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Well... MHA ended and I'm kind of disappointed lol. Which is why I'm giving Izuku more of a spotlight here. He deserves some fame! If you read the ending you know what I mean. It's why I decided to do a very small time skip. Please enjoy!


Three Months Later:

"For now, we'll stick with private oversight, Adam," Izuku said, shifting through his I-Island presentation notes. This was his last chance to make any big changes. After all, they were almost there.

Looking out the window of the luxury aircraft, Izuku saw only endless blue. Once upon a time, the sea was considered the final frontier of humanity. They always managed to find some new frontier to push.

"We're forming a company for administration and logistics. We can't let any one country have control over the Particle Weavers."

"Well, technically if they're in your control then only Japan has control of them," Adam countered.

"Yeah, but you know my motives aren't limited to Japan. If I give the finished Weavers to any country, what do you think will happen?"

Adam sighed. "Mass militarization and conflict."

"Exactly. Everyones' eyes are still aimed at Earth, when we should be preparing for the future out in the stars. We'll make sure this is only about preserving humanity and ensuring our continued growth."

"Okay, well the president still wants a permanent military base installation up there. Ya know, keep an eye on things."

Izuku sighed. "We'll allow anyone to go up once we confirm its mostly safe-"


"C'mon Adam, it's space. There are no guarantees. There's always a chance that something goes wrong."

"Remind him that the Weavers might still eat people if they glitch. And we might not have enough time to send a kill code," Momo chimed in from the couch perpendicular to him. She was going over her own notes for her part of the presentation. Her baby bump was beginning to show, but since neither of them wanted the world to know about the pregnancy yet, they had Loren make them an illusion ring that Momo could wear to hide it.

"Yaoyorozu said-"

"To remind me about killer robots, yeah I heard."

Of course, the warning was a lie. They'd never unnecessarily risk lives for an experiment. They just wanted Adam to respect and fear the tech a bit more. He was a lost cause.

"We'll allow anyone to go up once it's mostly safe, and we'll do our best to allow for a free society. They'll be able to start businesses, buy land, maybe even influence policy for their own regions. But what we can't have up there right now is an army of humans. The Shadows will be more than enough after all the ones I collected from Japan and Russia."

"No one on the planet is going to be happy with that, Midoriya..."

"Wrong, the people in power aren't going to be happy with it. The general population should get along just fine as long as we give them good incentives and conditions, which we plan to do. Give it time, and eventually it will become its own thing. It'll get folded into different governing bodies and everything will even out. We're letting the Artemis V hab be ground zero, meaning it all started at an American location. That's the best we can do. Talk to you when the program starts up."

"No wai-"

Izuku hung up, groaning and rolling his neck. "If I'd known how much work this Hero Thesis would end up being, I would've picked something else."

"It's just the politicians," Rumi pointed out, emerging from a separate room. "If the world could function without governments and politicians, we would have reached Nirvana long ago."

Also on the flight were Kaina, Setsuna, Inko, Kei, and the Todorokis. The aircraft was large enough to hold several tanks, it had more than enough room for a few families and privacy. Momo had Synthesized the prototype design from the Air Force, as they no longer needed it now that they were mass producing the finished model, and it would serve them well as a high-capacity high-altitude mode of transportation.

Dozens of Shadows, from both armies, flitted around outside the windows, escorting the plane. It was more of a precession than even Air Force One got, but Izuku had pretty much everyone he cared about on-board. It called for incredible defensive measures.

"Hey at least you guys have a good idea of what you're doing," Setsuna added. "Aizawa's still chewing me out for having not picked a real thesis yet... so is my dad..."

"They still treating him okay?"

Setsuna scoffed. "Some of the people watching him are big fans. He's got it better than he ever expected."

Takashi Arata, against all odds, ended up with house arrest and a ban from all positions of power for life. He'd also be monitored by special agents for the rest of his life, but he didn't mind. In light of the circumstance, and the lack of precedent for a case like his, the sentence was pretty lenient. Izuku thought he would end up with life in jail with how many people he indirectly killed. But given that it was a war with the Chaos Inhabitants, those people would've died anyways. It was a no-win situation for humanity.

"What about a thesis on Anti-Heroes?" Izuku asked, referring to human villains. "How the law might affect them differently and unique arrangements that have to be made for them?" He'd already offered her a co-author spot on his paper with Momo, since Setsuna's Apex Skill made her a unique target of study for the Soul. All of their work could have overlapped, but Setsuna refused. She wanted her thesis to be something she thought up, something that she could feel like she deserved to claim for herself.

"Don't you guys have until you graduate to turn this in?" Rumi asked.

"Don't encourage her to procrastinate," Momo warned.

"Yeah, it's something you're supposed to work on over the years. But the discoveries Momo and I made have kind of pushed us to work overtime on it. We still plan on refining it over the years, we just have a lot of the basic research and information in hand. Which is why we're told to start as soon as possible."

Even though Izuku and Momo were presenting papers in front of the top scientific minds in the world, both of their thesis projects were maybe 35 percent completed. It was only because their break-throughs were so important that they were speaking at all. They still had lots of data to gather and lots of writing to do. So despite their productivity, they weren't all that close to being finished with the assignment. And that stressed out Setsuna like nothing else. If she waited too long, it would actually be impossible for her to finish on time and graduate with her classmates.

She didn't have the same passion for learning as Izuku or Momo, nor did she really need the diploma. Izuku could form his own Hero Agency and keep her on the payroll with her own powerful Apex Skill. However, she felt very strongly about earning that diploma all the same. Takashi had always encouraged her to aim high. She wanted to make him, and maybe her peers, proud. She would've felt a little ashamed to be around Izuku and Momo if she failed while they passed with flying colors.

"Sit down with Deep Blue," Momo suggested. "He's always got things he wants to study, but never enough time for all of it. He might have something interesting for you."

"Yeah..." She muttered to herself.

A small ring sounded in the cabin. "I-Island within visible range, beginning descent and VTOL protocol. Landing estimated within 15 minutes. Recommended that all passengers fasten their seatbelts for safety."

Izuku admired the technological marvel growing bigger outside his window as the Synthetic Shadow announced it. An entirely independent, self-sustaining, self-propelled moving island. At that time, it was humanity's one and only Ark.

Because Gates couldn't appear on its surface, a surface that was constantly changing directions, it was considered the most viable option for preventing human extinction if the mainland ever got overrun.

Obviously NASA, SpaceX, and any other Space Agencies were preparing for the end days as well, but creating a colony spaceship that could survive and travel lightyears was a much taller order.

I-Island possessed four entire cities, each with housing, industrial, and commercial districts. There were parks and lakes, schools, large swathes of farmland (both above and underground), even a theme park, and all of it was kept behind a cylindrical wall that stretched high into the sky, reminiscent of a rather popular Japanese Manga.

It had only ever suffered 10 total Villain attacks. 5 from escaped Villains that could fly, and 5 from undersea Villains. None of the attacks resulted in anything more than some light structural damage. It was the safest place in the world. Even Noah and God would be jealous of an Ark like it.

It was the love child of National-Ranker Siddarth Bacchan and David Shield, who Izuku and Momo were planning to visit with the Eternal Slumber cure. They'd need all the great minds they could get, especially when it came to new habitations.

The large jet engines on the plane's wings began to tilt upwards, slowing the plane into a hover just above a landing pad, where well over 100 people were waiting. Some were journalists and reporters, others were politicians, and some had an actual purpose there. Either technicians, airfield workers, or their I-Island ambassador, who would be guiding them around the cities during their stay.

"Have you been practicing with Aizawa?" Momo teased.

"I have been, but that doesn't mean I'm prepared to deal with them," Izuku muttered, his palms clammy.

"You'll be fine, we're all here for you," Kaina assured him, preparing to exit the plane.

Izuku and his partners would go out first to take care of all the people, then the Todorokis, Inko, and Kei would follow.

He donned his suit, tie, and elegant shadow cloak. He was here as a scientific representative and Heroic Advisor, after all. He'd only wear his armor for more serious circumstances like military affairs.

Momo was wearing a similar outfit, business attire with a shadowy, sheer veil trailing from her waist.

Everyone else just stuck with casual business attire. Even though Kaina was practically his second wife already, and Setsuna and Rumi were close, they didn't really have an identifiable theme to commit to like Izuku and Momo. At least not for the press at an event like this.

"So when we go on our vacation, you're gonna pick someplace private right?" Rumi asked. She didn't struggle with the public like Izuku, but she still found them annoying.

"Don't worry, it's pretty secluded," He promised. He'd yet to take the other three girls on their big vacations like he had with Kaina. Things had been way too busy, but as soon as the I-Island Inter-National Summit concluded, they'd have a lot more free time.

Just as he was about to step out onto the landing pad, Izuku felt his phone vibrate. It was Iida. He knew where they were, and what they would be doing at that time, he wouldn't call for something trivial.

"Well... Iida wouldn't do anything unless it mattered anyways."

Izuku answered. "Hey Iida, is everything okay?"

"Oh, Midoriya thank god..." The line went silent for a moment. His voice was quiet. "I'm in a warehouse in the Kanagawa Prefecture, I tracked my-"

"Stop talking," Izuku immediately realized what was happening and pulled out the special sat phone that Adam White had given him. As it turned out, it had plenty of special features, like encrypting calls not even made on it. "Okay we're good," He said, watching the display update.

"They have human prisoners, Midoriya. It's a human trafficking operation. I can't believe..."

"Call All Might, give him your location and try to be vague about what's happening. Can't be sure it's safe. I'm sending Null and Rasaka to your shadow. It's a Gorgon with great defense. And a basilisk with some pretty decent offense. They're both around S-Rank, so it's unlikely you'll run into something they can't handle."

"Thank you."

"Do you need me back there?"

"No," Iida emphasized as powerfully as he could without getting too loud. "I-Island is far too important. You and I both know that."

"Okay... but I'm gonna have Yaoyorozu station one of the Ravagers we took from the Russians by the port as well. That way we can track the shipment. Stay safe."

"You too."

Izuku hung up the phone. He didn't even need to look over at Momo, the submarine Shadow was already on its way. He took a deep breath. "Ugh... let's do this."

Putting on the gentlest smile he could, he had the Shadows pull open the cabin door from the outside of the plane, giving the reporters a show. Not only that, but he was flanked by Beru, Igris, and four of the most powerful and beautiful women on the planet. As far as displays of power went, it was pretty hard to match.

The cameras flashed like gatling guns, taking hundreds of pictures a second between all of the reporters. "Quantity over quality, huh?"

He walked down the steps of the landing pad, finding a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes waiting for him. She kind of looked like she could be related to Brandon of all people, who was still missing after months of looking for him.

"Is that racist? Because I know some Americans say all Asians look alike... Maybe I just don't know enough people."

He reached his hand out to her and she was taken aback. Her posture suggested she was ready to bow to him, not shake his hand. Normally, he would accept, but I-Island was almost a different nation, his own culture didn't take precedence.

She took his hand, squeezing it as hard as she could, but Izuku barely noticed. "Melissa Shield, I will be your guide and assistant during your stay on I-Island. It's our sincere honor to welcome you."

"Izuku Midoriya," He introduced, taking note of her name. "Shield? I didn't know he had a daughter."

Melissa returned his smile. "In the scientific world, we're not as reported on as some other celebrities. But I am working on Electronic-Magical compatibility. You and Miss Yaoyorozu have greatly aided the work." They held the handshake and looked at the reporters.

"I don't mean to be pushy," She said as soon as they let go of each other, ushering Izuku away. "But in light of our hospitality-"

"Don't worry," Izuku lightly interrupted. "We've brought enough of the mineral to cure whatever Eternal Slumber patients I-Island has. Though I'm not in the habit of putting a hierarchical value on human life, your father is at the top of our list."

Melissa's lips quivered at the mere mention of the cure. Izuku could tell she was trying not to break down that very second. "Ahem... well, I'll take you and your family to your accommodations for the duration of your visit."

"Right. Before that, I'm gonna take some questions from the reporters." Melissa almost looked disappointed until Izuku added, "Just to soften them up so I can push them out of the way for my family."

Momo shook hands with Melissa before joining Izuku.

"With the current upheaval in Brazil, what are your thoughts on their National-Ranks involvement?"

"I know very little about Jonas," Izuku responded. "I know very little about Brazil and their politics. It's not my place to make a definitive statement on the current struggle for power." The reporters thought they'd get a tame evasion, and nothing else, but they were delighted to hear him continue. "However, what I can say is that Awakened Humans are... unfairly balanced in comparison to the average human. Governments don't always work for the people... actually, they very rarely work for the people. The point is that no government could ever stop someone like Jonas, or me for that matter. I get that sometimes violence is needed to fix something, but it sets a bad precedent. National-Ranks should not be involved in coups. We tip the scales too greatly in our own interest. Good or bad, we already have plenty of power."

"I'm sure when I meet the man he's not gonna be happy with that," Izuku had committed to the statement, but he knew he would catch some flak for it.

"How do you feel about Takashi Arata's sentencing?"

"He went behind the backs of pretty much every government on the planet," Momo answered simply. "He deserves some punishment and he needs to be overseen. But he also acted when no one else would. I don't like him, but I also can't blame him."

"Rumors are circulating that you've got something big planned for your presentations during the summit. That you've been heavily collaborating with the governments of the world for."

"On that, you'll have to wait and see like everyone else," Izuku answered cryptically.

"Being your first time at an Inter-National Summit, are you at all concerned by the interaction between you and the other National Ranks given your strength? The strongest in the world used to be All Might, and he received no shortage of animosity from the other Heroes."

Izuku scoffed. "What is this? High school? I'm young, I'm powerful, and I'm getting a lot of media attention. But what I don't intend to be is an enemy, an opponent. I'm all for healthy competition, some banter here and there. We are adults, and we are here to ensure the continued survival of the human race. They are my colleagues, men and women who kept the world safe while I was a mere E-Rank. They have wisdom, experience, and established titles amongst their people." He smiled. "It would be naive to think we'd all be friends, but I genuinely believe we can all act cordially in the name of progress and safety."

"But with Japan bringing out what seems to be four new National-Ranks, there's a large imbalance of power that's sprung up." A reporter began, referring to Izuku, Kaina, Rumi, and Momo. Setsuna still hadn't really been marked down as a National-Rank. "Can you really say that other nations won't be greatly annoyed? Not just the governments, but the people. Some might call this unfair!"

Izuku inwardly cringed. "America has three National-Ranks and the greatest collection of S and XS-Ranks outside of the Vatican. Japan has four National-Ranks and are still recovering their S and XS-Rankings from the Jeju Island incident. Not to mention that those National-Ranks are helping out around the world." He decided to be a bit more firm. "If any country in the world has a problem with that," He smiled at the cameras. "They can tell me and Yaoyorozu personally." The entire crowd shuddered in sync, seeing the cold calculations behind Izuku's happy facade.

He continued to fend off stupid questions with Yaoyorozu and the girls for a few more minutes. Rumi and Kaina got plenty of attention, asking about children, which Izuku shut down quickly. They asked all the details of their relationship, so it was time for Izuku to call it quits.

"Alright everyone! Questions are over, I'm going to off-load my plane and I want space!" Not a single person backed off, they just continued to take pictures and shout questions.

"Okay then." He began channeling Gravity Magic, using it like Telekinesis to create a dome that slowly expanded, pushing away the reporters whether they liked it or not.

"Did uh... you really think that would work?" Melissa asked, noticing his sigh.

"Not in the slightest. They're reporters, basically one step removed from prison interrogators. They'll use the thumb screws if they have to. But if I don't give them the chance to back down on their own then what's the point

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