SOF Chapter 20

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well here I am... Updating my story😊
Enjoy reading

Previous Chapter........
Tough choice. Stay here with all these crazy people and ugly hats or go away with him and ride amazing horses. "Let's go." I say to him smiling.


He returns my smile and takes my hand, to lead me out of this. We walk through a crowd of people. All women are wearing ugly hats, all men are talking in their little groups-- just like their wives. All are gossiping. Well, all women. The men are talking about sport and cars. No matter where you are, the tic of a conversation never change. No matter how many money you have.

"Richard!" I hear a female voice.

We stop walking and I see a woman approaching our way through the crowd.

"Eva," Richard breaths out with a soft smile on his lips. Wait, Eva?! Eva as in Eva Collins from his list?

The woman reaches us and kisses him on the cheeks, "So nice to see you here again. It's been a while."

"Yes, It's been a while." he say, returning her smile.

"I see you have company with you." The woman says smiling at me. I notice the wedding and around her left ring finger.

He clears his throat, "Yes. Eva this is Nicomaine Mendoza, this is Eva Collins."

"Nice to meet you." I say shaking hands with her . It's weird to meet a woman who was in my position. A woman who knows what he's doing. Who he is. What we're doing. But I haven't signed yet. I would like to tell her that. Yell that into her face to set the record straight. But I can't. Not because I would make a horrible big scene--no, because I've signed a confidentiality agreement.

"Mommy!" we hear a childish voice and seconds later a little boy at the age of three runs up to us, stopping behind his mother, Eva.

Eva bends down to him. "Jack say Hi to a friend of mine."

The boy looks at Richard, who smiles at him. "Hi." Jack says, waving his hands and returning Richard's smile.

"How old is he?" Richard asks, looking at Eva.

"He's so cute." I add as I watch the little boy running away.

"He's twenty nine months.Such a hyper kid." Eva says and smile.

"Oh there you are!" I hear a male voice behind myself. "We've been looking for you."

"Thomas, look who I just run into!" Eva says smiling as the man passes me. "Richard, I'd like you to meet my husband, Thomas Anderson."

My breath get stuck as I hear the name. Seconds later I see the matching man to the name.I stare horrified at the man as I remember him. His eyes are filled with horror for a millisecond as well -- he remembers me.

".......And this is Nicomaine Mendoza." I hear Eva saying my name.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Mendoza." Thomas says to me, shaking hands with me.

My heartsks a beat as I feel his hands touching me. I reject my hand right away. I never thought I'd see this man again. I never want to feel his hand again.

"Yes." I say and force myself to fake a big smile.

"How long have you guys married?"

"Nearly three years." Thomas says. His eyes focused on me.

I smile and look away. Gosh, could  this be more awkward?!

"Mr. Faulkerson," a photographer suddenly appears, "May we take a picture with you and your friends?"

"Of course." Richard smiling. A smile he is faking. He doesn't like that. But he can't back down now.

We all move a little closer. Eva is on the left side. Richard and I are in the middle. Thomas is on my right side. I feel Richard's arm around my waist, as we all smile into the camera.A flash appears and I feel another hand pinching my bottom. Not Richard. He wouldn't do it. I look to my right. Thomas grins at me. A dirty grin I sadly know all to well.

Suddenly a second and third photographer appear, all wanting to take picture of us. Maybe because it's nearly impossible to take picture with Richard Faulkerson.

"I see you upgraded from me to him." I hear Thomas's voice in my ear.

I look at him horrified, "You're a horrible man." I whisper back.

"Mr. Faulkerson, may we take picture with you and the lovely lady?"

Thomas walks back to his wife and Richard and me smile into the cameras. A flash appears and suddenly I feel the need to get away. Run away.

Four more photographers walk up to us,all wanting to take pictures. No one has interest on Thomas and his wife.

"I want to go." I whisper into Richard's ears. "I feel sick."

The man nods  at me, "Of course." he whispers back before he puts on a smile.

"Gentlemen, it's  been ice here, but we have to get going now."


"Yes. It was nice seeing you again, Eva. Thomas." Richards say nodding

Thomas nods at him and smiles at me,  "Miss Mendoza."

I fake another smile before Richard takes my hand  and we leave the horse race. As we walk on the meadow, I feel my stomach turning around. I hold it in, not wanting to throw up on a public event.

"Are you okay?" Richard asks me worried.

I start to choke and quickly run behind the bushes, as far away from the people as possible. I vomit on the meadow, feeling my sick stomach getting better.

"Here" he says, handing me a handkerchief with his initials stitched on it in a dark blue.

I wipe   away the vomit and take a deep breath, feeling my legs shaking.

"Are you okay?" he ask me again.

I turn  around and take another breath I nod. "Yes."

"Come on, I get you a glass of water. You need to drink something." he says, taking my hand and leading me back to the crowd.

"What I need is to get away from here." I say to him, stopping. "Get me away from here, Richard." I add in a softer tone.

He looks at me, reading my eyes. He locks eyes with me for a nearly a minute before he nods "Okay. I'll get you away from here."

"Thank you." I say as we walk along the sandy way.

We say no word. The whole walk back to the parking spot, we say nothing. I don't want to talk. Not about this, Not now. Not so soon. Not with him. Not with anyone.

I still feel his hands on my butt. I still feel his dirty little hands on my skin. And I still see his freaking dirty grin on his lips. I still feel his disgusting hot breath against my skin, telling me how.....

We stop as we reach the parking area. I see cars worth a fortune parked. Bentleys, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, Mercedes, Audis, BMWs....

But I feel too sick to amazed. Of course, I kind of an amazed, but the recent catch up with Thomas is still making me feel ill.

Richard let go of my hand and walk over to one of the parking workers. He says something to the man whose wearing a bright orange vest with "Staff" written on it in black letters. The guy, about sixteen, nods and hand him the keys.

"Come on," Richard says, taking my hand again.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as we pass the cars. "We came in a limousine."

"Yes, but we're leaving with Davidson." Richard says as we stop in front of a Harley Davidson.

I look shocked at the scooter before I look at Richard again, who's already getting on it. "Is this even legal?"

"You asked me to get you away from here. This is the fastest way." he says with a smirk on his lips.

"You asked me to get you away from here. This is the fastest way." he says with a smirk on his lips.

"You're stealing a Harley for me?" I ask him shocked.

"Not stealing.....Just borrowing." He says, holding out his hand.

I shake my head as I take his hand and get seated on the scooter. "This is crazy."

"You will love it. Hold tight around my hips, I don't want you to fall of this thing." he says before he starts the Harley.

I put my hands around his waist, feeling his muscles right away and for the first time as we drive off. I feel the wind blowing at us and feel my hat, which isn't really holding up so well. Seconds later it falls off, "I just lost my hat." I said to him as we drive through the sand way, away from the horse race.

"It was ugly anyway." he says back.

I laugh, he is right. It was ugly. Suddenly it hits me. He's breaking his rules again. Rule break number two: He's letting me touch him. Rule break number three: We're both doing something dangerous.
I wonder if he knows it. If he knows that he's breaking his rules for me. Again. As we escape the crowd.

We stop at the beach. He turns off the scooter and gets off of it. I follow him, my eyes focused on the ocean. It's so amazing.  The salty air blows through my hair as we walk down the beach. It's a warm Tuesday afternoon. No one but is at this beach. I wonder if it's private. I wonder if this part of the beach belongs to Richard. I wonder how many more suprises he has for me.

"You look better." I hear his voice ringing in my ears as I get out of my shoes.

"I feel better." I say and even smile a little as I get out of the other shoe. With my shoes in my hands I walk over to the ocean.

"What are you up to?" he asks me.

I turn around and grin, "What'cha think?"

He returns my grin before he gets out of his shoes as well. He walks up to me, still smiling.

I let the water touch my feet and take a deep breath. At he salty air fills me up as I take another deep breath. It doesn't get any better than this.

I feel his arms around my waist and he mascular chest pressed again my back, I smile.

"The water is warm." I say in a whisper as I close my eyes, enjoying this moment like it's our last one.

"It's not warm." he says before he kisses my cheek.

I release myself from his wonderful embrace and turn around. Then I grin as I slowly walk backwards into the water.

"Maine, you're going to get sick."

"I won't. I say, although I probably will. He's right, the water is not warm. It's cold, although it's in the middle of May.

"Get out of there." he says as I feel the water already touching my knees.

"What if I don't, Mr. Faulkerson?" I ask him seductively.

"Then I guess I'll have to carry you out of the water." he says before he starts running over to me.

"No!" I say giggling, trying to run away from him. I'm slightly faster them him, feeling the resistance of the water. I should swim more, I say to myself as I run through the now icy cold water. Seconds later I feel his warm and strong hands around my waist, lifting my body from the cold water.

"Got you." he says into my eyes before he kisses me softly. I run my fingers through his hair as I return his kiss. I feel the dry sand under my feet again, as he slowly lets me down again---our lips still touching. We continue kissing passionately as I feel the cold breeze against my wet legs.

He let go of my lips and looking at me, "We should get going."

I smile at him before I touch my swollen lips, "Yes." I agree with him.

He takes my hand and we walk back to the Harley Davidson, "After all, I don't want you to be late for the dinner which you want to attend so badly you would die." he adds causing me to smile as I get on the Harley again. I almost forgot it.Shit. The dinner. The dinner with his parents. "How much time do we have left until the amazing dinner?" I ask him as we drive off.

"Three hours."

"That's enough time."

"We will drive for an hour from the hotel to their mansion." Richard explains and my breath gets stuck, "Besides, you will take a bath first as soon as we are back at the suite."

"Only when you're with me in the tub." I whisper into his ear as I feel the air blowing through my hair again.

and that's it for these chapter😊

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