Your outfit but if you don't like the length of the dress it can be shorter :)
May 31st, 1961
"Y/n! Wake up! I want you to go outside today! Explore, be a kid. Do something instead of reading all day!" Mom yells (this goes for whoever is reading this aswell...go do something fun :)
I groan flipping my covers up and sitting up on my bed. I open my closet and take a look on what I should wear. Well first maybe I should figure out what I should do...
I guess I could just go to the Cafe down the street...
I decided to go for a dress my mom got me for my twelfth birthday. It was one of the brightest pieces in my closet so why not. I decided to go with my old chuck Taylors; then I just put a few braided throughout my hair, so I didn't have to do much with it.
"Mom I'm going out!" I yell
"Good job!" She says, proud of her antisocial ball of anxiety of a child.
I grab some money and stuff it in my bra. I then run out the front door, closing it behind me. I put on my favorite green sunglasses and slow my pace down to a walk. I pass Vincents drug store where the same eight boys sit, laughing and joking about a magazine they found. I decided to ignore them and keep my head up. I walk into the nearby cafe and sit down looking out the window.
"What may I get for you young lady?" An older woman asks me.
"A root float please" I say with a smile and she nods before walking away.
I sit in the chair all alone, playing with the ends of my braids. The tv is playing mickey mouse on repeat, and the jukebox is playing 'a teenager in love' by Dion Dimucci. I tap my index finger to the music, my emerald ring gleaming in the light.
"Here you go hunny" she says before leaving to the counter greeting of boys...
I just can't get away from these boys.
I look down the red shiny seat across from me avoiding all interaction with these boys. Think about it, you would do the same too. If you see boys in a store staring at you, then around the corner, and now here? Is the world trying to send me a message or something? Probably to be adventurous and talk to them. But the world's going to have to try alot harder if it does want me too.
"It's so nice and cool in here" a chubby one with freckles on his face sighs.
"Yeah yeah...nice and cool" He sighs smiling.
One of the boys with glasses and a backward hat was stretching, taking a look around but his eyes land on me me. Now he didn't know I watching him in the corner of my eye so he taps his friends' shoulder and points very obviously about it.
His friend with glasses aswell, looks and his eyes widen. He whispers to the table, who now, all had their eyes on me.
Curse me wearing a bright dress today!
I brush my hair back with my fingers and look up at them. All of them snapping their heads back to eachother. After I "look away" they all start grinning and some turning red.
I stand up after paying and walk past their booth to get the door and hear a faint..
"Awe man" (Bertram)
I ignore it even though I was screaming and jumping up and down internally. I know I said that I wouldn't interact with them but, it's still cool to get a compliment...even though it wasn't exactly a compliment.
Yeah yeah pov
"Yep that was definitely her" Ham states as he watches her walk away.
"She is pretty easy to spot I mean like her y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Not to mention her wearing every color of the rainbow" Benny says
"She's so mysterious.." Kenny trails off
"And hot" Bertram adds smirking evilily.
Y/n pov
On the wall home I get pretty bored. I mean, I don't have any friends because for some reason no girls live in my area. Just boys.
Since we have the biggest house on our street, there's less rich kids on my street. So some you'll see lugging around mail and dropping off at houses for extra cash. When kids like me just have it! I may seem selfish but, I wish that life was simpler. I wish I could play at the sandlot, instead of having to watch linky, pale teenage boys run around with a bat yelling at eachother. I want to get dirty, play catch, be gone all day playing.
I want to play baseball.
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