Service 54

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(Play Music)

Note at the end

Y/N stood beside Toya, headsets turned on as the mics stood before them. The music played and the two of them sang to the tune.

Y/N held the lyrics and tune sheet in her hand as her eyes never left the paper. Toya, meanwhile, had the paper on the stand and his hand in his pockets.

Not a glance was spared towards each other. Not a trace of hesitation within their voices. The people on the others side of the glass had underestimated them but now their jaws were slack.

"Are you sure they are Highschoolers?" The President of the Music Club of Aoba Josai said.

"They are no way amateurs! They have to be professional!" Another people said, their eyes wide.

"I told you guys. Don't underestimate them. That boy there, Serizawa Toya, his father is the CEO of a multinational company and his mother owns a talent agency. Serizawa is known for his amazing adaptation of different tones. He has been offered internships and trainee offers from different entertainment companies." The vice-president said.

"And the girl?"

"She is Dazai Y/N. Not much is know about her except her age, highschool. A mystery. She is the Muse if I may say so. Her voice is versatile, can be altered to whatever range its needed. Member of the Volleyball Federation, featured in VOGUE Japan. All on her own capabilities. She is also a player for the Boys Volleyball Club of Karasuno."

"Karasuno? That name seems familiar." The treasurer said.

"That's the team that played all three sets with our school in the Interhighs."

"In short, he is dangerous and she is mysterious." The president said still in shock.

"Prodigies, was it? They are what you call," As they stood on the side of the glass, the confidence in Y/N and Toya's eyes clear, their body language radiated command. "Prodigies."

"Well I'll be damned."


Y/N and Toya stood infront of the dorm that they were going to stay at. Toya could felt the rage radiating from her. Silent rage. Her face was calm but he was sure that her eyes were pretty much blazing.

"Atleast we have separate room?" Toya said trying to ease the tension.

"Shut it Serizawa." Y/N spat before going into her room and shutting it loudly causing the male to flinch.

"I'm going to be dead meat."


It was the next day. After arriving yesterday and the meet with the VBC and the recording it was finally a brand new day. Toya yawned, rubbing his face walking to the small kitchen in the dorm they had been provided with.

He stopped and gapes in awe. Y/N was dressed in shorts and sweatshirt with her hair in a bun as she sat the table which somehow had breakfast on it.

"You cooked for me?"

Not even looking up from her phone and cup of coffee she replied. "Last time you were in the kitchen, you almost killed us all. I prefer to die a better way than burning to death thank you."

"Geez, you're harsh." Toya sighed taking a seat and starting to eat.

"Thanks I'm good at it." Y/N said and Toya sweatdropped at the hostile nature.

"Listen Y/N, I'm sorry." Toya apologized. She stopped scrolling on her phone but never looked up.

"I was wrong for lashing out on you like that. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. I was overwhelmed with things and I lashed out on you like a prick. I know I messed up and I regret it. Please, I don't want to lose our friendship. You are someone really precious to me and I don't want something like this to tear us apart!" Toya finally blurted out the feelings in his heart.

"Idiot Toad. I forgive you but next you pull shit like that, I will make you strip naked at school and run around nude." Y/N threatened and Toya laughed.

"Yes ma'am!" Toya saluted.

"Now eat up we have a looooong day ahead." Y/N sighed and went back to her phone while sipping on the coffee.

"Maybe we should-." Toya said.


"You didn't even hear wh-"




"I give up."

"Good boy."



Y/N walked down the halls of Aoba Josai and she never failed to turn eyes to her. Her very aura grew people in and her confident stride made her even more admirable. Currently she was in the Third Year floor heading towards the Dean's office at the end of the hallway.

Her headphones in as she walked without a care about others. Toya was going to catch up later because he needed to sort things with the President of the Music Club of Aoba Josai.

Her green eyes were on her phone yet she swiftly navigates her way through the school. Not once did she bump into anyone nor did she trip.

Y/N put the phone back into her pocket as she still played the music. Her eyes became cold as she saw Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa coming from the other end.

Seeing how they were engrossed in their little chat, it was clear that they didn't see her. When they did, it was when they were only a little distance away from her.

Oikawa was on the right end and she was going to pass by him when the group would pass her. Iwa, Makki, Mattsun watched in confusion as Y/N and Oikawa walked passed each other without a word exchanged between them.

From what they remembered, the two had apparently become good friends. She even had Oikawa help her with maths and they saw how Oikawa would never smile his fake smiles around her.

So seeing them behave so distantly and cold towards each other it baffled them. However, what no one noticed, Iwaizumi did.

Iwaizumi noticed the small, longing glance Oikawa had given the girl. He noticed how Oikawa had let out a small, inaudible sigh when she walked passed him.

As Oikawa and Y/N walked passed each other, their eyes met ever so slightly. For a moment.

For just a moment, they were taken back to when they would joke around the old park near her house. When Oikawa had helped her with math till 2 am on a school night. Back to the time when Oikawa had been accompanied by Y/N to the doctor. Back to the time when everything was normal, when they weren't strangers.

Then the night of their separation came. How Oikawa had left her alone on that dark, cold street. How he had turned his back to her even when he had seen that flash of hurt cross her eyes. How her voice had cracked when she warned him that if he left then they would never go back to how they were.

"If you leave." He stopped. Her voice was strong yet there was an unidentified emotion within it, he couldn't identify. His feet wouldn't move.

"If you leave now, like this, if you leave me like this, then we will never be friends ever again Torū." She said and Oikawa clenched his fists, the magazine crumbled.

"Then I guess we shall be rivals Dazai-San." His words were cold and her green eyes closed as a tear slipped past her eye. She sucked in a breathe and spoke with difficulty, trying not to make her voice crack.

"You know? I actually thought that we could be good friends. That we wouldn't let our schools stop us from being friends. But I was wrong. You aren't willing to let go of the rivalry and that rivalry is making you do this." She said and Oikawa clenched his jaw.

"Goodbye Dazai-San."

"See you on the court then Oikawa."

Oikawa clenched his fists and Y/N looked away. And that moment that was less than a second felt like an eternity. And as that moment passed, so did they.

With small steps they walked away from each other as the gap between Y/N and Oikawa kept increasing.

Iwaizumi made it a point to talk to Oikawa about this strange occurrence later on.


Oikawa and Iwaizumi were the only ones in the locker room after practice. That's when Iwaizumi decided that he would ask Oikawa.

"Oi Shittykawa. What was that back then?" Iwaizumi asked in his usual harsh tone.

"Iwa-chan you are confusing me." Oikawa whined as he changes out of his drenched with sweat practice shirt.

"What happened between you and Dazai-San? Weren't you good, close friends?" Iwaizumi asked and Oikawa, visibly, flinched at the mention of the girl.

"I don't understand what you mean Iwa-chan." Oikawa said bluntly with a fake smile. One which Iwaizumi saw through.

"Don't joke with me now Shittykawa. That ignoring and coldness between you two. What did you do this time Crappykawa?" Iwaizumi glared.

Reluctantly, withal moment to compose himself Oikawa blurted out everything that happened that night.

Iwaizumi listened to him but he did notice something. Something that would change how Oikawa viewed Dazai Y/N, that he knew.

After Oikawa finished his explanation, Iwaizumi looked Oikawa, with a glare and spat out his words with a smirk.

"You are in love with her, Shittykawa."

Oikawa widened his eyes at the sentence and laughed humourelessly.

"Nice joke, Iwa. But I don't do love." He rolled his eyes.

"You say you don't yet here you stand before me with the love you have for her, evident in your eyes." Iwaizumi smirked and leaned against the lockers.

"I don't love her Iwa-chan. I can't love her. She's my rival. A rival from my opponent team! We are enemies and that's it!" Oikawa protested.

"If you really considered her as your enemy you wouldn't stay until 2am at her house to help her with math. If you did consider her as your enemy, you wouldn't have let her go to the doctor with you. You wouldn't have gone all over to Miyagi just to take her so that she would feel happy. You wouldn't have gone to her house at 3am at night just because she called you and said that she had nightmares."

As Iwaizumi spat out all these facts, Oikawa slid onto the metal bench with wide eyes, still looking at Iwazumi.

"I don't.... I can't love her....can I Iwaizumi?" Oikawa said, a blank laugh echoing out of him.

"Face it Shittykawa. You are in love. Its visible in your eyes. You, Oikawa Torū, are in love with Dazai Y/N and no matter how much you deny it, you too know deep down in your heart that you love her." Iwaizumi said and left the locker room to let Oikawa arrange his thoughts.

"Me? Love? Y/N? I possibly can't. Right?" Oikawa asked himself.

However, one look at the small keychain that Y/N had given him as a gift attached to his phone, Oikawa got his answer.

Oikawa Torū did indeed fall for the person whom he thought he hated. Oikawa Torū fell for Dazai Y/N.


"I figured you would be here." Y/N looked from her stack of papers which she sorted into a file.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked.

"Let's talk." Oikawa said as he leaned against the doorway, his brown eyes watching her.

Only the two of them were in the room as the other students had long packed up and left.

"There is nothing to talk about." Y/N glared before locking up the drawer and going past the male.

Oikawa grabbed her wrist and Y/N sighed, looking over her shoulder she warned. "Let go of me Oikawa."

"Just listen to me, please."

"Let go of me or else I will hurt you Oikawa." She glared.

"I know I was wrong that night. Just listen to me onc-"

"Let go Oikawa."

"Give me a chance pleas-"

Oikawa's face snapped to the side as his eyes widened. He slowly put his fingers to his cheek which was now warm and had a slight sting. He looked at her with wide eyes.

"I did give you a chance Oikawa! I gave you a fucking chance! You said you wanted to go so go! Don't do this shit with me now!" She glared.

"That night-"

"That night you turned your back on me! You, left me that night! I tried to make you understand, to make you see that your thought process was wrong! Yet you left! You left! You do not have the right to just come back after that. You don't..... I didn't give you that right...." Her voice trailed off yet the anger, sadness and betrayal was evident in her blazing green eyes.

"Little Cutie I-"

"I can't let you hurt me again Oikawa. I can't bear to be left behind again... I can't."

Her words made Oikawa feel sting in his chest. Her words made him realise that he had actually hurt her so much. That night be didn't just turn away from her, he had turned away from her faith, her trust in him and the thought that he wouldn't hurt her.

"You don't understand how difficult it is for me to open up. How it scares me to get close to people yet I opened up to you! I let you see my vulnerable side at 3am when I cried. Yet there you were, turning away from me, my faith, my trust and leaving me behind." She said as her fists clenched.

"Who gave you the fucking right to toy with me like this? I'm not going to let you just come back to me again and again, letting you hurt me. I'm not that strong Oikawa. I'm not." She cried out, yet her eyes never let a drop of tear to slip.

And with that, Y/N turned her back to him just as he did that night. She left him alone just as he left her that cold night. Dfference was he came back.

She wouldn't.


Entry #442

I won't be hurt by him. I refuse to let Oikawa close again. I refuse to be hurt again by him.

Spring High starts soon and I have sworn to not let anyone come in my way. That includes anyone and everyone.

Nekoma, Fukurodani, Inarizaki whoever it may, I'll crush them all.

I'll destroy their teams before they can even get to know me.

Because that's the thing you see? In the end , I'll have to fight my battles alone.

There is no Prince charming. Because this is not a fairytale.

This is a tragedy and I am the villain.

Someone asked me, "Why wasn't Tanaka or Kiyoko love Interests?"

Lemme explain. First warning. Spoiler ahead! Manga spoiler! But I know you all are just going to ignore the warning and read ahead causing we all love tea🍵.


Do you see this?!

Yeah this! Tanaka and Kiyoko are the couple Okay? I love and ship these two so fucking much I can't explain! They are just so amazing and they are canon! I ain't doing shit and taking them apart! These two are one of my favourite ships and they are canon, like my heart melts.


They are the it couple. The endgame. You wanna argue with me? Go on I ain't afraid. You can't tell me that these two aren't a power couple. You can't. These two are just too much powerful. Plus I love them so much that I could pass away.

Anaywas thank you for coming to my Ted-talk. I have my Physics Test tomorrow and I'm writing this chapter it's really late here, its last 1 am and I know nothing about Physics. Pray for me cause I dont know what I'm about to do.

Lifes good. On another note, excluding the A/N this chapter went past 3000 words. Tell me that I'm good. Praise me because I want be praised. It's been so long since someone said I'm good at something..... don't hate me I just love writing and I love you all!

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