Chapter 5 - The shower

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Chuck was crouched down, preparing something under his hammock.

"What are you up to, Chuck ?" I asked curiously, trying to catch a glimpse over his shoulder.

He jumped and turned towards me.

"You scared me ! Are you alone ?"

"As you can see, yes."

"Do you want to prank Minho with me ?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"What kind of prank do you have in mind ?" I asked, chuckling.

"I want to replace Minho's hair gel with something gross." He said proudly.

"He's going to be mad at you." I replied, smiling.

"Not just me, since you're participating too !"

I chuckled slightly, realizing that his previous question was not really a question at all. I must admit I was in the mood for a bit of fun, so going along with my friend's scheme seemed like a good idea.

I sat down next to Chuck and watched what he was doing. He explained that he was preparing "a strange substance" without revealing more details.

"Maylin, I'm going to need your help now."

"For what ?" I asked.

"You need to distract Minho while I sneak into his hut and grab his gel."

"I can do that." I chuckled, standing up and reaching out my hand to help him up as well.

I then set off to find Minho, who had been out of the maze for a while. Eventually, I spotted him coming out of a hut that I didn't recognize.

"Hey, Minho !"

"What's up, Greenie !" He replied, with his usual smirk.

"Here we go again. When are you going to start calling me by my name ?" I sighed.

"When I feel like it ! I heard you cut yourself in the kitchen, not very skilled, huh ?"

Once again, he was teasing me. It didn't bother me, in fact, I found it somewhat amusing.

"I guess so." I chuckled. "But hey, the more I fail, the closer I get to becoming a Runner."

"I can see you're eager to be near me. Doesn't surprise me. If I saw my face, I'd want to get closer to it too, at any cost."

I couldn't help but laugh, he was actually quite funny. Very sassy and narcissistic, but amusing.

"I actually want to become a Runner just to be able to escape your face quickly." I replied.

"Well played. That was a good one. I know you don't mean it tho." He retorted. "Otherwise, did things go well with the Med-jacks ?"

"Yeah, I'm getting the hang of it."

"Ready to become one ?"

"I won't. I'll be a Runner."

"Pretty confident, aren't you ?"

"No more than you, you narcissist."

He laughed at my remark. I looked into the distance and saw Chuck coming out of Minho's hut. He must have finished what he had to do.

"Well, see you later, Minho."

"See you later, Maylin." He said as he left.

I smiled at the sound of my name, glad that he finally used it. I quickly glanced at the hut he came out of, neither Alby nor Newt had introduced me to it. I was curious about what it housed, but it was almost mealtime, and I needed to help Frypan serve the boys. So, I gathered myself and headed toward the kitchen.

"I'm here, Fry ! Sorry for the delay." I said, running my hand behind my head, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No problem, Maylin. Come on, take the plates, the boys are already waiting."

I did as he said and took the plates. He held the ladle and filled them with pasta. I just had to hold them out and pass them to the boys. Quite simple.

When the boys wanted meat, it was up to me to add it to the plates. I thought only a few of them would want it, but I was mistaken. Every single one of the boys requested meat.

"Alright, you should go join your friends now, Maylin. I'll manage to finish up here."

"Are you sure ? I can stay, it's only fair to help out."

"That's kind of you, but don't worry, go ahead. The guys look like they're waiting for you to eat."

I glanced over at the table where I had been sitting recently and saw Minho, Chuck, and Newt. Indeed, they seemed to be waiting for me to join them for the meal, except for Chuck, who was already nibbling on his plate.

Frypan served me pasta and some meat, insisting that I needed to eat to keep up my strength, even though I wasn't very enthusiastic about eating the animal I had seen slaughtered.

"FINALLY, YOU'RE HERE !" Chuck exclaimed. "I couldn't wait any longer ! You better not become a cook, because I won't wait for you every night !" He added, stuffing a forkful of pasta into his mouth.

I chuckled lightly as I sat down across from Chuck, next to Newt. Minho was seated beside Chuck.

"Your plate isn't as full as when I served you, Chuck. Waiting didn't seem so hard for you after all." I teased.

Newt and Minho laughed at Chuck's slightly blushing cheeks, caught red-handed.

Suddenly, what Chuck had done earlier came back to me. I looked at Minho, eager to see his reaction tomorrow when he would try to style his hair before heading into the maze.

"I see you're not eating your meat, Maylin." Chuck quipped, his mischievous intentions clear as day.

"Go ahead, take it, I don't want it."

"Well, if you insist !"

He grabbed my plate and transferred the meat to his, taking a few noodles in the process. If he thought he was being discreet, he failed.

"Stop stealing Maylin's food, Chuck." Newt said.

"It doesn't bother me much." I affirmed.

"You see ! She doesn't mind !" Chuck confirmed my words. "It's good to have a friend like you Maylin."

I smiled at him. Newt leaned closer to my ear to whisper something.

"You need to eat, Maylin, seriously."

"I do. Don't worry about me, blondie." I smiled at him, causing his cheeks to blush slightly.

"Don't call me that !"

"What are you two whispering about ? Dirty words ?" Minho asked, chuckling.

I felt my cheeks flush and saw Newt's do the same.

"You're crazy to say that, Minho !" I exclaimed.

"What are dirty words ?" Chuck asked innocently.

"It's when—" Minho was cut off by Newt's hand over his mouth. He looked at him wide-eyed, shaking his head.

"Nothing for your age." I said simply.

Minho laughed at our reactions. We talked for a while, finishing our meals. Once we were done, I found myself alone with Minho as the other boys went to clear up.

"You stink." He teased.

"Thanks, that's very kind of you." I replied. "Just so you know, you guys never offered me a chance to take a shower."

"Oh, offered ? Because you'd want to shower with me, perhaps ? I get it, I mean, who wouldn't want to see water running down these beautiful abs." He said, smirking.

I felt my cheeks flush, his remark being rather embarrassing.

"That's not what I meant !" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know." He chuckled. "I'll take you to the showers if you want."

I nodded and followed him to the showers. Along the way, he whispered to me.

"And you don't actually stink."

I laughed, finding his comment quite funny.

"There it is. I'll stay outside the door, in case any of the guys get tempted to peek."

I smiled at him, appreciating his thoughtfulness.

"Thanks !"

"But you better hurry !" He added.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The cold water made me yelp.

"Don't be a wimp." Minho said through the door.

I sighed and toughened up to endure the cold. Eventually, I got used to it and started scrubbing my body to wash away the grime. I noticed a bar of soap nearby, which I picked up to use. Once I finished my shower, I quickly dried off, only to realize a glaring issue.

"Umh, Minho ?"

"What ?"

"I don't have any other clothes."

I heard him laugh through the door.

"You should've thought about that !"

"I didn't know I was going to take a shower ! You caught me off guard."

He sighed.

"Wait, I'll get you some."


Chapter 5 is out !

If you have any suggestions or something, don't hesitate to tell me about it !

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