Second Change

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She stared at the device in her hands and willed herself to just dial the number. Echo pushed one number at a time until eventually she hit call. She put the phone to her ear and immediately answered Clary.

"Is Luke okay?"

"He's okay. Where are you?"

Echo leaned against the wall, "At the Institute. What happened?"
"Echo, you need to be here."

Clary's voice told Echo that something serious was happening.

"What Clary? What happened?"

"We have a brother."

Echo sucked in a breath, "Yeah, I, uh, remembered when we were at the loft."


"Clary focus, what else happened?"

"I know where the cup is."

Now Echo was interested, "You do? Where?"

"Do you remember the Tarot Cards? It's in the Ace of cups."

"Wait, what do you mean in?"

"Mom hid the cup in the card."

It took Echo a moment to understand what she meant, "Oh, my god. Brilliant."

"I'm going to go. Okay?"

Echo let her face fall, "Okay, bye."

Echo let a breath out; she felt so much better knowing that Luke was okay, but she felt suddenly tired when she realized where the cups was. Echo pushed herself off of the wall and continued down the hall until she found Isabelle, dressed in a particularly modest outfit, in the control area. Echo descended the shorts steps and approached her.

"Hey," Echo touched Isabelle's shoulder and gestured for her to follow them to a more private area.

"What's wrong?"

Echo gently looked around making sure nobody was listening, "Clary knows where the cup is."

Isabelle's eyes went wide, "Seriously? Where is it?"

"Our mom, she painted these Tarot Cards years ago and Clary said that she hid the cup in the Ace of cups."

"In the Ace of cups?"

Echo shook her head, "I was confused at first too, but I remember her saying that some Shadowhunters have special gifts. What if my mom had a gift that could make her put an object into a two dimensional drawing."

Isabelle crossed her arms, "That's actually pretty brilliant."

Echo nodded, "Where did Alec go? We should tell him."

"He went to Magnus' to help heal Luke. I'm sure he knows."

Echo suddenly picked up the way that Isabelle was feeling; anger and longing.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Isabelle was slightly shocked, "What? Nothing's wrong."

Echo eyed her, "Okay. You sure?"

Isabelle gave a smile and nodded, then her features suddenly changed into a mix of interest and horror. Isabelle gently put her hands on Echo's shoulders and pushed her out of the room and into an empty hallway.

"What Isabelle?"

Isabelle grabbed a lock of Echo's hair and pulled it forward. Echo's hair had morphed from a copper to a shocking shade of bright red. The colour was stunning. The red was vastly different than any red she had ever seen. The only colour that even remotely resembled this colour was the colour of red flames. This shade was easily three shades darker and more vibrant.

"What the hell is happening to me?"

Isabelle looked behind her before speaking, "And your eyes, they are so pigmented that they look like they are glowing."


Isabelle took Echo's hand and guided her to the nearest room with a mirror.

Echo looked at her features and didn't recognize herself. The only translation she could call herself was a fictional Leprechaun. But she knew that was childish. She looked like a painting where the artist didn't know how to mix colours well enough to give a natural looking portrait. Echo pulled her hair from her ponytail and let it fall around her shoulders.

"Isabelle, I don't think I'm human."

Isabelle took a step into the room, "Of course your human. Why would you even say that?"

Echo was feeling her calmness wearing thin, "Because whatever memory my mother had Magnus take, makes me think that I'm not who I think I am. Something's happening to me and I can't explain it."

Isabelle sat back on her heels, "We will figure this out. Just ignore whatever anybody says to you. You don't have to tell anybody anything if you don't want to."

Echo took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She set her hands down onto the table and looked at her strange features though her thickening eyelashes.

"Is there any other way to get my memories back?"

Isabelle took a moment to answer, "We could take you to the Silent Brothers and see if they have more luck with you than Clary, but other than that no, there really isn't."

Echo looked up at Isabelle through the mirror, "How long does it for a werewolf to heal from an alpha bite?"

Isabelle crossed her arms, "A few days, why?"

Echo pushed away from the table and brushed past Isabelle, "Because I'm going to the Silent Brothers."

Isabelle sighed and she wished she hadn't suggested it in the first place.

Echo pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Clary's number. Echo paced the hallway waiting for an answer.


Echo was rushed and frustrated, "How is Luke, has he healed yet? Did you get the Tarot Card?"

"Whoa, slow down. Luke is fine, he hasn't healed yet, it's going to take another day or so. Uh, no Luke has the Card, but he insisted that we get it tomorrow. What's wrong, you sound angry."

Echo shook her head, "I'm not angry, I'm just worry. Listen, stay with Jace and Luke at Magnus's, Okay? Just until tomorrow, can you do that?"

"Uh, yeah."

Echo rolled her eyes, "Clary, seriously. Don't go running off to anywhere again. Okay? One day isn't anything. Valentine will still have mom and the card will stay where it is. Do not leave the lair."

"Okay, I won't. Are you sure you are okay?"

Echo gripped the phone tightly, "Yes."

Echo didn't wait for her sister to answer before she hung up the phone. She took long strides until she was back in the control room. Isabelle was looking at the screen and Alec was standing beside her.

When Echo walked into the room, a few people glanced at her, but when Alec turned around he nearly gasped. His eyes went wide and watched her with intent as she strode up next to him.

"Look, I know that I don't ask much and I know that you hate going against the Clave, but Alec, I really need help. I want to go to the Silent Brothers."

Alec took a second to answer, "Echo."

Echo held her hand up, "I know what you are going to say and if you really want to get the permission from the Clave, please go ahead, I'll wait. But Alec, something is happening to me and I can't explain it. What if the Silent Brothers have better luck getting my memories than they did with Clary?"

Alec glanced around the room and crossed his arms; he looked like he was contemplating the risks. Eventually he looked down at Echo with care.

"Okay, But I'm going to have my mother accompany us. That way it isn't against the law."

Echo relaxed her tense position, "Thank you, Alec."

Alec patted Echo's shoulder and walked past her, Echo guessed to talk with his mother.     

Echo felt like the next hour went by in a blur. One moment she was standing in front of Isabelle and the next, she was standing in front of the Silent City. Echo was dressed in black, Shadowhunter wear and her fire hair stood out like a glowing blaze in the dead of night. Alec even noticed that Echo's eyes were also slightly glowing behind her eyelashes.

Alec stood beside Echo as Maryse and Isabelle stood a few feet away guarding the perimeter.

"Echo, you actually have to enter the Silent City."

Echo had been standing at the gate without a single word.

She shook her head, and walked down the stone steps with Alec grazing beside her. When they got to the bottom, Alec took the lead and guided Echo through the maze of tunnels until a room opened up in front of them.

Around a rune stood seven Silent Brothers. One brother was standing next to the rune.

Echo Fairchild, step into the circle.

Echo was startled; she had forgotten that the brothers communicated through thoughts. Echo glanced up at Alec and he nodded his head.

Echo stepped on top of the rune and looked at Brother Jeremiah.

We could only get a fraction of Clary Fairchild's memories. But you were not exposed to as much magic as her. If this is not successful this ritual will be the end of the line.

Echo nodded, "I understand."

Brother Jeremiah took a step back as Echo saw a shimmering gleam above her. She looked straight up at the Mortal Sword and watched as it slowly lowered until the tip of the sword was grazing her forehead.

Behind Echo's eyes were flashes of memories. Memories as young as when she was day's old to memories of her looking at Alec before she stepped into the circle. But one memory stuck out like a sore thumb and she focused on trying to hear what her mother and Luke were discussing.

Echo could see her mother and Luke from behind the railing. She was hidden from their sight, but she could now hear them. Jocelyn had the box in her hand and Luke was beside her with a hand on her back. Jocelyn was crying.

"Jocelyn, there is a way for that side of her to be dormant."

Jocelyn looked up, "What good would it do, she will still be the same, just like Jonathan. I will never forgive Valentine for what he did to them."

"She's only five Jocelyn, If we do something about it now, then maybe she would grow up normal."

Jocelyn looked up at Luke with anger in her featured, "Demon blood, Luke! He injected me and my children with Demon blood! His experiment turned my children into monsters!"

Echo was suddenly pulled out of the memory with a weight in her chest. Brother Jeremiah took a step backward into the darkness indicating that the ritual was over and they could leave. Echo didn't know what she should be feeling. She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come and she didn't know if she felt angry.

Alec took a step forward, "What did you see?"

Echo's wide eyes looked up at his curious ones. Echo swallowed before she found her voice, "I, uh... Isabelle and Maryse should hear this."

Alec noticed her distant gaze and took her hand.

Alec pulled Echo out of the Silent City to where Isabelle and Maryse were standing. Isabelle was the first to move to Echo's side.

"What did you see?"

Echo looked up at Maryse hoping that a woman, with as high of authority as her, wouldn't look at Echo any differently as she did when she was standing beside Max.

Echo swallowed keeping her eyes to the ground, "Valentine. When, uh, my mom was pregnant with me," Echo omitted the part about her having an evil twin; "Valentine injected her with Demon blood."

Echo looked up at the slightly horrified expression of the Lightwoods; She held her gaze with Alec, "I have Demon blood inside of me." Her tone of voice made it sound to her like she couldn't believe it herself.

Maryse gave a slow sigh, "This is news even to me."


"That's why the runes won't stay and that's why my hair and eyes are changing. I'm turning into a demon."

Isabelle stepped forward, "If you were turning into a demon you wouldn't be able to enter the institute."

"Maybe the exposure to being a Shadowhunter is bringing out abilities you didn't know you had."

"Abilities?" Echo pushed past Alec, "You mean impotencies. This is a curse."

"Don't say that Echo."

Echo whirled around and faced Alec, "You were raised to kill things like me!" Echo pulled in a breath when she realized what she was saying.

There was a silence and neither one of the Shadowhunters knew what to say. Eventually Maryse spoke.

"This isn't your fault, Echo. Valentine created you."

Echo looked up with fresh tears in her eyes, "What am I going to look like if this keeps happening to me?" Echo held up a lock of her glowing hair.

Alec took a step forward, "We can work around this, Echo. This doesn't have to be a curse."

Echo took a step back, "I don't know what to do."

"What abilities do you have Echo?" Maryse asked.

Echo let out a breath, "When we were entering the Hotel Dumort, I could feel the vampire's presence before we found them. And at the rave, I felt Magnus's power. I, uh, can feel emotions too. But not everything is an ability. Most of the runes won't stay on my skin and I can't feel the pain of them either. And when I touched Alec's runed arrow, it burned me."

Alec crossed his arms, "And the Seraph blade doesn't glow vibrant when she uses it." Alec turned to Echo, "I didn't realize you had that many."

Maryse held out her Seraph blade, "Take it."

Echo slowly let her hand take the blade and as soon as she grasped it, the vibrancy dulled and it made it hard for her to see.

Maryse made a sound of curiosity and created a smile, "Echo, this isn't a bad thing. You can use your abilities to help the Shadow World."

Echo handed the blade back to her and it lit up again.

"Don't tell Clary. Please? She already has enough to worry about." Echo's voice was grim.

Isabelle shook her head, "Of course not."

Echo held her elbows in her hands and swallowed, then she suddenly shot her gaze outward and felt a slightly familiar sensation.

"I don't think we are alone."

Alec looked out then at Echo, "What do you mean?"

"The same feeling that I had at the Hotel is happening."

The three Shadowhunters were suddenly alert and armed. Echo felt a chill in her spine. She shivered and when she looked up, Isabelle was suddenly letting her whip fly and a sudden burst of orange lit the air.

Alec notched an arrow and fired. There was another shatter of orange. Then suddenly Echo felt as cold as ice.

"Alec, we need to get out of here." Echo's voice was low and she felt a surge of electrifying power.

Alec looked around, "We can't. We are surrounded."

A memory from when Echo was under the Mortal Sword sudden resurfaced and she acted quickly, "Take my hand. All of you."

The three Shadowhunters, with wide and skeptical eyes, touched her and everything was suddenly a blur. The four Shadowhunters held their breaths until they were suddenly thrown down into hard tile. This had all happened in an instant.

The four Shadowhunters were suddenly sitting in the training room of the institute. Neither of them could believe what had just happened. Isabelle stood up with her mother, "What the hell just happened?"

Echo knelt on the ground as Alec answered, "A portal?"

Maryse shook her head with awe, "We teleported."

Her children looked at her, "There is a story in Idris that died a long while ago. It was of a Being that would suddenly travel to anywhere in the world. Teleportation."

Alec looked down at Echo who was trying her hardest to keep from empting her stomach. She felt as if her entire supply of energy had run out of her and she was running on fumes.

"But that was just a story." Isabelle said as Alec knelt down next to Echo.

"Are you all right?"

Echo couldn't find the strength in her to lie, "No." The word was barley a breath. "I'm tired." Echo could only communicate through breaths and not actual words.

Alec put his arm behind Echo's neck and lifted her off of the ground into his arms. "You're going to be fine." Alec whispered the words into Echo's ear as he walked her to her room. Alec set Echo on top of the sheets and put an extra blanket around her.

"I'm, sorry."

Alec sat next to Echo, "Echo, you saved our lives. There is nothing to apologize for." Alec pushed the bright hair from Echo's face, "Just rest. That probably took every ounce of energy you had."

Echo gently looked up at Alec with extremely tired eyes and with her next blink, she was asleep.     

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