Chapter 1: Amys big night.

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Amy was on a walk on the beach thinking about how long it will take before her love finally asks her a big question. She knew after being together with sonic for two years that he would finally ask her to marry him. After walking she finds her blue hero sitting on a rock.

Amy: hey my love.

Sonic turns his head to see Amy giving him a cute smile.

Sonic: hey Ames, want to sit down?

He pats his hand on the side of the rock. Amy gladly accepts and sits down next to sonic.

Sonic: look at the ocean Amy, it's beautiful.

Amy : ya, ya it is.

Sonic gets down off the rock and pulls something out of his pocket.

Amy: sonic, are you...

Sonic: Amy Rose, will you marry me?

He opens a small white box and inside is a diamond ring. Amy was at a lost of words, so she just shakes her head yes. Sonic then pulls her in, and kisses her like nothing.

Amy: oh Sonic I love you.

Sonic: I love you too.

(Three months later)

Sonic and the guys were getting Sonic ready for him to marry Amy. The guys put on many types of cologne for them to put on.

Sonic: will you guys stop with that and help me get this damn tie on.

Knuckles: sorry.

Knuckles helps get on the tie while Tails was eating the food to see if it was good while Silver was helping get the rings ready to give to Sonic and Amy.

Sonic: thanks Knucks.

Knuckles: hey it's your wedding, why wouldn't I help?

Sonic: speaking of help where's Shadow?

Silver: I don't know, he said he didn't want to see the faker get married.

Sonic: and Christien?

Tails: he says he's on the ARK trying to find something important. He says he's really sorry he couldn't come.

Sonic: I don't blame him, he needs to find out about his past and he thinks it's on there.

The priest walks in and says they are about to begin.

Tails: that's our Que, let's go.

(Few minutes earlier with the girls)

Amy is in her dress holding flowers while Blaze helped tighten it, Rouge messing with some jewelry, and Sally talking on the phone.

Sally: look I don't care if I can't get them just get somebody in one hour. Okay thank you.

Sally hangs up the phone and says one of Amy's favorite bands where gonna be there.

Amy: yay, this is so exciting I can't wait.

Blaze: ya me neither. Your gonna finally get married to your crush.

Amy: I know, but it sucks Shadow and Christien couldn't come.

Rouge: oh Shadow is just like that, but at least Sally's boyfriend has an excuse.

Sally: Christien at least apologized as well. Oh well he's on the ARK trying to find his past.

Blaze: enough of those two, Amy are you ready for this?

Amy nodded her head and the wedding bells started to ring.

Rouge: that's our Que, good luck.

The three girls walk out while Amy looked in the mirror imagining her future with Sonic.

Amy: this is it, no turning back.

(Ten minutes later)

The wedding was officially beginning. the guests were sitting and chatting while Sonic and the guys were messing with there hair.

Tails: I think it's about to begin.

And sure enough the ceremony was starting. Everyone took a seat as Amy started to walk down the aisle. Sonics family were giving a thumbs up to her while her family was not to be seen.

Amy's thoughts: they never really liked sonic. Oh well.

When she makes it down the aisle she is looking at the priest. She turns her body to see Sonic looking right at her.

Priest: dear friends and family, we are gathered here to not celebrate, but to also cherish...

The words started to fade away as Amy kept starring into Sonics emerald eyes. Sonic was doing the same, but he felt different than from what Amy felt. He felt like this was gonna mess up between the two and he would be the one to mess it up.

Priest: sonic, do you take Amy as your lawfully wedded wife? to care for her in the darkest of days, and be with her as her life shines a light into her soul?

Sonic: I do.

Amy could almost hug Sonic right there, but she waited to say those same exact words.

Priest: and Amy, do you take Sonic as your lawfully wedded husband, to be with him as he cares for you and for you to care for him in the process?

Amy: I do.

Priest: by the power granted in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Sonic didn't have to hear no more as he pulls Amy by the hips, and kisses her bride style. The entire room was poured with clapping and whistling.

Tails: good job sonic.

Sally: way to go Amy.

Blaze: great job.

(One hour later)

The entire group of people were in the large outdoor backyard eating and chatting amongst themselves. Christien even came by later.

Amy: Christien!!

Amy gives Christien a big hug and he returned it.

Christien: hey good to see you.

Sonic came by as the two let go and he gave Christien a handshake.

Sonic: glad you could make it.

Christien: ya I found some really important stuff on the ARK but nothing for me. Also I got you two a gift.

He pulls out a small oval box from his pocket and hands it to the two. It's a necklace with one having the letter A with half a plus sign and the other having an S with the other half.

Sonic: this is really awesome thank you.

Christien: anytime, so where's my princess?

Sally: right here silly.

Sally gives Christien a hug while he turns around and gives him a soft kiss.

Christien: there you are Sally. Say where's Shadow?

Sonic: hmph, guy didn't come.

Christien: well that's strange he said he would have loved to come.

Amy: wonder why he didn't.

The four shrug it off and continue to party. Amy and Sally were dancing while Sonic and Christien were talking outside.

Sonic: something's not right.

Christien: what is it?

Sonic: I think I'm gonna mess it up. I think I'll do something so bad that...

Christien : Sonic look I know this May turn out bad at first but trust me it's gonna be alright. I mean look at Sally and I. We're not married and we are as happy as we can be.

Sonic: what do I do if I mess up?

Christien: Don't do the same mistake twice. Try and avoid the problems.

Sonic: thanks dude, you really helped.

Christien: any time.

Christien gets a phone call and says bye to Sonic. All Sonic did after that was stare into the night sky.

Sonic: well, here's to a new life. And hope it stays ok.

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