anyone she ever wanted. She was strong, she was beautiful, she was influential, and though she didn't hoard money like other S-Ranks, she had enough value to attract anyone, man or woman. Despite that, she'd never had a partner of any kind.

Not only did anyone with Mana smell like a pig, but Miruko never felt like she could relax around others. She was a warrior, right? A protector, an unshakable force. She didn't know how to make small talk, how to interact with people on a personal basis. She had been so consumed by her path in life that she never stopped to just... exist. But the second she caught Midoriya's scent, the second his words hit her ears, she had trusted in him, and allowed herself to pass out.

That was why she was in that third Gate. Fighting was the only way she knew how to work through things. Not only that, but she had to do something worthwhile, something to prove herself. Prove that she could stand by his side.

But that was the problem. She'd never actually get stronger. She could buy more expensive and rare equipment, boosting her abilities and such. But she could never reach the heights that Izuku had, not without a Re-Awakening. There was nothing in her control when it came to getting stronger. So all she could do was fight and fight and fight, in the hopes that her mad crusade would be worth something.

As she entered the final room within the Gate's Dungeon, she realized that it was empty.

"You want more power?"

For a moment, she worried she was losing it. Over the past couple days, she had gone through quite a bit.

"I will not give it to you freely. But here is your chance to earn it..."

The voice floated through her head, androgynous and otherworldly. Miruko's assumption that it was an auditory hallucination only faded once a spinning portal appeared in the center of the room. Unlike most Gates, the energy was pure white, beckoning her towards it.

And Miruko, never one to back down from a challenge, stepped forwards, emerging onto a rocky and barren landscape riddled with craters. She was standing before a massive temple made of the same rock that made up the surface. Miruko looked up and saw a blue marble. She was standing on the surface of the Earth's moon.


Kaina's hand stopped just short of impact. She held herself back, uncertain of the consequences of doing such a thing. She wanted to do it, but wasn't sure how she would be looked upon.

The sniper shook her head and turned around, deciding to abandon such a silly goal. But as her knuckles retreated from the front door of Izuku Midoriya's home, someone opened it from the inside.

"Miss Tsutsumi, I presume you wish to speak with my Liege?" Standing in the doorway, the imposing Shadow Knight placed a hand over his heart and gave a small bow.

"Y-Yes." She was caught off-guard by the summon. Though she had some idea of the power Izuku was capable of, she had yet to see the Shadows speak in person.

"Unfortunately, my Liege and my Lady are in the middle of a Raid for UA. They will not be back for some time I assume. I was told to expect you. May I be of service?"

"Expect me?"

Igris nodded. "My Liege felt that your last meeting left quite a lot unsaid."

"Er... no... it's nothing." She shook her head and turned around to leave, but stopped just a few steps later. Igris was still waiting patiently.

"Uhm... how well do you know him?"

"It could be said that one reveals their true self only in the case of a life-or-death matter. If that is true, then I am very well acquainted with my Liege." He stepped to the side, gesturing for her to enter. After a short delay, she accepted the invitation inside.

"Is somebody there?" Fuyumi called from the kitchen as the two made their way to the living room. "Oh! Lady Nagant?!" Her face lit up as the woman came into view. Not because she was a big fan, but because she needed a taste tester. "Would you like to try some ice cream mochi? My brothers are gone and the Shadows don't eat."

Igris made a grunt of amusement. Fuyumi was still getting her teacher certification and she didn't have class today, so she decided to stay home and make some treats for everyone when they got home. She didn't really know how else to thank Izuku and Momo.

Kaina, for her part, matched Fuyumi's excitement. Her stomach practically rumbled at the sight of the sweet sakura-pink mochi treats. "How... How many can I take?"


After getting her fill of sweets, Kaina had accompanied Igris to the backyard, where a dojo of sorts sat in the center of the mansion's koi pond. It was a great place to relax.

Kaina was slightly red-faced, lots of people saw her as the sort of cold, efficient killer, which she was when she was on the job. But in reality she loved all sorts of cutesy things. She loved her sweets, she loved stuffed animals even in her twenties, her room was pink, and so on. Kaina had to grow up pretty quickly, so it was important to her that she held on to whatever stuff made her experience that same child-like happiness.

"You're here about your past lives, yes?" Igris asked, sitting cross-legged on the bamboo flooring. He looked as regal as a king, his back perfectly straight, and his cape flourishing out behind him. When Kaina hesitated to answer, Igris added. "I am an undead Shadow creature from the middle-ages of human history. I am not one to judge."

Resolving herself, Kaina asked outright, "He's not going to leave Yaoyorozu, is he?"

"I have seen many things beyond comprehension, but that conclusion defies all reality. He will not leave her so long as he lives."

"So I... just have to admit defeat?"

"Izuku Midoriya has more than enough love in his heart to go around. And my Lady trusts him with her life. The idea of a polyamorous relationship is not something they repel." Igris raised his index finger. "However, that does not mean he will so easily accept you."

"I know he doesn't share the same memories as me, so I'll get to know him fir-"

"That is not what I mean," Igris interrupted. "My Liege may not show it, but he is not without trauma. He does his best for the world and the people he trusts, but beneath it all, he is someone who has lost people time and time again. His mother fell into the Eternal Slumber, his father vanished without a trace, and his childhood best friend turned on him. He does not look kindly upon fate. He believes your story, he believes that you did have these experiences. However, he does not trust such a romanticized view of reality. The story of a girl who seeks out the perfect man all her life, even dreaming of him."

"He thinks I'm going to abandon him?"

Igris shrugged. "I do not know exactly what he thinks. But there are few people he trusts deeply enough to share himself with. He does not want to be betrayed like he was with his childhood friend. You do not have to convince him you are worth his love, nor do you have to convince Yaoyorozu that you can coexist. They are willing to open themselves up to you, and Izuku is willing to trust you. I want you to understand something, these are not concerns he will address with you, this is my warning to you."

Kaina's eyes widened in realization. "Ohhh. You're giving me the whole, 'don't hurt him or I'll hurt you' speech."

Igris's face couldn't be seen beneath his helmet, but Kaina got the sense that he was smiling. "In a way, yes."

"What are you... really? Why do you care so much?"

Igris chuckled. "My past is... not something I like to relive. And my Liege knows this. He does not press me, he does not expect anything. He simply trusts me. So, I would appreciate it if this stays between us."

Kaina nodded. "I've been keeping secrets my whole life."

"I was... a fool. I was a knight of the Eternal Order, what you call the Knights of the Round Table today. We were all arrogant men. There wasn't a single chivalrous being amongst us. At this point, Chaos Inhabitants, what you call Villains, had already visited the planet. Angels and Demons, which became myths after being sealed away by an unknown force." Igris paused to let that revelation sink in. Kaina had yet to learn that Bael and the other Tenebris and Lux had appeared on Earth ages ago.

"Us... 'knights' if you could even call us that, believed we were the chosen ones who would stand for humanity and strike down any monsters who dared to threaten our kingdom. We sought out magical weapons to defeat the Angels and Demons should they ever pose an existential threat. This is where the legend of Excalibur comes from. On Earth, there were many locations with magical artifacts. Whether they were from the Angels and Demons, or something else entirely, I still don't know. But along that journey, I attempted to claim a wife. Back then, us knights took what we wanted without argument. But she..." Igris's voice grew shaky. "She saw through it all, right to my corrupt Soul, and she rebuffed me so sternly that it caused me to really think about who I was. I went back the next day to declare that I would slay a Demon to earn her love." He scoffed. "She told me I was an idiot. So I gave up for a time and continued my journey. When I was claiming my own weapon, I was challenged, not physically, but emotionally. I was tested so to speak, and I failed miserably. I was not worthy of the blade."

Kaina was enraptured, paying such close attention that Igris felt like her eyes would burrow straight through his skull.

"So I returned to the woman who I had fallen for, and I admitted my failings. I realized that my pride had made me callous and rude to those around me. It was only then that she was willing to give me a chance. And with time, we grew close, we married, and she was expecting. But then... the Demons heard of the Eternal Order and their accumulation of weapons. They decided to wipe out every last knight who had sought out the weapons, in an attempt to erase the knowledge of them from humanity. They came for me, and because I had told my wife the tale of the blade I hadn't earned... they..." Igris trailed off. "It was only once I was filled with rage and determination to avenge my wife that I became worthy of wielding the blade. That blade had tasted the blood of innocence, so only someone who had known both right and wrong could wield it properly. But I was still a human. No matter how many Demons I cut down, more kept coming, along with Bael, the second-in-command. Of all my arrogant claims, the only one that could be said as truth was that I was the greatest swordsman on the planet. I still fell like so many others. The Demons and Angels were sealed away, and my Soul remained, until I was ready to be born anew."

Igris took a moment, the emotions of his past life weighing atop him heavily. "I tell you this because Izuku Midoriya was the man I thought I was. I thought I stood for peace, justice, and morality. But I was just an arrogant knight consumed by his own importance. He is everything I wasn't, with all the power and gentleness needed to save the world. And Momo Yaoyorozu loves him for all that he is. I see my ideal past life in their present. I believe in them, that is why I care for them. That is why I warn you not to hurt him. Because he truly deserves the happiness that many seek in selfish ways."

Kaina was silent, absorbing the information and Igris's wisdom.

"I do not believe you are selfish, Miss Tsutsumi. You are looking for something you lost... I understand. I truly understand. I just feel as if I would not have done my duties as his knight if I did not properly warn you."

Kaina nodded. "I understand. This isn't some whim. This isn't just a dream. I feel like a part of me is missing. I don't care if he treats me like a dog, I want to spend my life with him. Because the dreams I had of him... they saved me... they kept me going... I need him."

Igris stared for a moment before nodding. "I believe you. And I believe your conviction is as strong as can be. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but with feelings that strong, I doubt my Liege could turn you away. Nor would he ever treat you so harshly." Igris stood, his cape billowing out as a mischievous glint entered his glowing eyes. "Unless you are into that sort of thing."

"I was just using it as hyperbole!" Kaina protested with a red face.

"Haha, forgive me. I may be an undead knight, but I am still somewhat human. Not even I can escape the temptation of a timely jest."

Kaina gave a smirk that said, "I will find a way to get you back for that."

As she stood she asked, "So when do you think they'll be back? Should I come back later?"

"The house has plenty of room. Why don't you stay for now? I'm sure nothing could keep my Lady and my Liege occupied for long."


The class didn't immediately start suffocating. Europa was an inhospitable icy wasteland, but it did have a very thin layer of oxygen. And as Awakened humans, the class wouldn't be killed by the vacuum of space or the sheer cold.

Though it would be a lie to say they didn't start panicking a little bit when they realized just how thin the air was.

Out of all the ways to kill a Villain that humanity had discovered, depriving them of air was the most effective. Multiple militaries had experimented with ways to kill Villains without Awakened power or Magic. Starvation, dehydration, and suffocation were the few ways a being with Magic could die outside of battle. Unfortunately, since the Gates almost always appeared in inconvenient spots, utilizing these methods were almost always impossible.

Regardless, it meant that the class was now on borrowed time. Or at least, they would've been if Momo hadn't been there.

She quickly created an oxygen mask that covered the entire face, a clear plastic shield separating her skin from the cold vacuum. Attached to a built in oxygen tank, the design was solid, so she began rushing around, handing one out to everyone.

Izuku was the last to get one, because he was subtly using Gravity magic to condense the atmosphere, around himself and the class. For a short period, he was actually taking deep breaths on the surface of Europa.

"What the hell?!"

Kaminari's shout just barely passed through the mask and the atmosphere, sounding like he had yelled at them from miles away. Since sound waves propagated through pressure waves, by pushing aside molecules, the thin atmosphere barely conducted any sound.

So Momo spent the next couple minutes creating a new set of masks with built-in earpieces and microphones that would broadcast on a specific radio frequency. But thankfully, with Momo's essentially unlimited ability to create air canisters and other materials, they had as much time as they needed.

In the past, Momo's Creation Quirk would take quite a bit of Mana to produce all of these masks, but Cosmic Forge had reduced the Mana cost for non-Magic items so significantly that the Mana drop was barely noticeable.

"What the hell?!" Kaminari repeated, now coming through much clearer thanks to the communication devices. "Are we cursed?"

"It's possible..." Izuku responded,

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