Echo followed Jace as he walked with Clary into a church. The Institute.
Echo passed many other Shadowhunters and they didn't even glance at her, until she passed a Shadowhunter dressed in a white club outfit. She vaguely remembered her at Pandemonium. Beside her was a tall Shadowhunter with similar features.
"Jace, who is this?" The boy noticed Clary in Jace's arms, "Who is that?"
Jace ignored the other Shadowhunter and walked Clary into a section of the institute that had white cots standing next to each other.
Echo stood off to the side as Jace answered the boy, "Shadowhunters." He turned to the girl, "Izzy can you get her into something else? Demon venom ruined her clothes."
The girl, Izzy, gave a slight nod and proceeded to pull a divider around Clary.
The boy with dark hair folded his arms across his chest.
Jace glanced at Echo, "Echo, Alec. Alec, Echo."
The introduction was short and Echo felt out of place. Alec strode up to Echo and looked down at her, "You're a Shadowhunter?"
Echo rubbed at the newly formed rune on her arm and nodded.
Alec sighed, "What happened?"
Echo let her shoulders relax somewhat, "We were attacked by a demon."
"What kind of demon?"
Echo was confused, "I don't know."
Alec looked surprised, "You don't know? I thought you were a Shadowhunter?"
Echo suddenly felt small, "I am, but I was raised as a Mundane."
Alec scoffed and gestured to Clary, "Who is that?"
Echo folded her arms around herself, "She's my younger sister, Clary."
"And is she a Shadowhunter too?"
Echo nodded, but the action made her suddenly feel dizzy and Alec noticed. Echo closed her eyes momentarily and she shifted to the side. Alec shot out his hand and steadied her.
Echo opened her eyes to a sudden pain in her arm, right where Jace had carved the rune. She glanced down at her arm and saw that the rune was disappearing. Her eyes went wide and she could feel the venom suddenly overwhelming her. She let out a surprised shout and used Alec to hold herself up.
She looked past Alec to Jace, "The rune. It's disappearing."
Jace let his posture collapse as he hurried to her side. He examined her arm along with Alec to see that the rune was slowly fading into the paleness of Echo's skin.
"I don't feel so good."
Alec suddenly felt the weight of Echo intensify as the demon venom caused her to faint. Sudden responsibility flowered through Alec and he took Echo into his arms with a concerned expression written across his features. He gently set Echo on the cot next to her sister and Izzy soon was redressing Echo as she did with Clary.
Echo was put back into her ominous cold fire dream time and time again. The dream repeated several times before she actually woke up. Echo shot her eyes open, but didn't sit up right away. When she looked to the side she saw Clary sat on a cot with Jace sitting beside her. Echo sat up noticing a rune burned into her skin, but this rune was healed and looked only like a mark.
Both Jace and Clary turned to look at her.
Echo was confused for a moment as she recalled the past events, "Clary," Echo shook her head, "Are you okay?"
Clary looked terrified, "Yeah, I think so."
Jace leaned over at Echo, "Are you okay?"
Echo looked down at the rune, "Yeah, it worked."
Clary was about to say something, but her phone rang. She hurriedly answered it and was relieved when she spoke Simon's name. Echo watched Clary and Jace walk over to the window before she looked down at the overly large shirt she was wearing.
Echo slowly moved so her legs were dangling over the side of the cot. Echo looked up at Clary as she changed into a black, Shadowhunter outfit and noticed a rune burned into her neck.
"How did that get there?"
Jace set down Clary's sketchbook and stood up, "I drew that."
Echo gave a small smile as she pushed herself off of the cot and stood up. The shirt she was wearing went to her mid-thigh, which she was grateful for. Jace gestured to another outfit that was placed on a white chair, "Isabelle left those for you too."
Echo eyed the outfit and it was much like Clary's only leather pants instead of a skirt and black, chunky heels instead of stilettos. Echo gave a sigh and a slight smile. Clary sat on the edge of the cot and pulled on the stilettos while Echo changed into the black outfit.
Echo sat across from Clary, doing up the heels as Clary spoke.
"You're taking this pretty well. Why aren't you freaked?"
Echo straightened up and pushed her red hair out of her face. She gave a sad smile, "I've known about this for a while."
Clary stood up suddenly angry, "You've known about Shadowhunters?"
Echo nodded.
"For how long?"
Echo stood up and put her hands into her back pockets, "My entire life."
Clary gave a sudden frustrated groan, "Why didn't mom tell me?"
"She wanted to keep you safe. Safe from this world."
With a grunt, Clary stalked off down to where Jace was and disappeared around the corner. Echo sighed and felt her chest constrict. Her and Clary had never fought before and Echo didn't like it.
Echo looked up when she heard high-heels on the floor. Isabelle, dressed in a flashy Shadowhunter outfit gave a sincere smile, "I'm Isabelle. You're Echo right?"
Echo nodded, "Yeah. Thank you for taking care of my sister."
Isabelle gave a real smile.
Echo took that as a "You're Welcome" and strode to the steps looking out into an area full of Shadowhunter technology. She noticed Alec looking over a large screen in the middle of the room, and taping a tablet at the same time.
Echo crossed her arms, "Alec, is he in charge?"
Isabelle nodded, "Yes. I love him, but he really needs to dial it down."
Echo watched his movements, "He's intimidating."
Isabelle gave a slight snort, "He has a switch that is always on."
Echo looked from Alec to Isabelle, "Are you two siblings? You look alike."
Isabelle walked down the steps and Echo followed, "He's my older brother."
Echo's thoughts momentarily went to a very early childhood memory where she could faintly see a boy with light hair standing in front of her.
"I'm sure he's nice." Echo's words sounded far away.
"He wants to ask you some questions, is that okay?"
Echo sighed, she knew this was coming; she nodded, "Yeah, sure."
Isabelle bounded toward her brother, "Alec."
Alec looked up from the tablet and noticed his sister and Echo walking toward him. He handed the tablet off to another Shadowhunter and strode toward them. Alec suddenly felt a sense of trust from Echo.
"Are you alright?"
Echo hugged herself and nodded, "Yeah, I am," She paused for half a second, "Who drew the rune on me?"
Alec looked down at the mark peaking through Echo's jacket sleeve, "I did."
"Thank you."
Alec walked over to a long table that was stationed in front of another large screen, but this area was free of people. Alec gestured to the chair and Echo sat with Isabelle sitting on the table. Alec sat in the opposite chair.
Alec got right to the point, "How long have you known about the Shadow World?"
Echo's memories brought her back to when she was no older than three, "I was born in Idris, but my mom brought me to New York when I was three."
Both Alec and Isabelle were startled at the response, "Do you remember any of Idris?"
Echo shook her head, "Not really. The only thing I remember was a tall glass building. My mother said it was a Demon tower."
Alec was about to ask another question but he was suddenly on his feet walking toward the entrance of the institute. Both Isabelle and Echo followed with curiosity.
Echo watched as Clary and Jace entered with Simon strolling behind them.
Echo's eyes went wide, "Simon?"
Alec's posture suddenly went ridged, "What's going on? Why is there a Mundane in the institute?"
Jace sighed, "Circle member followed him to get to Clary."
Echo's mind went back in time momentarily, "Circle members?"
The memories that Echo was reliving were of Jocelyn, Clary and her walking down the street and noticing a man with a red rune on the side of his neck. When he went to attack Jocelyn, the mother pushed her children to the side and stabbed the man with a Seraph blade.
Echo was thirteen at the time and Clary was ten. As soon as Jocelyn pulled the blade from the man, she pushed her two children down the street with Clary tight in her grasp. Echo followed behind them as they approached Magnus Bane's glamoured lair. Magnus had taken Clary's memories that night.
When Echo came back into reality, she saw Isabelle pull Simon off toward the back of the institute and Clary was being whisked away by Jace. The sudden urge to be by her sister's side flourished through Echo, but she knew Clary would be safe with Jace.
Echo stood next to Alec and looked up at him, "The Circle Members, are they coming?"
Alec looked down at her, "No, only one of them followed the Mundane."
Echo sighed with relief, "Good."
Alec had a sudden question itching in his mind, "How old are you?"
Echo folded her arms, "Twenty-one."
Alec looked as if he was putting pieces of a puzzle together, but he didn't say anything as he walked over to a desk of computers.
Echo followed him and leaned onto the desk, "Where did Simon and Clary go?"
Alec looked up momentarily, "Your Mundane when with Isabelle and Clary went to talk with a former Circle Member."
Echo's eyes went wide, "A Circle Member? Who?"
Alec noticed the strain in Echo's voice, "Hodge Starkweather. Don't worry, she will be fine."
Echo suddenly saw Clary and Jace rush past them toward the entrance and she followed them with quick feet. She saw how rushed both of them were and she felt the urge to protect her sister.
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