The Beginning of It All

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"I haven't been getting Daily Quests..." Izuku said, glancing over to Momo as they lounged on the couch, "Have you been getting any pop-ups from the System?"

She shook her head. "When did you stop getting them?"

"Just after I turned Level 100... I think... I kinda didn't notice they were gone..."

Currently, with the 50 Stat Points Izuku had gotten from the Hidden Quest, his Stat sheet looked like this:


Level: 103

Strength: 234 (+5)

Vitality: 214 (+25)

Agility: 286 (+45)

Intelligence: 247 (+5)

Sense: 232 (+25)

Available Points: 0

[Mana: 20,425/20,425]

[HP: 16,271/16,271]


With the Quirk IQ, Izuku put 25 points into Intelligence and Sense each, making them both go up by 50 and evening out his Stats. It was also for the benefit of Momo, who relied more on the Intelligence Stat.

They were basically sharing Stats, and even though Strength affected Izuku more, just as Intelligence affected Momo more, it was important to take into account both of their needs in battle. It was enough to make Izuku's Mana pool jump seven-thousand points and raise his Shadow Army cap to 750 anyways, so he was more than happy to take it.

Overall, Izuku had spent his Quest Rewards, aside from the strange item he had received.


[Magic Iso-Crystalline Gold Dust]

Item Class: XS

Item Type: Enhancement

The remains of the last Demolith. Its magical purity is unparalleled. It can be used to evolve anything of the Player's choosing. Skills, weapons, Quirks, and Shadows are all viable options.


It was a neat item for sure, but all Izuku could focus on were the words 'last Demolith.'

"So Behemoth is the last of his kind..." Momo muttered, noticing the same thing.

The Demolith, made of Divine Steel and Shadows, which Izuku had named Behemoth, seemed to be the only Demolith Soul left. All the others had been killed in some sort of war. His entire civilization had been killed off. Even the Rigs, which continued building houses after all the Demoliths died, had slowly succumbed to their biology without their symbiotic relationship.

And really, Behemoth wasn't exactly the last of his kind. He was dead, after all. His Soul had been pushed into a new body of sorts, but his days as a true living being were over. Demoliths reproduced by fusing with another of their kind. It was a cultural mark of husband and wife essentially. And once they fused, they imbued a piece of themselves with incredible Mana, and that piece would break off, slowly morphing and evolving into a unique Soul imprinted with the genetic material of its parents. Even if there was another Demolith in the universe, it was unlikely Behemoth could fuse with them given his state as a Shadow.

"What did it...?" Izuku asked the open air. "We found no other predators... The Boss that Shoto killed was a Burrow." A Burrow was essentially a rat-like creature that dug underground to surprise its opponents from beneath. This one had been augmented by the Spatial Magic that permeated the forest, but it still wasn't all that strong, not nearly enough to kill an A-Rank Golden Demolith.

"Villains fight each other all the time, but it sounds more like a genocide than a skirmish over food and resources. They mentioned a war too." Momo put a hand to her chin. "When you were in the Recursive Gate, you said one of the Ice Elves said something... a... Ruler?"

"Rulers," Izuku responded, emphasizing the plural. "According to the Ice Elves, whoever the Rulers are, they did something to Baruka, something that made him compelled to kill."

"And Arcka mentioned a 'liege.'"

"Could the Rulers be some sort of unified head for the Villains to work under?"

Momo shook her head. "It sounds more like the Rulers are enemies to the Villains. If they messed with Baruka, and the Ice Elves didn't like that, then there's no way they're on friendly terms."

"Could be a dictatorship?" Izuku offered.

"Maybe..." Momo pursed her lips. "I don't know. I just feel like there's too much we don't know. But for now, we should be wary of anyone who mentions a Ruler or 'liege.' They could be enhanced like Arcka was."

On that, Izuku had no complaints. He was uneasy about the whole situation.

"So what will you use that on?" Momo asked, gesturing towards the System display for the Gold Dust.

"Not sure. Any ideas?"

"Well if we use it on a Quirk we can boost our Stat growth further. I wouldn't use it on a Shadow since I can already upgrade them. Speaking of which, it has been a week so we can choose a Shadow after this as well. A weapon also seems out of the question because you get new ones that are typically stronger than the last. I mean, the Orb of Avarice is pretty broken on its own so we could upgrade that..."

Izuku clicked his tongue as he debated. "Well, at the very least I know I want to give Rasaka a power-boost."

"You sure?" Momo asked. "Not Igris, or Tusk, or Behemoth?" Those three were the strongest, and Izuku did want to see them get even stronger, but he had a strange sort of respect for Rasaka. Despite being one of the most animalistic Villains he'd ever fought, Rasaka had acted like a true empathetic being. He responded to Izuku's pleas, and the two of them came to an understanding. Unlike Arcka, Tusk, or Baruka; Rasaka and Izuku acknowledged the position the other was in. It was a fight to the death, but it was also one of respect.

"Yeah. I want Rasaka to be up there in strength."

Momo chuckled. "Well... we might have to do it outside, because I'm pretty sure Rasaka is too big for the apartment."

The end of the first school week had come quicker than expected. They didn't get to see All Might for a second time, as they were too busy undergoing more typical studies with Aizawa, Midnight, and other faculty members. So there hadn't been much practical study since the E-Rank Gate.

And to top it off, both Izuku and Momo got a text from the school.

[Dear Students. Due to a general increase in Gate Activity, most of the faculty has been called to active duty under the emergency circumstances. As such, the coming school week has been canceled. Teachers will be sending reading and study material for you to look over during your time off. Outside of that, we here at UA wish you a relaxing week.]

"Emergency circumstances?" Izuku pulled up the Hero App. "I'm not seeing any more Gates than usual."

"Maybe something big is happening? A Raid Gate that they're not telling the public about."

"Seems kinda dangerous not to keep people informed," Izuku pointed out.

"True, but remember what happened in the UK when they told everyone about the S-Rank Gate in Scotland?"

Izuku nodded. The most recent S-Rank Gates in the world were the Jeju Island and Scotland Gates. Jeju Island... Well, everyone knows how that went. But Scotland's S-Rank rarely gets brought up in comparison.

It was a Gate containing a species that humanity nicknamed Grays, after the stereotypical gray-skinned alien look that they had. They had more advanced magical weapons, and higher intelligence, making them a massive threat despite their smaller numbers. Thankfully, the Gate was quelled rather quickly.

However, in the lead up to the Raid, many Britain residents began assaulting their Scottish brethren, as if the Gate was their fault, blaming them for the possible destruction of their great nation. It really came down to human stupidity more than anything, and more damage was caused to the city by riots than by Villains, because at the end of the day, thanks to the noble sacrifice of two S-Rank Heroes, the Grays never even left their Gate.

It was just an excuse to discriminate against someone, and probably was caused by a great deal of misplaced anxiety. After what happened on Jeju Island, everyone was at their wit's end when it came to high-Ranking Gates.

And really, Jeju Island was another example of information gone wrong. South Korea, thinking they could take the Gate on themselves, boasted heavily about how their Raid Teams were more than capable. This went awry when they didn't request aid from Japan, their neighbors. Their arrogance got the better of them and the Raid went south fast. This was before Sung Jin-Woo, the strongest of South Korea, had Awakened.

Because of this blatant broadcast of information and arrogance, South Korea's standing in relation to many other countries took a huge nosedive. After that, countries weren't so willing to speak out on dangerous Gates.

Again, at the end of the day, it was human stupidity.

"You don't think..." Izuku began.

"No way..." Momo completed, coming to the same realization. "Are more Heroes needed for the lesser Gates because... all of our higher Ranks are going to Jeju?"

"Would Japan really help? I mean, All Might would be the only one to defy the government's wishes to help them, so..."

Japan and South Korea didn't exactly stand on even footing, and both countries had a harmful attitude when it came to asking for help, or even accepting help.

"Do you think Monarch and Empress should offer their help?"

Momo smiled at the names, but frowned at the question. "On Jeju Island? If it really is the Japanese and Koreans working together, there's no way they need our help. And besides... Nomu freak me out. The footage recovered from that Raid?" She shuddered just thinking about it.

The Nomu were deformed humanoids that came in all shapes and sizes. Most of them had their brains exposed and had bloodshot beady-eyes. It made them unnerving to the nth-degree. Some of them could even be insectoid in nature, making them all the more creepy.

"Copy that, no Nomu," Izuku agreed, but selected something else in the Inventory.


[Instance Dungeon Key: As Above So Below]

Rank: S

Type: Key

Description: May be used anywhere in Tokyo. Cannot be entered by anyone other than the Monarch and Empress.


"Well..." Momo said. "We do have some free time on our hands. But do you think we can handle a Gate that strong?"

"Between us, the Shadows, and any extra Levels we get in there, we'll be fine. Besides, it's been a while since we had a challenge."

Momo rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "Well, I guess we should leave a note for Kei before we head out."


"He doesn't want to see you, Touya," Natsuo said, shutting his briefcase as his S-Rank brother pleaded with him.

"Why not? I've never done anything wrong to him!"

"Shoto's just..." Dabi's sister, Fuyumi clasped her hands together. "He's quiet. He likes to be left alone."

"I haven't seen him in years!" Dabi scowled. "You two can't just let the old man seclude him from us!"

"We're not exactly Awakened Heroes, Touya. Do you really think we could do anything that would make father reconsider?"

"Well it's not like you're incapable of getting Shoto out of the house and talking with him!" Dabi growled

"You're the one who's not here Touya," Natsuo said, the two getting combative.

"Tch. Screw this." Dabi moved to push past them and walk into his old family home to see Shoto, consequences be damned.

"Touya..." A voice called out from beyond the gates of their family estate. A voice Dabi recognized without a second of hesitation.

"I'm busy, Kyu."

"Then make time," The Dragon Hero responded.

"You guys call her?"

Fuyumi nodded. "She asked us to if you ever came back..."

Dabi took a deep breath, before turning away from his old home. "Fine. I'll save it for another day, but we're not done." He walked past Ryukyu and towards the car that was driving her around. "Drinks are on me." He said, giving her the slightest glance. "I owe you that much."

She followed behind, a smile on her face. "You owe me quite a bit more, but we can discuss that later. For now, we need your help..."

"With what?"

"You ever heard of Jeju Island?" She asked, already knowing the answer.


"You fuckers are insane..." Dabi said, standing before the Top Ten of Japan, minus All Might.

Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Miruko, Ryukyu, Crust, Yoroi Musha, and Gang Orca. They were all S-Ranks, if not XS-Ranks, and represented a significant portion of the world's Awakened power, not just Japan's.

"Well... to be fair, the Nomu are starting to fly..." Hawks said lackadaisically.

The group of Heroes was gathered in the S-Rank lounge of the Hero Safety Commission, they had all gathered to speak and Ryukyu decided it was the perfect timing to bring along her old friend.

"Fly?" Dabi asked, refusing to look anywhere near his father Endeavor, who was more than happy to do the same.

Hawks picked up a remote with one of his mentally controllable feathers. He pressed a button on the remote, causing one of the lounge Tvs to turn on and display a corpse. It was a typical Nomu, with black skin and an exposed brain, but it also had an exo-skeleton growing over it.

"It made it to mainland South Korea and killed 12 people. No one knows that it came from Jeju aside from top Heroes."

"Is this the evolution that David Shield proposed?" Dabi asked, examining the creature. Nomu looked like messy blobs of flesh, but a scientist from America speculated that Nomu were just an evolutionary stage for something much stronger.

"It's some scary shit," Miruko blurted out. "This Nomu used to be C-Rank at best. But as soon as it started evolving, it became an A-Rank."

"Skipping Ranks like that does not bode well," Jeanist said. "We've agreed to assist the Koreans for both their good and ours. If the Nomu continue to evolve, this situation could become a National-Rank threat. Which is why we need all the assistance we can manage."

"Not exactly in my contract," Dabi countered. "I work for the Scavenger Guild."

"We understand. Which is why we're not asking you to participate," Jeanist responded. "We merely wish for you to alert Thomas Andre and Stars & Stripes should the situation devolve. We are prepared for the worst, but we also need to make sure the country's stability remains safe."

"Hah! Star is a patriot through and through. Unless All Might personally asked her, she wouldn't come to your aid, because the American government wouldn't permit it. And Andre... well he doesn't give a shit about the government or you guys."

"Show some respect, boy!" Yoroi Musha grumbled beneath his samurai armor.

"I'm just telling you how it is, old man!" Dabi bit back.

Miruko watched the situation with a smirk, exchanging a mirthful glance with Hawks, who was similarly unconcerned.

Ryukyu raised her hands in placation. "Regardless of their response, we simply wanted someone who knew the National-Ranks to be aware."

"Yeah? Well then tell All Might! Where the hell is he anyways?!"

"No one knows. He said he had business to attend to."

"With him, you don't need to worry about any sorta Raid. He'll handle it just fine."

"He'll handle it?" Endeavor spat. "We don't need him, we'll be fine on our own."

"Sounds good to me," Dabi said, scowling at his father. "But leave both of your sons out of it. Me and Shoto."

"Shoto is old enough and strong enough to make his own decisions about Raiding. The only reason he's in school is to protect him from the backstabbing nature of Agency recruitment," Endeavor wasn't so subtle in his other glares directed at the room.

"Protect him? Bull! Shit! You've turned him into an emotionless recluse! I couldn't even go to see him myself!"

"Touya..." Ryukyu cautioned the Hero as his voice increased in decibels.

"You don't belong here," Yoroi reiterated. "Ryukyu, it seems your little boyfriend is useless to us."

Dabi had to smother the urge to ignite the entire room in flames. Instead, he scoffed and stomped out of the room. He gave a short nod to the receptionist as he passed them. She had been there for years. She returned his nod with a bittersweet smile, she knew better than most the horrible politics involved with Hero life.

"Touya!" Ryukyu shouted, chasing after him.

"I don't owe you anything now! You know how much I hate those guys! Andre can be an entitled brat, but at least he cares for his own!"

"I promised I would bring you here! I'm sorry, but we're not done! That was just business!"

"And that's why we split! Business over emotions! Just like my old man!" Dabi didn't even feel like looking at her.

"You were the one who left!"

"Good thing I did!" He spat. "I'd rather be alone than stifled by this damn country! Work work work! Until you're dead, physically or emotionally!"

"Just... Can we get a drink at least?"

"Fuck that. I'm heading home."

"America? That's no home!" Ryukyu grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. "You're no different than your brother! I've seen the reports, you're no less of a recluse. Do you even have any friends?"

Dabi glared down at her. "It's better to be alone than hurt."

"Your justification was that you left for the betterment of my career! Now all of a sudden it's because I hurt you?"

"Love birds!" The receptionist called out. She had known them both far longer than they had known each other. "Shut the hell up, go to bed, and call each other in the morning! You're not gonna work anything out like this!"

Dabi's shoulders slumped. "That's... for the best..."

"Yeah... I'm always cranky after seeing Endeavor..." Ryukyu responded, which earned a small smile from Dabi.

"Tomorrow... no business. Just some drinks okay?"

"I think I can agree on that," Ryukyu said, her muscles finally allowing themselves to relax.

"It's always better when you act like adults about this sorta thing!" The receptionist said.

""Shut up!"" The two S-Ranks yelled at her in jest.

The day wasn't so hopeless after all.


"I think this place works..." Izuku said as he and Momo settled on a space underneath a bridge by a river. It wasn't exactly quiet, as they could hear the roar of car engines above them on the bridge, and the hustle and bustle of city life was never too far away to hear in Tokyo.


[Shadow Rasaka is being augmented by the Shadow Empress.]

Just as Igris had been modified, Rasaka's form melted and reshaped like playdough, until it became solid once more.

[Rasaka has become, Basilisk, Rasaka Lvl. 12 - Elite-Knight Grade]

Rasaka rose to his full height, now a towering monstrous snake. It almost looked like a cross between a dragon and a king cobra. With the razor sharp scales, hooded neck, and piercing gaze, it certainly lived up to the name of Basilisk.

"And then this for this..." Izuku pulled out the magical golden dust.

[Quirk: Amplify has evolved into Quirk: Exponential]

[Agility and Strength growth is now tripled.]

Now, each point for either Strength or Agility would become three points. Increasing the rate of Stat growth as soon as possible was the priority for games, as you could always raise the power of your weapons or other Skills later. It just made the most sense out of all the tools they had available to them.

"Ready?" Izuku asked, withdrawing the white and black key, with strange markings running up and down it.

Momo nodded.

"Then let's

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