Chapter 6

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Start writing "Yeah, I've been waiting a long damn time to ask you. So do you want to?" I asked.
I gave him a weak smile, this is what I wanted, right? "I'd love to."
When I got home everything seemed off, like nothing was right. This shouldn't be happening though, he was supposed to ask me out and everything would be perfect! So why did it feel 100% wrong? I need to talk to Lia. She always made things clear.
Three rings before she answered the phone, "what's up?" She asked. I never called unless something happened.
"I'm confused," I said falling on my bed and sighing.
"Why?" She asked.
"Ryan asked me out today," I state.

"That's great! But what's the problem?" She asked.
"I thought I would feel happy or something, but I don't, it feels weird."
"What do you mean?"
"Like this isn't right, in supposed to me all giddy but I'm not. I feel like this is wrong."
"Maybe you like Cameron."
I sat up straight, my heart beating ten million beats a second, "what!? No, no, no. That's no. Cameron and I? No. Oh god, no. I think you have it all wrong. I like Ryan. Cameron isn't, we aren't. Just no." I babbled.
"Really? Cause you sound so sure about that," she states clearly being sarcastic.
I shook my head, "I don't like Cameron, Ryan is way bett

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