Everybody hates Mondays. Especially Felix since he has to go to school and Changbin goes to university and goes to work after so he won't see him until the end of the day.
But what he's doing right now is trying to get Seungmin and Hyunjin together since he knows they like each other but won't admit it. Not only them but also Minho and Chan.
However, he can't do it alone. That's why he decided to make a gc. But first, he's going to try and and get Minchan together.
Operation: Minchan
Lee Felix added Han Jisung, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Yang Jeongin and Natty Bahng to the gc
Sunny chick🐥
Thank you all for coming
Bitch you literally added us what
are you on about
I.N you😉
What do you need us for hyung?
Daddy long legs🦵
Why did you add us
Daddy long legs🦵
Also wtf is up with your name
I.N you😉
I got inspiration from somewhere😌
Bahng-ed you😏
Stfu all of you it is 6am I'm
Sunny chick🐥
Bahng-ed you😏
It's creativity Felix what do you
think 🙄
Are you all done
I want to go back to sleep
Daddy long legs🦵
Also what is operation Minchan?
Sunny chick🐥
I want to try and get Minho and
Chan together and I can't do it
Bahng-ed you😏
Sure I'll help you I have nothing
else to do anyway
And eventually everyone else agreed. Currently Minho is at the hospital due to an...accident but he'll be discharged in a week. But for now the others went back to sleep.
They decided that it was best to do it after Minho gets discharged. Because Chan would sometimes visit him.
But now it's time for these fuckers to go to school or work. Mondays are the worst days for them.
Seungmin was walking to school with his first friend, Hanni. Though Seungmin didn't have a phone, Hanni found ways to communicate with him outside of school.
"I'm thinking of getting a haircut what do you think Seungmin?"
"I think a bob cut would suit you. But I don't know. You can ask Minji or Jeongin."
"Thank you Seung! I'll think about it when I get home."
They both enter the building. Once they reached their lockers Hanni needed to use the bathroom. She told Seungmin and went to the bathroom.
While Seungmin was placing some of his stuff in his locker the lights went dark. And of course it was someone's hands.
"Guess who it is!~" the person said playfully.
"I know it's you Hyunjin," Seungmin answered, chuckling, "is there anything you need?
"I just need to tell you something," Hyunjin took a deep breath before explaining, "it's about Minho and Chan."
He explained to Seungmin about the gc Felix made and everything else. Seungmin wished he could join but he couldn't afford a phone.
"HYUNJIN." Hyunjin heard a female voice yell out. It was his twin sister dragging Iseul by her hair towards the duo.
She let go of Iseul, making her fall, "Tell me why this brat here told me to stay away from you!" She turns to look at Iseul, "I'm his sister for fuck's sake!"
"Don't mind her Yeji she just has a crazy crush on me." Hyunjin explained, annoyed at the shorter girl. Yeji just glared at Iseul and spoke again.
"Yeah the girl who just has a crazy crush on you which caused one of your friends to be put in a hospital!" She turns her head towards a corner, "Riki stop being a pussy and get out here! She's not going to hurt you!"
Ni-ki emerges from a corner he was hiding in and stands next to Yeji. He looks at Iseul, who shot a glare at him.
What a long morning it is Seungmin thought to himself. He continues doing what he was doing before Hyunjin came.
"What happened that made her go beyond her craziness that Namjoon had to drag her out!?"
Hyunjin took a deep breath and told Yeji and Ni-ki what happened. They stood there speechless for a second but then started to laugh.
"Really that's it? All because they danced to troublemaker!" Ni-ki exclaimed while laughing out loud.
"They do that shit all the time Iseul!" Yeji said, trying to stop herself from laughing, "it's not like they're in love!"
Iseul just stood up, flipped the four off and walked away. She is going to make sure Yeji and Ni-ki regret dragging her towards Hyunjin. She didn't hear what Yeji was saying due to her complaining about how much pain she was in.
Hanni returns from the bathroom and did not expect to see Yeji, Ni-ki and Hyunjin there as well. She just shrugged it off and smiled at them.
"Hello! We have to go to our home rooms soon by the way." Hanni informs and walks to her home room along with Seungmin.
"Does she have a crush on Seungmin?" Hyunjin questions.
"Nah definitely not she sits next to Minji in my calculus class. Minji asked Hanni if she had a crush on him and she immediately said no and wasn't interested in men!" Yeji responded, "but let's just get to our home rooms now."
And they did so. In the home room class, Hyunjin now sits next to Seungmin according to the new seating plan since the school now added tables for two people.
"Oh hello again Hyunjin!" Seungmin said, happy to see the taller.
"Hello Seungmin!" Hyunjin replies back.
"Hello everyone I'm Mr Griffin. Your home room teacher is sick today so I'm covering for now." Mr Griffin says, "my full name is Peter Griffin but call me Mr Griffin."
He pulls out his laptop to do the register of who is in or not.
"Chaewon? Is Chaewon in?"
"Here sir." Chaewon responds.
Mr Griffin continues to do the register. A boy known as Myungho notices something on fire outside the classroom but was too tired to notice it.
But the fire didn't stop there. It got bigger till it reached the classroom door. Luckily the lockers are fireproof.
Chaewon started to scream, Myungho wasn't bothered by it, Nabi held Mi-Cha's hand,Iseul was crying and a girl called Giselle was secretly writing something on her phone, unbothered about the fire.
Not much was going on here. But a lot was going on in Jeongin's class so let's go and see how they're doing.
"AAAAA WE'RE GONNA DIEEEE!!" A girl yelled out, crying.
"Chaeryeong we'll be okay don't worry!" A boy said, trying to calm Chaeryeong down.
"How do you know Beomgyu!? What if my friends die?" Chaeryeong yells back.
Everyone in class was panicking while Jeongin sat in silence. Of course he was worried but he tried his hardest not to freak out.
"Okay everyone!" Miss Myoui yelled, "we'll be okay! I'm going to open the door and you will all exit the building. You can run but only towards the front of the school."
"But what about our stuff in the lockers?" A boy asked the teacher.
"Don't worry about that Jungwon," Miss Myoui responded, "the lockers are fireproof and waterproof so when the fire dies down you can collect your stuff."
Miss Myoui opens the door to let herself and the students out. The school is terrible when it comes to sprinklers so when it gets turned on it's like a flood.
Before Sunoo could leave the classroom the door slammed shut. Jeongin and Jungwon noticed and tried to open it.
As they were trying to get the door to open Miss Myoui and a boy called Daehwi dragged them away from the door to exit the building.
And that's when the water started to come in. Sunoo had no hope left so he just leaned on the door, sitting down.
Ow the fucking door's hot Sunoo thought to himself and stood away from the door.
"Welp this is goodbye. I would like to thank Jungwon and Ni-ki for being the best idiotic friends I could ever ask for and my hyungs for treating me better than my mother and father." Sunoo said before lying down in the deep water.
By now everyone was outside the building. Well almost everyone. Seungheon couldn't take the bullying from Iseul anymore and stayed in his class and Sunoo, well, y'know what happened.
"Jungwon! Are you okay?" Ni-Ki asked the shorter.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Jungwon muttered. Jeongin could tell he wasn't.
"Where's Sunoo!? Did he go up to that guy he talked to a few days ago?"
Jungwon started to cry, "Sunoo... he-he-"
"No... don't tell me he died. Please don't tell me he died!"
"I'm really sorry Ni-ki. But the classroom door slammed on him and it wouldn't budge." Jeongin said, calming down Jungwon.
Ni-ki fell to his knees and started to cry. Seungmin and Hyunjin saw him and immediately ran to him.
The fire died down thanks to the water for flooding the school. The lockers were still intact as if the fire never happened. What's left was Sunoo and Seungheon's bodies.
Miss Jeon, Ms SinB and Mr Jung immediately ran to carry the bodies to the ground.
"Seungheon's pulse rate is weak. Call an ambulance quick!" Miss Jeon yells out with worry in her voice.
"What about the other one miss?" Hyunjin asks.
"It's weaker than Seungheon's. But fingers crossed he will survive!"
Seungmin held Hyunjin's hand to calm him down. It's not that he's close with Sunoo, he's worried that Ni-ki's mental health will decline since him and Sunoo were really close friends.
Everyone went to get their belongings from the lockers. What a tragic day.
"Seungheon is alive. But he needs to stay here for a while." The nurse informed. Yungyu and his other friends felt relieved.
"What about Sunoo?" Jay asked. He and his friends care a lot about Sunoo and love him so much (as friends of course. Don't make it weird).
"As for Sunoo, I'm sorry but we couldn't save him." Jay and the others stood there, not knowing what to say.
"I need to use the bathroom..." Ni-ki mumbled, walking away.
Sorry if it I didn't write a lot of seungjin or Minchan.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net