Sons of the Night

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The fog lifts enough for you to see a gloomy, bone castle rising out of the mist.

Lisa-we arrived.

y/n-how hospitable looking.

Charon rows the boat to the shore, and you jump onto the grey shore.

Charon-Thank you for riding across the Styx.


Jihyo-Thank you Charon.

Charon tips his hat and begins the slow journey back.

You follow Lisa up the stone steps until you reach a dark wooden door, with a skull as a knocker.

Jennie-how tasteful.

Suddenly you hiss and grab your chest.

Wonwoo steadies you.

Wonwoo-What's wrong?

y/n-what the hell?

You grab the Earheart Locket. It's burning hot!

Y/n-just a mo.

You close your eyes and call out to the Ten Entities trapped in the Locket.




Ares-Hallo! Wassup Kid?

Hades-wahooo! LOoooooooona.

Y/n-um, what's wrong with him?

Sekhmet-Hades for the last time, calm down!


Sekhmet-Oh hello there, Y/n.

Y/n-why is Hades. . .

Ares-Acting so weird?


Nyx-It's his home, y/n. His kingdom. 

Morrigan-Hades hasn't been here for about 50 millenia.


Sekhmet-try to ignore him okay? We will do our best to contain him, but his excitement may cause some uncomfort.

Y/n-okay, just checking.

Hades-Gooooo, weeee weee!

Ares-shush, nut brain!

You chuckle and reopen your eyes. Lisa is staring at you with concern.

Lisa-everything all right?

y/n-oh yes, just someone is a bit too excited.

Jihyo-Oh right, I forgot that this is Hades homeland.

S.Coups- Everyone ready to enter the castle?


S.Coups grabs the skull knocker and beats the door three times. Thump. Thump. Thump. You wait for a few minutes before the door opens slowly.

Vernon-Well that's welcoming.

A brown robed man stands in front of you. For some odd reason, you suddenly feel sleepy. You cover your mouth but cannot stop the yawn that escapes your lips. Glancing to your right you see that Lucas is struggling to keep Hendery awake, and to your left Jisoo has nearly collapsed in Ten's arms. Jihyo manges to speak.

Jihyo-Hypnos. We mean no harm.

The man doesn't respond. 

A voice rings in your head.

Hades-That's my boy!

The pale figure looks at your direction.

Hypnos-Lord Hades?

You feel unnerved by the man's eyes, which are milky white.

Hypnos-What brings you here, Sir? I thought you had been contained.

Hades-Yes, Yes. Hypnos these are my companions.

Hypnos raises a pale eyebrow.

Hades-Let them through, Hypnos.

Hypnos- These people are not dead or one of the Immortals. They should know that they are forbidden to enter this place.

Hades-Hypnos, Look at this girl. She is not any mortal. She is the Heir.

Hypnos-Heir? My Lord, forgive me. There have been many imposters before this and they claimed the same thing. They stole relics from your house, and they have left in near ruins. I cannot allow another mistake to happen.

Hades- (quietly) Rude!

A gentle voice speaks inside of you.

Nyx-Allow me.


Hypnos's eyes widen.


Nyx-it is me.



Hypnos-Mother, You must come back! Thanatos is losing his mind!

Nyx-I will. However if you wish for that to happen, then you must allow Y/n to speak with Lady Persephone.

Hypnos-But. . .

Nyx-Do you trust me?

Hypnos gulps and bows stiffly to you.

Hypnos-my sincere apologies, enter.

The fifteen of you follow Hypnos down massive black halls until you reach a large domed room.

Hypnos bows.

Hypnos-Lady Persephone, I present to you Kim Y/n, the Heir.

The woman turns.

Persephone-Well, well, well, another imposter. 

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