Service 28

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Natalia: hey guys..... double update. I somehow was able to do it.... even though some people wouldn't let me do my work......

Gavin: She means that she was too busy being occupied by us.

Natalia: You think they will understand if you say us – wait a damn minute. *frowns as she realised his words* What do you mean by 'us'? *pales as she realises* Don't tell me...

Gavin; *smirks* Yep.

Natalia: Helios is here!?

Helios: Yes. Yes I am. Any problem. *smirks as Natalia backs away from the two*

Natalia: Why don't you show yourself to the readers?"

Helios: Okay, I guess.

Natalia: anyways, back to the chapter. Have fun!

Helios: While we have our own fun. *drags away a pale and frozen Natalia*

Gavin: Be good readers and leave a Vote okay?

The boys were yawning as they entered the dining hall one by one or in groups. They were all lounging around or eating or still struck by sleep. Among this crowd of people, the three teams couldn't help but notice the absence of a certain green eyed female who was usually one of the first to greet them in the morning.

"Has anyone seen Y/N?" Atsumu puts at his team who simply shrug.

"Nope." Suna says his attention to his phone.

"Me neither." Osamu bites into the onigiri.

"Captain?" Atsumu asks the Third Year who also shook his head.

On the Fukurodani and Nekoma table as they they had decided to sit altogether. It was complete chaos. Bokuto and Kuroo had somehow again started arguing. Kenma and Akaashi shared tired glances and sighed. Yaku, Kai and Konoha just looked done with them. Lev, Shibayama and some of the other Nekoma and Fukurodani First Years just stayed away from them and talked about their own interest. Yamamoto, however was just crying about how he could not see the graceful face of Y/N early in the morning.

Yukie and Kaori were just sighing in tiredness looking at them from the distance. They perked the sound of footsteps behind them. They looked back and a smile as well as a grin came over their faces at the sight of the green eyed female.

"What's wrong? Why are you guys standing out here?" She furrowed her brows, her headphones on her head.

"Where were you? The boys are going crazy!" Kaori sighed.

"I went to a early meeting and then a quick jog along the beach. Plus it'snot my job to babysit them, they are grown highschoolers." She says putting on her headphones.

Yukie and Kaori exchange concerned glances and sigh as they knew that she was right.

"You coming or nah?" She asks looking back at the girls.

"Yep we are." Yukie and Kaori smile.

Y/N just shrugs and turns up the volume of her headphones as she puts the phone back into the pocket of her joggers. She had a matching pair of cropped hoodie and sweatpants. Her hair was left in it's natural state and she had a pair of noise-canceling bluetooth headphones on her ears as she blocked out everything around her.

As she walked by the table of Kamomedai, Korai Hoshiumi, stiffened seeing the familiar girl with whom he hed been rude with. He wanted to approach her but decided against it, considering to apologise later on.

She grabbed two sandwiches, some fruits, sausages and a cup of coffee before moving to one of the empty tables. Her presence had definitely drawn eyes to her, but Y/N was in her own world as she looked out the window biting on her sandwich, listening to whatever it was playing on her headphones.

Yukie and Kaori took seats infront of her and she gave them small nods and smiles as they returned it back. The three of them are their food in comfortable silence. That was until the sound of yells and shouts echoed throughout the dining hall causing Yukie, Kaori and Y/N to widen their eyes and slowly turn behind Y/N.

And there they were. The Fukurodani and Nekoma Captains were yelling at each other as Atsumu and Osamu were fighting and quarelling as well. Yukie and Kaori flinched and paled at the sudden dark aura emitting from Y/N. She hung her headphones around her neck and walked over to them, with her hands in her pocket.

Kamomedai and Itachiyama players along with the Niiyama girls and other teams flinched back as she walked past their tables. Everyone could feel the dark aura around her except the the three teams.

As she stood behind Kuroo, Bokuto, Atsumu and Osamu the others moved atleast 5 feet away from them, not wanting to feel the wrath of a demon.

"Kuroo Tetsurou." The Bed-head flinched and paled, color draining from his face.

"Bokuto Kotarou." The Fukurodani Ace flinched and cold sweat started to form.

"Miya Osamu." The grey haired male froze and felt chills down his spine.

"Miya Atsumu." The blonde felt himself freeze and a waft of cold air come over him.

"You have been warned by me not to cause anymore problems but it seems like your idiotic, stupid brains cannot process simple instructions." She said with anger causing the four of them to feel their soul shrink under he pressure of her eyes. They were too scared to even look her in the eyes as their eyes were downcast.

"I didn't know that volleyball had idiotic, violent people like you. I have given you enough warnings. So, consider this the last time I'm telling you." She said her voice showing disgust. Even the people who weren't being subjected to her words could feel the tense atmosphere and their souls being wringed out of energy and confidence.

"This is also for everyone else." Her words made everyone stand on the edge.

"If I see anymore fighting or quarelling during this trip, those players shall be banned from playing the Tournament. I do not care if you are a friend or anyone else." 

Her snake-like eyes roamed over yet whole dining hall as she spoke.

"If this kind of annoyance happens again, I will personally see that you are restricted and banned from playing. And I'm not making empty threats. So if you think I am, you are gravely mistaken."

Of course there is always that one person who has to provoke an already angry and annoyed person.

"As if a student like you has any power. Plus you are just a girl what can you even do? Why don't you just stick to your singing and dancing? That would be way better that you acting all tough."

Y/N sighs and looks at the person who had said it. She approached him with a calm demeanour but the snake-like gaze of hers made it even more intimidating.

"You misogynistic scum. You better not regret your words after what happens next." She says clearly looking down on the taller guy.

"I beg your pardon?" He ask in confusion to her words.

"Then beg." She had smirked as the male froze in place. He could see a green snake wrapping itself around him the atmosphere dark and heavy as it opened its mouth as if to bite him, the boy stumbled back in fear tripping over a few chair.

The other players widen their eyes at the murderous intent leaking from Y/N. She looked down at the guy who had fallen down. She crouched infront of him as he attempted to move back. Even though she was crouched down, her loud and clear words sent chills down everyone's spines.

"Now, we wouldn't want you to get hurt would we? Not that it matters. Tsuyu Akigami, under the offence of belittling a Board Member's words, disrespecting the equality of the sport, underestimating the power of the Interhigh Board Members,  you are from here on, restricted and banned from playing in any further games in the Interhigh." She stood up and turned around, but stopped as she glanced over her shoulder.

"An official restriction notice shall be sent to your team about your ban from the games. I hope you enjoy your time in the stands." She chuckled sadisticly as she placed her headphones over her head and walked towards her table and sat down.

She resumed eating her breakfast like before ignoring the looks thrown at her. It was evident that everyone had realised her power on the board. Dazai Y/N was someone who could not be underestimated. That was something that the teams present understood. The sweet and kind girl that they seen before was now replaced by a authoritative personnel.

"Don't worry." She says sipping on her coffee as the teams look at her in confusion.

"I don't restrict or ban any player unless there is a valid reason. I would like everyone to respect the teams that have come here together to say this sport. If you truly love volleyball then you also know, deep inside, that volleyball isn't about gender or inequality. It is about the six players who come together on a single court to win. To move towards success. In volleyball you can't and never will be able to win alone. That's something that everyone has been taught at the very beginning. But sometimes fools who let power get to their heads end up losing the will to play and focus on proving themselves strong alone." She puts down the cup and puts on her hood before walking away.

She stood still at the Nekoma, Fukurodani and Inarizaki table not looking at them. However, her words cut deep through them, suffocating them.

"I'm disappointed in you guys. You really proved me wrong huh? I thought that this trip would make you understand that actions have consequences but I was wrong. Without volleyball, you guys are nothing then normal highschool boys who don't know what limits and patience means." She takes a breathe as she glanced at them slightly.

"You are lucky that it was me. If an elder board member had seen any of you guys or any other teams," She says to everyone including the three teams. "Then your teams would have been disqualified right here and now. Be careful next time, all of you, girls and boys both, that is if you still want to play."

A grave silence came over the dining hall as they pondered over her words. They realised that she had been lenient on them. Her words made sense. Any other Board Memeber would have them disqualified. Perhaps Dazai Y/N was simply looking out for them and here they thought that she had it easy. It made them feel ashamed that they thought she was having it easy. Of course being the youngest member on the Board had to mean that she was a remarkable person. But they also realised that she was also a teenager like them who had been handed such a huge responsibility.

Y/N listened to the board members talk as she propped her head on her hand. They had been going at for about an hour now. While the other teams were outside having fun and training, she was stuck here in meetings and organiser. She nodded at the Head and proceeded to give report about the surveillance of the games until now.

"Each team has shown remarkable sportsmanship while abiding by the rules. However, there seems to be a problem with the matchups. If I am not wrong......." She pointed out the problems and the members praised her for her observation and quick solutions.

She answered the questions regarding the teams and events under her surveillance. Nonetheless, the elders were impressed by her professional way of speaking.

On the other hand, the teams were on the beach playing along and training or just sitting on the sand.

Yukie and Kaori were approaching the sullen boys of Fukurodani and Nekoma. Kita had already set the Miya Twins correctly and scolded them accordingly. Yukie and Kaori were talking as they walked past the other groups and sat in a place that was between Fukurodani, Nekoma and Inarizaki.

"I feel bad for Y/N-san." Yukie sighed as the big umbrella shed the two from the sun.

The boys perked up at the mention of the green eyed girl. They had looks of confusion as they listened to the managers.

"Even though she came on the trip will all of us, she is stuck with meetings and events. She had meetings in the morning as well. It must be rough." Kaori says as the two of talk.

"Yeah I know. I wish that she could have fun like us. No one even realises that while we are having fun and everything, the person who is making sure that everyone is happy is slumped in work."

The boys frowned at this.

"Um, Yukie-San, Kaori-San. What do you mean by what you just said?" Akaashi asks the two Third Years, who exchanged glances.

"I don't know if you know this or not, but this resort, the big rooms, the gyms for the teams to play in, the pools even the food that is being served, all of this is organised by Y/N. She may not have proposed the idea but all the organisations have been done by her." Yukie says tucking a strand of hair away.

"Wait really?" Kuroo says shocked.

"Yeah. She has been going to meetings and meeting people ever since we came here. I think the matter today morning really upset her. She even had to go straight for a meeting after breakfast." Kaori says sadly thinking back to tired look on the Second Year's face when she was eating with them.

"We didn't....." Konoha looks down.

We didn't know.

That was what everyone was thinking as guilt had come over them. The person who they thought didn't have much problems had been working so hard for them and they were just being lazy and complaining. Guilty looks were apparent in their eyes as they sighed.

"However," The boys looked up and felt themselves become flustered at the appearance of the person.

"Whatever I did, I did it because it made me happy. So, I just ask that you guys enjoy yourselves. That's all I want in return. You guys can do that right?" She smiled warmly as the boys nodded bashful.


"Hey, when did you get here? Do you have anymore work for today?" Yaku asks as the girl grins and throws them a peace sign.

"I'm free! All my meetings and problems have been finished! Which means I can now,"

The boys cheered at the thought of her having fun with them.on the beach. The girls also grinned widely.

"Have fun!" They cheered.

"Sleep!" She smirked.






The boys started yelling and shouting and protesting.







"Calm down!" She quietened down the boys and girls as she blew a breathe exhausted from their yells.

"I was just kidding. Seriously, you guys blew my eardrums, what the heck." She says as she walks back to the hotel.

"Where are you going?" Atsumu asks

"Didn't you say that you were gonna stay?" Kuroo looks at her.

"Y/N-chan you said you were free." Bokuto grinned.

Y/N stops as she looks over her shoulders.

"You wanna see me wear my underwear to the beach? Ara, Atsumu-kun, Rooster-chan, Bo-kun I didn't think that you were perverts. I thought you were better than that." She smirked and teased them as the three boys blushed furiously and glares were thrown at them while laughter was heard as well.

"See you in a bit." She waved her hand as she kept walking.

"What a girl." Yukie says as she takes in the state of the three blushing guys.

"Yep." Kaori says as she takes a sip of her lemonade.

Y/N shuffled through her suitcase as she pulled out a familiar surf suit. She smiled at it holding it in her hands. She stood infront of the full body mirror as she held it over her. Closing her eyes she sighed in peace.

"Even if our hearts are far away, the things you taught me are embedded deep in my heart." She smiles as she remembered the days under the sun, sound of ocean waves, the laughter that had followed as her bare feet ran through the water, causing it to splash. Another pair of footsteps ran after her as she laughed. A glance over her shoulder made her see the familiar shark toothed smirk that she was so in love with

Cheers and

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