"Their will?!" Momo blanched.
"Todoroki?!" Izuku practically shouted.
"Wait... Endeavor... was a friend of my parents?" Momo asked, taking a minute step back, not out of fear, but a readiness to fight, which looked a tad silly considering her stylish and comfortable clothing.
"I..." Natsuo sighed. "May I come in?"
Izuku glanced at Momo, who still looked unsure.
"It is a delicate topic," Natsuo said. "But while I am here at the request of my father, I am not here for him, or for your parents. I am here because it is the right thing to do."
"Fine," Momo acquiesced, stepping to the side and allowing him to move towards the kitchen table.
Nearby was Kei, with her hands clasped over her stomach. "May I get you all some tea?" She asked, sensing the tensions.
Izuku smiled. "I think that's a good idea."
Kei was a goofball around the people she trusted, but she knew how to pull off the perfect, "polite young lady," appearance whenever necessary. And with her desire to become a business woman of sorts, that kind of timing and properness was critical.
Natsuo took a heavy seat. "Allow me to explain myself. I am a lawyer representing Ryukyu's Agency - the Wyrm Agency - that she recently took ownership of. Ryukyu's up-and-coming protege happens to be Nejire-Chan, who was involved in the criminal investigation that took place last night. I am not at all connected to your parents," He said gesturing to Momo, "And the only relation I have with my father, Endeavor, is blood. I share no love for either."
"Then why are you handling this?"
"Because if I did not handle this, other lawyers of my father or of your parents would. And those are not kind people."
"So you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart?" Izuku asked.
Natsuo scowled. "My father is no saint. I doubt he was actively involved with the cult, but he likely knew of them, something I only just learned about myself. Which means, indirectly, my father has caused you harm, Miss Yaoyorozu. He won't apologize for his actions, or lack thereof, against the cult. But I feel I have a duty to take this assignment, as a Todoroki, whether or not I dislike being associated with such a name."
In sync, Izuku and Momo relaxed, not just because of Natsuo's story, but because they could feel the hate pouring off of each word he chewed out whilst speaking of his father and the Yaoyorozu's actions against their daughter. He seemed to be a good man.
"And here is your tea," Kei said, delicately setting down the tray. "I'll let you all talk."
They thanked her as she excused herself to her room. It filled Izuku's heart with pride to see her act in such a way.
"Both Nejire-Chan and Ryukyu are pulling favors as S-Ranks to have this incident cleared of your names entirely," Natsuo explained, pulling papers out of his briefcase to show the two. "There is more than enough evidence to put many of the cultists away for decades, if not life, so your names will not even be included on the police report, unless you so desire."
"We'd prefer to stay off the report," Momo answered.
Natsuo's lips twitched into a smile. "I'll cut through the formalities, I know the two of you are at least S-Rank, and no, Nejire-Chan did not tell me. It's simply that you'd have to be S-Rank to take down the Yaoyorozus and their cult." The duo returned the smile with an awkward one of their own. "I have to admit, you're skirting a lot of legalities thanks to your S-Rank friends and being S-Rank yourself. Very few people get things this convenient. I recommend you keep your lips sealed shut about this incident, to any and all friends or family members."
The two nodded, causing the lawyer to withdraw more papers. "Now, there is the actual business I am here to attend to. This pertains to your parents' wills. You did receive something from them, but there is quite a lot that was not in your name. Would you like me to be blunt about this? Or would you rather not hear the full details?"
Momo pursed her lips together. "I want to hear it all."
Natsuo nodded, taking up the papers. "The Yaoyorozu business was handed over to other executives in the company, who have assumed all legal and fiscal responsibilities for said company. The many Yaoyorozu estates have been handed over to very influential figures... We believe that these folks may also have connections to the cult, but we have no proof as of yet. The same can be said of their stocks and their bank accounts. It has been spread to other influential and powerful figures. Most of their possessions are to be auctioned off. And finally," Natsuo reached into his briefcase one final time, retrieving a small leather pouch before reading from the will once more. "'In the case that Akihiko and Miyuki Yaoyorozu are killed by the hand of their own daughter, they wish to leave her with an artifact and a small message.'"
"It seems... they were prepared for the possibility that it would be your own hand that took their lives." Natsuo slid the package across the table.
Momo immediately snatched it up, her shaking hands telling Izuku everything he needed to know. She was desperate. Desperate to see a side of her parents that wasn't so selfish and evil, even if it was from beyond the grave.
She tore open the white envelope, beginning to read aloud
"Would you prefer me to leave?" Natsuo asked.
"Shut up," Momo responded. Not out of malice or impoliteness. It was simply too important to be distracted. A child shall always seek their parents' approval it seemed.
'Momo. I don't for a second imagine you shall ever read this letter, but I would not sleep so well at night if I did not consider every possibility of my demise and your future. You are reading this because you have taken the actions necessary to kill myself and your mother.'
It seemed that Akihiko was the one writing to Momo.
'I am certain you look for regret in this letter. Unfortunately, I refuse to be dishonest. Me and Miyuki sought what we sought. There is no denying that you suffered at our hands, but it was necessary for the world we wished to create. You never knew this, but we once had other children before you were born, a boy and a girl. One killed by Villains, another by a human. The Human World and Chaos World needed to be united and controlled, no matter the sacrifice.'
Momo trailed off reading. "I had... siblings?" The room was silent, even Natsuo seemed shocked by the news. Momo shook her head and continued on.
'Was it hypocritical to use the life of one child to save our futures? Perhaps. But it was the path we chose. If you have killed us, then regardless of our final moments, we, of sound mind, cannot deny your right. We believe in power above all else. If you surpassed our power, then I cannot fault you. Whatever we are to say when the time approaches, do not seek out further answers for our behavior. We are who we are. I may have been killed by my own daughter, but I am not so weak as to be controlled. I am disheartened that we could not show you our plans. One way or the other, one of us was to die. I believe that was fate. If you are truly the Shadow Empress, then the future is yours to craft, not ours. The contact information for any remaining cultists, as well as an artifact, reside within this bag. They are yours to use and they should recognize your power. You may kill them, or command them. Goodbye daughter. Do as you wish. In death, it is unlikely me or Miyuki shall care.'
"I'm... sorry..." Natsuo muttered, knowing all too well the pain of a parent who was apathetic towards their own child.
"It's... the most encouragement I've ever gotten from them," Momo said, her lips curled into a strange shape, neither a smile nor a scowl. "I just can't believe I had siblings at one point... I never heard a word about them..."
"Nor have I," Natsuo responded. "Perhaps back then, they were less likely to show off their family." It was the only option, as Momo herself had appeared in a magazine as a child of the Yaoyorozu family, the "first" child, as the magazine said.
Izuku rested a hand on Momo's back, rubbing it in circles as she clutched the paper tight. She smiled back at him in response. "What am I even supposed to feel?"
Izuku shook his head. "I don't know."
Natsuo cleared his throat. "We took down the contact info of all the cultists in that list he left you. We have no evidence, as of yet, that they have committed any wrongdoings. So as the note says, you are free to do with them as you wish, until we find evidence, of course. Perhaps you can do some good with them." Natsuo smirked. "And to be frank, the law really doesn't apply to you two anymore. Unless you start blatantly killing people, any Agency, and the government themselves, will protect you if you go public." He got a serious glint in his eyes. "Don't abuse that power."
Izuku nodded solemnly in response, Momo still trying to work through her emotional turmoil.
Natsuo slid his business card across the table before standing to take his leave. "I'm not really sure of the entire picture here, but you two seem special, so if you need help, call me."
Izuku stood with him, shaking his hand in thanks.
"Say hi to my little bro for me," Natsuo said. "I don't see him much now that I'm away from my father."
"Your brother?" Izuku thought for a moment. "Dabi?"
Natsuo chuckled. "It's gonna be revealed in a few days, but the Todoroki family has a new S-Rank. Shoto Todoroki. The Agencies are already miffed about how many S-Ranks my father has in his care, and after Dabi's departure from my father, well... it would be bad press if another S-Rank left his Agency, so my father kept his Awakening a secret until he was certain that Shoto would work under him."
"I see, I'll make sure to say hi to him next week." Izuku led the Todoroki brother to the door. "Thank you for coming here. I'm sorry for our initial greeting, it means a great deal to know you did this despite your history with your father. Especially during such a tumultuous time for Yaoyorozu." Izuku placed both hands at his side and bowed at a perfect ninety-degree angle. He would've performed the dogeza, kneeling on the ground with his head on the floor, but he felt Natsuo wouldn't appreciate such a serious form of apology.
The white-haired young man made a sound of amusement. "An S-Rank bowing to a normal man? You truly are something special," He said, departing from the Midoriya household.
"Shoto Todoroki huh?" Izuku muttered the name to himself as he rose back to his full height. "Looks like we won't be the only S-Ranks in class." He turned to see Momo pulling the artifact from the bag. But it wasn't so much an artifact as it was a chunk of metal.
[Pure Synthesteel:]
Rank: XS
Type: Material
Description: An unknown form of metal that came from an S-Rank Gate. It conducts Mana and Magic better than any other metal and is virtually indestructible. It is the only piece currently in human possession. It is impossible to forge into anything by standard methods.
"Can you manipulate it?" Izuku asked, unsure of the extent of Momo's new powers. If she could mold elements at a whim, in addition to creating them, she could do quite a lot.
Her eyes narrowed, focusing on the metal in her hands. Izuku could feel Mana pouring out from her fingers, but the Synthesteel didn't budge.
"I guess standard methods include my Quirk," She said, opening the Inventory to place the metal inside.
The two shared a lot now, thanks to the Shadow Empress Skill, including some Skills like Stealth. And Momo could access the Store, Inventory, and Shadow Army. However, some stuff hadn't been transferred. Izuku didn't get Shadow Genesis, and Momo, conversely, seemed to have much lower baseline Stats, as well as not having her own armor. At the moment, she was pretty much stronger than he was. Which wasn't anything new to him.
"Are you okay? I mean... Well... you know what I mean." Izuku stammered.
"I'm..." Momo threw her hands up as she trailed off. "I have no idea what I am right now. I'm... in need of a hug," She said, scoffing to herself, embarrassed to have to ask for something like that. In all of her life, she'd never been able to say that sentence and believe that someone would be there for her.
But Izuku didn't hesitate to scoop her up out of her chair like a princess and hold her in his arms, close to his chest. She leaned her head against him, hearing the rhythmic pumping of his heart. They stayed that way for a while, neither of them saying a word, just soaking it all in.
"Let's go see your mom," Momo finally said, breaking the silence.
"You sure?" Izuku asked, setting her down. "We don't have to."
"I think it'll be good to get out of the house," She said.
Izuku nodded. "Then let's go.
"Sounds like some fun is going down in Japan huh?" A man the size of a small car said boisterously.
"Eh, I don't care much for the chumps over there," Responded a much smaller fellow, covered in burn marks and skin grafts.
"Really? Not even your little brother the S-Rank?"
"How'd you... No, that would be a stupid question..."
The mountain of a man laughed. "I'm an Agency Head, and a member of the US D.O.D. I gotta keep tabs on you Todorokis." He butchered the pronunciation as he always did. It was the reason the man had chosen the Hero name Dabi, it was something simple that his boss, Thomas Andre, could pronounce.
"You know he's been raised by my father, I doubt he'll hear me out about any sort of recruiting."
Thomas shrugged. "Maybe I'm being a nice boss and giving you an excuse to visit family. I know you're on good terms with your sister and that lawyer bro of yours. Not to mention that dragon babe."
Dabi made a guttural noise with his throat, but it wasn't anything threatening. All he was doing was "hmm'ing." Because of all of his burns, some that had even reached his throat, it sounded like the growl of a monster.
"That's it?" Dabi asked.
"You don't think I can be a nice boss?"
"You're more than capable of doing things on a whim, I just wanna make sure I'm not getting saddled with something I'm not aware of.
Thomas smirked. "Just a hunch, but... I haven't seen All Might actually fight something in months. I wanna give him a little test to see if he's still the strongest man in the world. Because just maybe... Japan has lost their National-Rank. And with the underworld stirring over there, it'll be a bit of trouble for 'em."
"Is it time yet?!" A shout echoed through a quiet bar.
"Be patient," An ethereal voice said, attempting to calm his protege through the screen he was speaking into. "We cannot yet manifest."
"By this time, the last cycle had already started a war!"
"Last time, the Gates, nor Quirks, nor Awakened humans, existed. Things have changed. And though we Higher Beings are almost as old as the universe, we must adapt. The war cannot begin so soon, but a war requires more than a few preparations. Preparations that we shall leave to you, Shigaraki."
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