Alec lead Echo to an abandoned building checking his phone again.
"Where are we?"
Alec put his phone back into his pocket, "I don't know, Izzy texted me to meet her here. You still have the Seraph blade?"
Echo fingered the handle behind her back and nodded, "Yeah."
"Good." Alec walked up a few flights of stairs until he and Echo saw a girl with a red dress.
"Izzy, I got your text. Where are we exactly?"
Echo and Alec met up with Isabelle, "It's an old Meat packing service entrance. If we go back there, we come up to the basement of Hotel Dumort."
Echo and Alec looked around.
"Perfect, right? We distract the Vamps and Clary and Jace have time to find Simon."
Alec glanced at Echo then let his face tighten, "Okay."
Isabelle glanced at Echo.
"And I hate being the distraction." Alec moved past them and into an empty doorway.
"I don't." Isabelle has a smile on her face.
Echo followed Isabelle and Alec keeping an eye out for anything unusual. Isabelle tried to get Alec's attention, but the only thing the Shadowhunter did was adjust his quiver and continued to move forward.
Isabelle rolled her eyes and turned to Echo, "He would be a lot happier if he wasn't so fricking repressed."
Echo followed close to Isabelle, "I think he's doing a fine job."
Isabelle swiveled her head to Echo; Echo cleared her throat, "With working with me and Clary."
Isabelle gave a small, breathy laugh and followed Alec. Echo let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and pulled the Seraph handle from her belt.
When Echo and Isabelle caught up to Alec, he had his Stele out and turned to Echo.
"Come here."
Echo took a step forward and Alec grabbed her arm, "I'm giving you two runes. One for Silence and the other to block the Vamps charm."
Before Echo could question what the runes actually did, Alec was burning the runes into her skin. Echo flinched back, but Alec held onto her wrist tightly to keep her in place. The rune caused Echo to start to feel powerful, and warm. Alec finished the first rune and started on the second one on her shoulder.
The rune was much more intricate than the one on her arm and it made her feel like she was starting to sweat. Echo cringed as Alec finished the rune and put the Stele back into his pocket.
"Hopefully, these will stay."
Echo looked down at her newly runed skin and could still feel the pain linger.
Alec pulled the bow from his chest and gave a hit of a smile as a "You're Welcome".
The trio walked until they hit a steel ladder and Alec was fed up about what Isabelle was talking to him about.
"This isn't the time or the place." Alec started to climb the ladder.
"I don't know, seems pretty smooth so far." Isabelle said this with confidence.
"Don't say that too soon." Echo said as she gripped the rusty steal and followed Alec.
As soon as they were up the ladder, they kept their posture tight and their knees bent. Echo could suddenly feel a dark presence around her, but Alec and Isabelle didn't seem to notice it.
Isabelle walked toward a steel door, "This must be the way."
When she opened it, a flock of vampires were waiting at the other side and with wide eyes Isabelle shut the door and her and Alec leaned against it.
"Well, not that smooth."
Alec hurriedly pulled out his Stele and tried to burn a rune into the door.
"It's not taking."
Isabelle grabbed the Seraph blade from Alec's quiver and Echo replaced Isabelle's place at the door while she walked away.
The door shook behind Echo's hands as Isabelle cut a piece of metal pipe and shoved it through the handle of the door and the adjacent pipe. Alec looked impressed and Echo slowly lifted her hands from the door.
The trio backed away from the door and drew their weapons. Echo was surprised when Isabelle's snake bracelet unwound itself from her wrist and shifted into a sturdy, leather whip. Alec pulled his bow from his shoulder and placed an arrow in the notch. Echo let the Seraph blade unsheathe from the handle and looked down at the dim glow.
Alec noticed the glow and looked over at Echo, "Stay back, you're going to get yourself killed." The tone Alec used wasn't annoyance, but shear worry.
Isabelle noticed Alec's tone, "If one of them attacks you, use it. But let us do most of the work."
Echo let out a shaky breath and nodded her head. She took a step so that she was behind both of them.
The door in front of them rattled, which also rattled Echo's nerves. The blade in her hand was cold to touch and the dark presence was starting to intensify. Echo looked over at Isabelle who had a smile on her face.
"Do you think they know where we are?"
Alec also had a relaxed face, "That's the idea, right?"
Echo couldn't understand why they were so relaxed; her nerves were electrifying her body making her bladed hand shake. The door gapped open and Echo could see long fingered hands push their way through the gap.
"How long do we have to distract them for?" Alec asked.
Isabelle shifted her stance, "Ten more minutes."
Both Alec and Echo looked over at Isabelle, "Ten minutes?" they both said at the same time, with the same amount of worry.
"Are you kidding? We're liquid lunch in five."
Echo glanced at Alec's tight position, "So let's distract them."
The pipe holding the door was pulled out and a vampire pushed through. Echo had never seen a vampire in real life and was shocked. The flock had matching pale skin and razor sharp fangs.
Echo held up the Seraph blade and glanced at Alec and Isabelle who were ready to fight. Isabelle used her whip to wrap it around the vampire's leg and pull him to the ground. She pulled him toward her and pushed the Seraph blade, still in her hand, into his chest and he shattered into orange dust.
Alec on the other hand, drew the bow back and hit a vampire in the chest. The force knocked the vampire off balance before he too shattered. Echo took a step back as Alec fired another arrow. The poor vampire burst into flames.
Alec dropped his bow momentarily, "This is fun!" Echo was shocked at the amusement in his voice.
"How is this fun?" Alec pulled his bow back with a smile.
"Keep coming boys," Isabelle said with a flirtatious tone.
Through the open door, Echo could see a line of vampires hide to the side, to avoid the path of Alec's drawn arrow. Then suddenly all at once, the vampires rushed toward them. Alec fired off arrow after arrow and Isabelle expertly used her whip and blade. Echo did as she was told and stood behind them with the blade slightly pointed upward.
Then as suddenly as the fight started it was over. Alec still had a fair amount of arrows left and Isabelle didn't have a strand of hair out of place. This was appalling to Echo, she had never seen a fight up close and personal. Alec dropped his aim and looked behind him.
"You did great."
Echo retracted the Seraph blade, "I didn't do anything."
Isabelle wound the whip back around her wrist, "You didn't get captured or bitten. I'd say that was a success."
Echo shook her head, "We still have to find Simon."
Alec notched another arrow but didn't draw it back, "We will, come on."
On alert, Alec led the way into the hotel and up several flights of stairs until they heard the sound of vampires attacking.
Alec quickened his pace and Echo and Isabelle followed. Echo heard a high scream and immediately recognized it as Clary.
Alec turned the corner and the trio fell into an open area. Alec drew back the bow and aimed it at the vampire holding Clary.
Echo tried to push past Alec, but Isabelle caught her hand. Clary looked at Echo with terror in her green eyes. Echo glanced at Alec who had a smile on his face. He redirected the arrows aim and shot a hole in the wall of the hotel. The sun pushed through the opening and landed on the vampire. Clary escaped from his arms just as the vampire went up in flames.
Echo felt a sudden need to protect her sister. She pulled out the Seraph blade and let the luminous blade fall from the handle. Clary picked up the blade that was dropped and held it up. Echo was at Clary's side and the two of them fought off a vampire, but Clary was the one to actually push the blade through the vampire, killing him. Clary looked down at the blade then up at Echo.
Jace killed a vampire and looked over at Clary. His face told Echo that he was impressed, but Clary was terrified.
"I killed him."
Echo backed away as Jace came up to Clary.
"He was already dead."
Echo retracted the blade and glanced between the two.
Isabelle was soon at Jace's side, "Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that." Isabelle turned to Jace, "She did great, right?"
"Yeah, you did. You should be proud."
Echo felt a sudden wave of jealousy and took a few steps back until she was almost next to Alec. She looked down at the Seraph handle in her hand and smacked her lips together. She forcefully turned to Alec and shoved the handle at him.
"Take it, I don't want it."
Alec noticed the tension in Echo's voice and movements, but he took the blade without a word. He put it in his quiver and walked forward. Alec and Echo followed Clary, Isabelle and Jace.
Echo couldn't help but feel jealous of her younger sister. Clary hadn't ever been exposed to the Shadow World and Echo had. Echo had been studying and learning her entire life, and here Clary has only know she is a Shadowhunter for a day and a half, and she's already doing better than Echo could ever.
Echo saw a fire spark under Clary's butt and Clary knew exactly what to do. Echo looked down at the runes on her skin, but what she didn't feel was pain or power; where the rune burned, felt cold. Echo was certain this isn't how it was supposed to feel.
The Shadowhunters, walked about the hotel with quiet steps and zero words, only ever giving each other a look of tension. Suddenly a voice caught their attention.
"Clary! In here!" It was Simon.
The team of Shadowhunters ran toward the voice and walked into an area much like the first, to see Simon with a knife at his throat and a vampire behind him. Clary pushed Echo and hurried to Simon, but Jace caught her arm.
"Clary, that's not going to do any good."
The vampire smiled, "Listen to him, Clary Fairchild. I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat, don't give me a reason."
The vampire turned his attention to Echo; the smile on his face made Echo cringe.
"And who do we have here? Judging by the hair and the shocking similarities, I'm going to assume you are Echo. The beloved daughter of Valentine."
Echo tensed and looked at the vampire, as he was suddenly aware of the blades behind pointed at him, "Put it away!"
Clary and Jace glanced at each other before reluctantly withdrawing their weapons.
"Simon, are you all right?" Clary asked taking a small step forward.
Echo carefully watched the exchange.
"I wouldn't say 'all right'--"
The vampire pulled at Simon, "Stop talking." He looked at the Shadowhunters, "Now, if you would all just follow me."
Echo narrowed her eyes as she saw the vampire pull Simon back.
Simon was pulled around the corner and Isabelle and Alec were the first to move. Clary and Jace followed them and Echo hesitated for half a second before following her sister. The vampire led them to the underground passages of the hotel. The walls made Echo feel claustrophobic; she pushed past Clary and Jace so that she was behind Isabelle.
Alec kept leading them toward a service door as the vampire held onto Simon. Echo kept her eyes on Simon as Clary negotiated with the vampire.
"We're not going to hurt you, we just want Simon."
The vampire walked forward, "I'm glad you do; we don't. We wanted you."
Isabelle pulled Echo up the steps as she watched Jace push Clary back.
"Well here I am."
"Clary!" Echo said at the same time Jace said, "Stop."
Echo grabbed Clary's arm and pulled her up the steps.
"I said wanted, now get out! Go!"
Clary shook her head, "Not without Simon."
"Shut up! Open that door right now, or I'll kill him."
Alec pushed open the door and pulled Echo out with him and the others slowly followed. Jace was the last to come out onto the roof and slam the door shut. Echo watched, as Clary was being overly dramatic and leaned onto the stair railing for support.
Echo put her hands on her hips allowing herself to relax. She didn't know that she was so tense. She looked out from the top of the roof and saw several buildings that glistened in the sunlight. She purposefully blocked out whatever Simon was ranting about and just focused on pushing the jealously behind her.
Echo was the first to ascend the metal staircase with Alec, Jace and Isabelle to follow.
Alec clapped Echo on the shoulder, "What's wrong?"
Echo jumped at his gesture, "Nothing." But it was far from nothing. The way that Echo felt, was a feeling that she hadn't felt is a very, very long time.
She felt overly angry and tense and jealous; and she couldn't explain why.
"Do you want the Seraph blade back?"
Echo folded her arms, "No." Her word was tight.
Alec adjusted the bow on his shoulder and looked at Echo as she looked at Simon and Clary. Alec noticed that when he first met her, she was soft and vulnerable. Now, she was sharp and taut.
"Well, now I'm counting for a taste."
Echo looked over at Isabelle who was reapplying her lipstick.
"Well, you should talk." Alec was getting annoyed.
Isabelle gave her brother a glance and turned away beckoning for Echo to follow. Echo looked down at her boots and slowly followed Isabelle. When they were a few feet away from Alec and Jace she spoke up.
"Are Simon and Clary a thing?"
Echo kicked at the rocks, "No, they're best friends."
Isabelle patted her lip, "The way he looks at her," She paused, "Makes me think otherwise."
"Alec, stop!"
The sudden shout caused everybody to looked over at Jace and Alec who were butting heads. Isabelle capped her lipstick and pulled Echo away from the Parabati brothers. Echo watched as the two conversed, she couldn't hear the conversation, but she could feel the tension.
Alec suddenly turned and walked away from Jace. His shoulders were back and his muscles were flexed; he was suppressing anger.
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