Ch. 2- Mr. & Mrs. Mink

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          The two spies then ran over their altered covers now. Same ID as before but now they're a "married" couple now, in order to have a reason to mingle with their targets. The only question is, how will this affect their work?

          Rouge and Shadow, cover names are Chela (Rouge) and Terios (Shadow) Mink, married couple on vacation. Rouge is wearing a flattering white bikini with gold detailing, and a light towel around the side of her waist. Rouge sees Sammantha sunbathing, "Okay I'm going to catch some sun. I like some Caviar, honey~." "Alright... sugar. I got some work to set up, before long." Shadow tells her in code, for finding Andraes and bugging their room. "Oh, come on honey. Were supposed to be relaxing, not working." Rouge wanted to have a little fun with this before Shadow left. "It won't take too long." Shadows a little mad that she's playing like this. "Fine. Just don't be like on our anniversary. Now, get your a** to work sexy!" Rouge yells out and slaps Shadows butt with a loud smack before walking over to the pool chair next to Sammantha.

          "Hey, Mac." Shadow greets the Cabana boy. "I need to get some work done, but could you send some Caviar and your nieces bubbly to my wife over there." Shadow says as he points to Rouge. The Cabana boy whistles, "Wow. Nice man, how you get a girl like that?" "I'll tell you when I figure that out." Shadow tells him. While the Cabana boy is not looking, Shadow changes the chair number from 6, Rouge, to 8.

Rouge's POV.

          Rouge stretches herself out in the pool chair, sunbathing. The Cabana boy walks up with the tray, "Here you go madam." The Cabana boy says to Samantha. "I didn't order this." She tells the boy. "It was from your husband." Samantha laughs at this, "No. There's no way he, would do this." That was Rouge's que, "Oh. I'm sorry, I think that's for me." Rouge takes the pad and writes her name down on the bill, and hands it back to the boy. "Wow. Caviar and Champagne. He does this sort of thing often?" Samantha asked, Rouge. "Not often, he's doing this to apologize for working on our vacation." Rouge tells her.

          "Your's a work alcoholic, too?" Samantha asked. "Tarios, has always been that way. On our last anniversary he let his job come first over the night I had set for us together; I was so mad that he never showed I thru 1/2K bottle of Red Wine at the knucklehead." Rouge tells her. "Wow. Was it the first time you two fought?" "No. But we always made up afterwards... Oh, let me introduce myself. Mrs. Chela Mink." Rouge tells her. "Samatha-, Mrs. Smith" Samantha had a worried look when she spoke and she looked around when she did. Rouge didn't know why but she felt sorry for the girl. "Um, there's so much of this. Would you care to join me?" Rouge hands her a Champagne glass, as they smile. "To, being the better halves of our complex relationships." Rouge toasted. "I can Toast to that." Samantha said. *cling*

Shadow's POV.

          Shadow had made it to Cottonfield's room, to plant a bug. Electrical outlets are the most ideal place to plant one. They're well concealed, and if you know how to wire one in without burning it out you have a continual source of power. Also pick a place where they will talk most, but it doesn't hurt to plant more than one. Shadow gets done and he uses some colored white out to reseal the outlet cover with.

          Shadow is in one of the other rooms when the door opens. 'Sh*t.' Cottonfield and another man came into the room. "I just had to come back and get my wallet, Cerge." Andraes complained. "You should have took it ith you." Cerge said. He sounded like a mix of Hungarian and Romanian. "Do you really have to check the room again? Look, the housekeeper hasn't shown up yet." Andraes says. Shadow hears a *Slap*, presumably Cerge hitting Andraes. "This is for your protection." Cerge says. Shadow does his best to stay hidden. He is currently dangling off the side of the windowsill. 'Hurry up!' Shadow thought as he started to slip a little. 'Don't look down. Don't look down! Why did he have to be on the 8th floor?!' Shadow panicked in his head. After hearing the door to the room closing, he waited a few minutes before claiming back in, he eminently threw up into the toilet from his phobia of heights.

          "Hope Rouge is safe." Shadow says to himself. They should have known they wouldn't be out here without some kind of bodyguards.


          "BABY!" Sammantha called out to Andreas. "I like you to meet a new friend of mine, this is Chela Mink." Samantha introduced Rouge. The two girls were now wearing some proper clothes when they spent the day together around town. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you." Andreas greeted. "Oh, and here comes my husband." Rouge says as she waves at Shadow with a smile. Her many bags dangling in her arms. Shadow struts over to Rouge. "Hey there beautiful. Sorry I had to deal with business on our trip, how can I make it up to you?"

          "Later, first meet my new friend Samantha, and her husband Andreas." Rouge introduces the two with a wink to Samantha. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tarios." Shadow says, shaking Andreas's hand. "So, what kind of business do you do, Mr. Tarios?" Samantha asked. "A little of this, a little of that. Mainly though I find buyers for sellers in special fields."

          "Honey, did you set up the reservation for the Sky tore, tomorrow?" Rouge asked pressing her breast against Shadow. "I did but the only thing they had was a 6-seater." Shadow tells her. "Well, that seems like a waste for seating... How about you come with us!?" Rouge sound excitedly motioning for Samantha. "We love to." Samantha said. "Hold on. It sounds really thoughtful, but we can't intrude." Andreas said. Andreas and Samantha start having a little argument between them, Shadow figures it's because of the bodyguards they have, that are just in ear shot.

          "Hey, now there's no rush." Shadow tells them, "Listen, I know how work can be at times. How about you guys think it over and we can discuss it more at dinner tonight?" Andreas looks at his pleading Samantha's eyes, "Maby.?" Rouge grabs her bags, "Let's say, 7?" Rouge askes Samantha as they hug and Rouge leaves with Shadow, as he has his hand around her waist. "They won't go for it." Shadow whispered to himself. "They'll come." Rouge tells him. Shadow gets closer to Rouge, "They each have guards on their 6. We'll have to-" Rouge stops him, "3...2... 1."

          "Chela!" Samantha called rushing up to them. "Andreas and me will have dinner with you two." Rouge is actually happy, and her face shows it, "That's great. So is 7, still good?" Rouge asked. "7:00." Samantha agreed and went back to Andreas. Rouge and Shadow continue walking to their room. "How did you know she get him to agree?" Shadow asked. "Never underestimate a woman's influence, handsome."

Back in Shadow and Rouges room...

          Shadow is listening to Andreas and Samantha, as they are arguing, Shadow is also looking up on their bodyguards. "Sounds like you made quite the impression on Samantha." Shadow tells Rouge. "Grumpy, has a relationship with a work alcoholic, and they're always fighting. We're practically sisters.! All she needed was some actual "girl time", with a proper lady." Rouge tells Shadow. "So, where did you find a proper lady? You didn't abduct one did you?" Shadow teased Rouge, getting the full fury of her pillow throw. "I was that lady, Mr." Rouge, "yelled" at him. "We spent the day shopping around. Got some nice clothes to add to my collection."

          "I'm sure Knuckles will be thrilled to see that." Shadow says, taking a sip of coffee. There is an uneasy feeling in the room now and Shadow looks at Rouge who now has a down look on her face and she messes with her hands. "I... Me and Knucklehead have been on a break for a while now..." Rouge tells Shadow. "... Sorry, I didn't mean to-." Shadow went to apologize. "I know you didn't."

          "So, tell me where else did you two go?" Shadow asked to change the subject. Rouge then went on telling him what they did and what she learned from Samantha, useful stuff GUN will be interested in. "After we had Tyi- food, we went to get beep body massage. The guy I got was strong and had big hands, but he didn't know how to use them." Rouge says. "You could really give him some pointers." Rouge teased Shadow, getting back into her normal personality.

          It was almost time for dinner. The Cottonfield's bodyguards are: Cerge- Explosives and Close combat professional, is directly linked to the Red Racine bombing of Sagrada Familia. The girl who's been watching Sammantha can only be identified by GUN as: Hecat- The Red Racine code name for her, she has been credited to a slew of stuff.

          Shadow is getting dressed in a nice suit, and he's having to touch up on some of the white dye on his quills. Rouge gets in a green dress that hits her thighs loosely. "Hey, Shads. Thanks for earlier." Rouge thanked Shadow. "There's no need to thank me." "Really. Thanks, it meant a lot to me." Rouge tells him as they leave their room.

At the dinner table...

          The four of them are eating dinner together. Shadow takes a quick look around and sees Cerge and "Hecat'' at a table too. Rouge is talking to Samantha, until she finally asks about if they will join them on their ride. Samantha looks at Andreas. "I'm sorry but we can't join you two. It's nothing personal, really, we just need to be somewhere else the next day." Andreas tells them. Rouge and Shadow are thinking the same thing, on what's really going on.

          It's times like this when you need to put the chips down on the table, and just be a wild card. "Let's cut the act Andreas." Shadow says in quieter voice. Andreas and Samantha are shocked by the new feel Tarios is giving off. "Both of us are not who we say we are. You think it's just coincidence that we find you after you out bid me, for a gem that we both know is more than just a shiny rock." Shadow finished. Andreas plays the dumb card, "I don't know what you're talking about." Rouge chimes in, "Let me guess. A brilliant scientist working on his life's work, when one day lesser minds decide his work isn't good enough to continue." Shadow picks up, "Then a few days latter someone offers you, not only the funds to continue your work, but also a large settlement of money for you to live like Royalty." Rouge, "But that life of luxury turned out to be more like a sentence? Not only can't you spend that money, your held under lock and key 24/7."

          Samantha is in aww, "How did you know that?" "Hold on." Andreas tells the three. "Andreas, my job is to find buyers. Some of my buyers are interested in your product. Not only will you have more money, you'll also be able to spend it if you come with me." Shadow and Rouge both see the bodyguards becoming suspicious of how quiet they're talking and start making their way to their table. "You have as long as it takes your babysitters to get here to make up your mind." Rouge tells them as she hands Shadow a steak knife, under the table, that he uses butter his roll. "11 seconds."

          Samantha pleads with Andreas with her eye's. "Alright, yes." Andreas agreed. "Laugh now, hard." The table burst out in laughter, startling the two approaching bodyguards. Rouge speaks loud enough for them to hear, "Now you know why I make him tell all these stories, using his inside voice." The four of them cheer with their cups. Tomorrow will be interesting.  

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