Mission 14- Topez (2/2)

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~Two days later...

          Things have become a little complicated between Rouge and Topez, ever since she learned Topez, had a drug addiction. She sits in the car waiting while Topez is leaning against the hood of her car. Off in the short distance Agent Berban Rabbit watched their backs. *"I know I'm not your first pick for back up, but can you stop with that look?"* Berban radioed, Rouge.

          "Its not you, Berban... I just got some things on my mind." She tells him. (Topez can not hear their conversation.) "Tell me something about yourself, Berban. You ever worked with a partner before?" The calms went silent for a moment, she could since she touched a sore spot. "Hey, if it's something too painful to-"

          "I used to part of a team in the beginning of the Eggman war." Berban tells her. She could hear his pain in his voice. "What happened?" She asks. "*sigh* I made a mistake. Look. If you want my advice, whatever is going on between you and your partner you need to get it out in the open and make things right. That's one of my most regrets..."* Berban tells her. There is a silence between them as she processes what he shared with her. *"Look alive."*

          Rouge gets out of the vehicle that Topez has been leaning on, as Brutus and some men rolled up. Rouge struts around wearing more casual clothes this time. "What happened? You set the time for the sell, then you show up almost a hour late. Were you followed?" Rouge questioned the drug lord.

          Brutus waves it off, "You said your buyers wanted only the best of my product, so it took a little longer to gather it up. No worries on the quality." Brutus says with a grin. He motions one of the humans, he pays, to open one of the duffle bags to show its full of Hau.

          "Forgive me, but my employers won't be satisfy with, just your word." Rouge tells him, as she walks closer pulling one of the small bags out and placing it on the hood of their vehicle. Where Berban can see, and get a recording of the deal.

          "So, what?" Brutus grins a toothy grin, "You wanting to try some of my product?" Sounding pleased with the idea of her taking a spell of Hau.

          "Please, there are other ways to test a product without compromising myself." Rouge tells him sternly. She pulls out a small black bag with a Iodine and some other chymical, and puts some on a small amount she separated. Testing the quality of it. "Its good. We have a deal." Rouge smiles, knowing that her job is done now. Topez puts the bag into their vehicle and Rouge hands over the payment. Suddenly they hear tires screeching!

          A Black SUV skids to a stop, as they two look around frantically. Rouge grabs her gun, because this was NOT part of the plan. "I thought you said you weren't followed?!" A group of body armored men rushed out of the SUV with rifles, firing!

          The crack of gun fire echoed in the area as rounds went off at them, as a group of five and one driver shot at them. Brutus and his men pull out their own guns and take cover behind their vehicle as Rouge also shot at their assailants. *POW!* Brutus shot his .45 close enough to Rouge that the sound numb her hearing. The painful ringing in her ears almost paralyzed her from acting. She shoots at them, as they took cover behind their SUV. Topez suddenly sweeps Rouge over the hood of their vehicle and guards her on the other side of the engine block. The next sound she could her was the quick, *Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka_Ka-Ka!* and the sound of metal ripping apart; ripping apart into flesh.

          "HURRY GRAB THE BAGS, AND MONEY!" One of their attackers ordered. Rouged checked her magazine to find she was empty, and they heard footsteps coming closer to them. The sound of glass breaking under boots. The sound of a round being chambered. "HEY, Swallow!" Burban yelled out, as he got their approaching executioner's attention. The armed attacker fired a round, but Burban blocked it with his gauntlet and fires a grapple into and out his shoulder, pulling himself closer. He then uses the body as a literal meat shield as their attackers shot at the agent. The Rabbit uses the other's handgun to shoot back as they rush to their SUV and escape.


          Later members of G.U.N. and the Federation soon showed up, after Burban reported what happened. Shadow rushes thru/ around the crime scene looking for Rouge. His stomach dropped when he seen the two vehicles. They were both shredded with bullet holes and there was so-oo much blood on the ground. He scans thru looking. 'Dam. Dam. Dam. I should have been here, GUN could have sent someone else to catch the arms dealer. What am I going to tell Knuckles? I promised him I would look out for her. I should have been here, after all she's my...' Shadows' frantic thoughts stop when he sees Rouge getting patched up in an ambulance. He breathes a sigh of relief seeing that she's alright.

          Shadow marches over to her, where she gives him a meek smile. "What happened?" He asked bluntly.

          "We got jumped. I'm okay, Shadow. Topez got us out of the way before Brutus and his men got mowed down." She tells him. Shadow shifts his weight around, looking; then leans in closer to her. "Are you sure you are alright?"

          Rouge pouts and gives him puppy eyes, "Are you going to kiss my boo-boos, to make 'em better?" He becomes flustered and starts to stutter. She laughs with a *snirk*, using her hand to cover her mouth. "I'm messing with you, Shadow. I'm a big girl."

         Burban Rabbit, jumps over to the two agents. "Hey, I heard you got the guy." He congratulates Shadow. "I can't believe we were set up like that.?"

          Both Shadow and Rouge are surprised by the new news. "What do you mean, "set up"?" Shadow asked, crossing his arm, a stern look on his face.

          "It was Luca. Even though their faces were covered, I saw a tattoo on one of them. Same one Luca has on his neck, also the plates on the vehicle. Same one at Brutu's house, I saw Luca open it as he was dealing out of the back. What it looks like Luca wants to control the distribution of the drug, and take out the current buy and their money at it."

          Rouge gets up, she waves Shadow off as he goes to ketch her. "Where's Topez? I need to make sure she's alright too." Burban tells her that she's hiding out in one of the storage units, staying out of sight so her cover isn't blown. Rouge walks towards Topez who is sitting on a stool; her head between her knees as her heel taps. She looks up when she hears Rouge's heels tapping across the concrete.

          "Rouge!" She calls energetically. "Thank goodness your alri- *#AaaCCK!*" Rouge had punched her in the face, with fury mixed with tears in her eyes. "What the h3ll, Rouge?! Why, Aww."

          "That better have hurt." Rouge spat. "How could you? How could you tell, Luca, about the deal?" Rouge accused.

          "Wait, What? Luca did this?... Wait. I didn't tell him about this, I didn't slip." Topez defended.

          "Cut the crap, 'Pez. You've been getting your fix from Luca this whole time, and you didn't slip, you've been down this trip A LONG TIME NOW. It's not just your life Topez, that you're hurting, IT'S EVERYONE THAT'S IN YOUR LIFE, INCLUDING ME." The angry bat cried out at her friend.

          Topez stands there in a daze. "Rouge, you have to believe me. I did not tell Luca, or any one about the deal. I didn't sli-... I need you to trust me on this..." Topez pleaded.

          Rouge turned to her side as she fixed her hair back, wiping a tear from her eye. The member of team dark, faces her old partner. "I don't think I can." Then walks back out.

~Back at the hotel room...

          After confronting Topez, earlier, Rouge just wanted to be alone for a little while. So she went back to her; Shadow's, hotel room. Where she proceeds to take her frustration out on the pillows and mattress, while cursing. Fixing her hair back up she "straightens" the room up, before cleaning her tear stained face in the bathroom.

          "Rouge! You in here?" Shadow called for her, as he shuts the door behind him.

          "Stop yelling. I'm in the bathroom." She calls back. She walks into the room with a cross look still on her face, as she stands there with her arms crossed to him.

          "I don't know why your mad at me, but that can wait 'till later." Shadow defends. "The techs were searching thru Brutus's car and they found a "bug" wired to the smart radio. That's how Luca figured out where and when the buy was." Shadow explained.

          She stands there shocked and now feeling guilty. "Oh, my Aurora. What have I done.?" The white bat sits down on a bed, her hands holding the sides of her head as she shakes it back and forth, cursing under her breath.

          "Rouge, what have you done.?" Her partner asked, concern in his voice.

          "I accused Topez of slipping the meet up to Luca, earlier..." She admits.

          "What? Why, would you do that?" He asked, confused.

          "Because she's been using drugs for a while now." She looks up, telling him in the eye, sarrowly. "Her supplier was Luca and when Burban said, he was dealing at Brutus's, I assumed that Topez traded information for a fix."

          "You should have told me this sooner, Rouge." She can hear anger in his voice. "How am I supposed to have your back when you keep important things from me? How am I supposed to keep my promise to your boyfriend, to keep you safe, when you pull something like this?" Shadow sits down across from her. His own hands covering his jaw, as he thinks.

          "Your right, Shadow. I'm sorry, and thank you." Rouge smiles at him, "Your a good partner, and a better friend than you realize. Mr. Edge hedge." He just gives her slate expression, one that she has learned to decipher. "So, where do we go from here?"

          Shadow wipes his mouth, as he makes a clicking sound. "Considering that your cover is still good. Same plan, different target. We do the buy, get the evidence need for the Federation's prosecutor." He moves over, to sit next to Rouge. "Just one problem now, Rouge" His tone was low and serious, but also concern. "I got to report, what you told me about Agent Topez's drug addiction."

          "I know what your thinking, Shadow." She pleads. "But, can you hold off on that. I want a chance to really talk to her, and if I can, have her summit the report." She rests her head on his should as she looks up with her eyes. "Can you at least do that for me?"

          "Fine." He answered sternly.

~3 days later...

          It took a while to track down Luca was, but after some time Topez came up with an address. That is where they are now. Rouge walks next to Topez, holding a stern gaze at their destination. Topez coughs to get her attention. "Thanks for not reporting me... and giving me a chance." She thanked her.

          The stoles bat looks up at her flushed friend. "We need to focus on the mission, but after this we are going to have a talk." Shadow and Burban are sitting in a car as back up.

          The worried Hedgehog rapidly taps his heel in the car as he watches as the two agents are now out of view.

-Inside Luca's...

          "I was wondering when you would show up?" Luca said, as he was pouring him a drink.

          Rouge's heels tap against the floor as she presented her dominance. "Do you have a death wish or something? Do you have any idea who's drugs and money you just stole?"

          Luca snarls at Rouge, with a look like he just hit the jackpot. "I dam well know. I also know who you are." Luca gets reel close to her ear and whispers coldly, "Chela Lasionyctreris. Or is it Mrs. Mink, now?" Rouge goes pail, as her body becomes cold. "HEY, Kayzie! Since you introduced us. You clearly know how to contact the, Mr.." Luca ordered Topez.

          "I don't know what you think you'll get out of this, but it won't end well for you." Rouge tells Luca as she stares him down.

          "I think I'm going to be rich." He tells Rouge. He looks at Topez, as two other men force Rouge to take a seat. "I want you to contact Mr. Mink, that I want triple (3X) the amount he was willing to pay for the drugs; and the other Two bags of Hau. If he wants the "wify" back safely." Luca pulls out a short machete from his back pants, and holds it flat on Rouge's cheek.

          Topez has a look of terror as her friend was helpless in her situation. "Okay! Just don't touch her or anything. I'll call him, just give me some time." Topez pleaded.

          Luca motioned his head "go then", to her. Just before opening the door, he called out to her. "YOU HAVE TWO HOURS TO GET BACK HERE WITH MY DRUGS." He leans back into Rouge, who moves her head back to avoid him. "Or else things might get. A little dicey."

-Out side, Shadow's POV

          Shadow taps his heel even faster. "Can you stop that." Burban asked, very annoyed. He puts a hand on his knee, to stop his leg. "I didn't notice I was doing that." He tells him.

           Burban looks back through the windshield and is caught off guard. "Hey, Topez is leaving the building." He pulls up a pair of binoculars. "I don't see Rouge with her. I think she's still inside." The car door slams shut as Shadow got out of the car.

          Topez turned a corner and used a remote to unlock her car. *SLAM! * Shadow ran up and slammed Topez against her car, pinning her between it, and the angry hedgehog. "Where is Rouge." The crimson eyed hedgehog demanded.

          "She's still in there with them. I-" She tried to explain the situation, but Shadow cuts her off. "What the hell! You left her alone AGAIN, just so you can get a fix?" He, accused.

          "Its not like that." She pleaded. "That's a load of crap. You are clearly Cadillac, right now."

          "Exactly! I haven't had a fix in days, since Rouge punched me. I only got TWO HOURS to get them the drugs we got, or else he's going to carve up Rouge. Since you love her soo much, why not tell me what we should do?" Topez pleaded.


          Shadow, discreetly, contacted the other agents they had on hand. With in 30 minutes, they had a team ready. "Run it by me one more time." Shadow ordered Topez.

          "Luca was on the east side of the room. There were two guys behind Rouge, on the east-south east side. One by the door, and maybe two in the garage guarding the "stuff"." Topez runs through the inside of the house. "And you guys don't break down the door, until you hear the signal." She wanted to make it clear.

          Shadow nods his head "yes", "Hopefully I can make this a clean "jump"." He says as he puts on a thin layer of body armor.

-Back inside the house, with Rouge...

          Rouge sits uneasy on a small couch, her legs held together. "I'm curious, how did you learn about my real name?" Rouge asked, Luca.

          Luca took a shot of Hau, as a cocky grin of confidence plastered on his face. Like nothing could touch him. "Well. Since you asked so nicely with those pretty lips, Chela." He took a drink of alcohol, again. "Brutus may had been the "boss", but I was the real one behind the operation. I was the one with the connections and found people to do our business with. So... when I was planning on setting up our party, a friend asked if I had seen this WHite BAT."

          "Wow. You really that well connected." Rouge complements Luca. 'Wow, at least he's not all there in the head. This idiot is handing over information we'll need. Just hurry up and get back here 'pez.!' She thought to herself. The sound of a doorbell ringing got everyone's attention, as one thug checked the door, seeing it was Topez.

          "Oh! And with time to spare." Luca cheered. Topez looks over at Rouge, and she sighs in relief that she's fine. She hands over two duffle bags over to Luca, who has a child-like expression. As if he was a 7-year-old on Christmas morning. Looking at the bags, she notes that they are a different color than the original bags. Luca sets the bags down on the short table. "Let's open them up and see what we got!" He cheered. Bending down he unzipped one of the bags. *Ziiip *BANG!!*

          The shock wave of a flash bang blinded the room as it went off inside the bag. Luca is thrown back onto the ground as the room turns white. Rouge couldn't see or hear anything for a moment. There was the sound of the door being knocked down, and the sound of Shadow teleporting was heard.

          "GUN! Get down, NOW!" Burban ordered as they took down the thugs. Amongst the confusion Luca fired a round, but was meet with Shadow shooting back. Killing Luca. "Are we clear.?" Shadow asked. It all happened so fast, that it ended in a blink of an eye.

          "Topez been shot!" Rouge cried out. Shadow spins around to see that when Luca took a shot, Topez had jumped in to get Rouge to safety. A agent helped get Topez off of Rouge, since she was under her.

          "It looks good. The shot hit her shoulder." An agent said.

~Time goes by...

          Shadow stands in his commanding officer's office. Reporting on what Rouge told him. On what Luca had gloated to her. The commander taps his index fingers together as he held them to his face. "This is a very serious matter, Agent Shadow."

          "I know, SIR. That's why I'm reporting it. Whoever tipped off Luca, they know we were in Soleanna, and they're looking for us."

          "There are only a few people who knew about this "blue book" operation. But that's still a long list of people to look into..." The commander processes. "Where is your partner, Agent?"

          Shadow stiffens. "She's helping a friend with a personal matter. SIR."

~With Rouge...

          Rouge dives up and puts her car in parks it. She looks over to Topez who still has a sling on her right arm. "Here we are." She leans over to look out the window. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked.

          Topez looks out the window and heaves a heavy sigh, then looks back to her. "No, but I need to. And I also want to earn back your trust." She gives her a nervous smile.

          "I will be here for you, when you get out." She tells her. Topez nods her head, understanding. She gets out of Rouge's car and throws her duffle bag over her good shoulder, as she walks across the street to the, Addiction and Mental Health Rehabilitation Center. (AMHRC)

(If unclear: Topez admitted herself to a clinic, to get clean.)

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