The carnival pt.1

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July 20, 1961

Since all of us including Benny were getting a little tired of playing the game of ball, we decided to go to the carnival. I've never been to a carnival, and you would think I would have since my family is wealthy, but no.

Benny wanted us to dress in our nicer clothes instead of baseball clothes. I have tons of clothes my mom has bought for me so I had quite a selection. While I was with Wendy I picked up a cute tank top with chevron. I put in some jeans, since they were a little big I put on a brown belt to go with. I put my hair in my favorite two pigtails with matching blue hair ties.

The doorbell rings and I quickly slip on my new pair of p.f flyers. I run to the door and open it to see Benny. His mouth agapes for a hot second before covering it up with a smile.

"Sup" he says casually.

"Hey" I greet closing the door behind me.

"We are picking up Kenny and...yeah yeah on the way since they are right there" he says with a slight pause before saying yeah yeah. Weird.

While walking to Kenny's house then yeah yeahs, Benny kept glancing at me. When we arrive at Kenny's house we quickly run to yeah yeahs house as it was beginning to get dark.

Once yeah yeah comes out he had nearly to same expression as Benny did but I ignored it. At this point Benny was stiffening up.

"Yeah yeah! Cmon man stop staring" he says dragging yeah yeah along with us.

I smile to myself. It's nice to be pretty :).

We meet up at the entrance and everyone is dresses pretty nice. We go to the ticket booth and start paying for our tickets. I grab my wallet but Benny grabs my wrist.

"I'll pay" he insists and I smile.

"You sure?" I ask him and he nods. I put my wallet back in my back pocket and Benny hands me my ticket.

While walking around I notice Benny really distancing away from Yeah yeah. Each time yeah yeah talked to Benny he smiled and played along but he didn't seem ok.

"Guys wait!" Bertram says and we all turn around.

"What" we ask and he sticks his hand in his pocket. What does he have.



A gun?

He pulls out a pack of cigars.

"Aw cool!" The boys gush but I roll my eyes. I'm not smoking a cigar, I already have to deal with my dads addiction and the boys next? No thanks.

Everyone grabs one but me. Bertram attempts to teach them how to light them. In the mean time I just watch as Timmy and Tommy sword fight with them.

"Y/n you getting one?" Bertram asks.

I shrug and look down "rather not. I don't when people smoke around me"

"Oh please stop being such a baby" Ham makes fun of me.

"Ok well, be back" I accuse myself and run to the ladies room.

My dad always rages if he doesn't have a cigar or cigarette. It's like air, he needs it. Or so he says, I just don't like being around it I don't want to even inhale it.

I don't use the bathroom I just sit there for a few minutes collecting myself. I take a deep breath and walk out the boys are coughing all over the place the only one who wasn't is Benny. Benny just sits there looking at it in his hands.

I decided to see what's up "what's going on?" I ask him and he jumps.

"Oh uh what do you mean?" He asks laughing a little.

"I mean, you look mad or something" I say

"Oh yeah something yeah yeah said. Kinda dumb."he shrugs it off he says putting the cigar down.

"Not smoking?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no "didn't you say you didn't like it?" He asks me.

"No I said I don't like people doing it around me but your right, I hate it" I admit smiling a little.

"Well I would hate for you to hate me" he says laughing and blushing a little.

"Guys let's go!" Ham says going on the ride.

I glance at the ride they're going on.

"Let's go man" I say grabbing Benny's hand.

I can see Benny's smile in the corner of my eye.

Now what little 12 year old me couldn't see was Yeah yeah glare on Benny. He told Benny about his crush and now it seemed he was trying to steal her. Now it wasn't the case, it never had been.

You may think, Benny's mad at yeah yeah for saying he liked me but no much more than that.

Benny didn't like y/n...right?

Ok there's the tea on that.

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