Chapter 10 - Young us

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Newt lent me another t-shirt and shorts so I could sleep comfortably. I must admit I was grateful to him. The clothes that had arrived with me in the box were clearly daytime outfits—shorts, cargo pants, sports bras, and tops. I also had a sweater and a jacket.

So I thanked Newt, and we headed towards the showers. I felt the cold water running over my body, and again, I couldn't help letting out a little yelp. I heard Newt laughing on the other side of the door, just like Minho had done last time.

His laughter echoed in my head for a few moments. I felt like I had heard it a million times before. I brushed away this absurd thought and started scrubbing my body to remove the grime and sweat. I used the same soap as last time. Once done, I dried off and dressed, then opened the door. Newt was standing right in front of it, so if I hadn't looked, I probably would have bumped into him.

He observed me for a moment before speaking.

"Are you using my soap ?" He asked.

My cheeks began to blush slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed because I didn't know he had his own.

"I'm using this one." I said, pointing at it. "I'm sorry if it's yours, I didn't know you—"

"No, don't worry about it, it's fine actually." He said, smiling at me.

I returned his smile, and we both headed towards the Homestead.

"Night, Maylin." He said, smiling.

The moonlight reflected in his eyes, making them sparkle.

"Goodnight, Newt." I replied with a smile.

I then joined Chuck, and he went into his hut a little further away. Chuck was already asleep. It must have been quite late, as most of the Gladers seemed to be asleep. I settled into my hammock and gazed at the moon for a moment before drifting off to sleep.

I was in a room. It looked like a cafeteria. The architecture was the same as the rooms in my other dreams. I was back in this nightmare.

I was sitting at a table. I looked around me. I was surrounded by children. Then I looked down at my legs and realized I was one too. I must have been about 8 years old, I would say. I was sitting across from a little boy. His face was slightly blurred. He seemed to be the same as in my other dreams. I was intrigued by his presence, I really wanted to know who he was.

Next to me was what seemed to be a young Newt, and across from him was Minho. Had I known them all this time ? Or was I imagining all of this ?

"This dish is not good !" Complained Minho.

"You only say that because there's vegetables." Newt affirmed with a chuckle.

"Yeah, so what ?" Minho retorted.

"You should eat anyway, Minho. Apparently, we're going to do sports this afternoon." Intervened the boy with brown hair in front of me.

"I'm fed up, I don't want to run in place all afternoon !" I exclaimed.

I wasn't in control of my outbursts. It was as if I was a spectator of my words and actions, even though I was in my body. It was a very strange sensation.

The meal went on. I couldn't hear the whole conversation, and yet, I was participating in it. It was as if the voices were distant, yet so close.

The cafeteria had disappeared. I was now in a small room, electrodes all over my body. I was on a treadmill, forced to run without stopping. The same woman with blonde hair from my previous dreams was observing me. There were also a few men and women in white coats, seemingly taking notes as they watched me.

"Her heart rate is fairly stable. She's been running for 7 minutes now and doesn't seem to show significant signs of fatigue." A woman intervened.

"She's strong. Maylin, my dear, you can stop there." Said the woman with blonde hair.

The treadmill slowed down, and I stepped off. Turning around, I caught sight of the heads of Minho, Newt, probably Alby, and the unfamiliar boy with brown hair peering slightly through the glass in front of me. They must have been watching me.

As I walked towards the door to exit and join my friends, the woman placed her hand on my shoulders.

"You'll see them later, Maylin. We're not done yet."

And once again, the room disappeared. Now, I found myself in a simple room. I was with Newt. Minho, Alby and the boy with brown hair, along with a girl I didn't know who also had brown hair, were a bit further away.

"You look exhausted, Maylin." He said, observing my face.

"They put me through lots of tests, I'm tired !" I replied, sitting down on a bench, crossing my arms.

Newt sat down beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know it's tiring, but you're strong, Maylin." He said, trying to reassure me.

I sighed and turned my gaze towards him. Tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't quite know why, but I suppose the young me did. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Newt wiped it away before it could fall.

"Don't cry, love. It'll be okay."

Following Newt's words, I woke up in the hammock where I had fallen asleep last night. It was indeed another dream. I wondered if I really knew the boys since childhood, or if it was simply a product of my imagination. I also wondered who the blonde woman was that I kept seeing in my dreams. She seemed warm-hearted, but it was strange.

I finally got up after thinking for a few moments. Chuck was still asleep beside me, so I left him to rest. I headed to the canteen where Frypan was already ready to serve the Gladers. I greeted him and chatted for a few minutes before going to sit at a table alone.

As I began to eat, someone sat down across from me. I was expecting to see Chuck, Newt, or even Minho, so I was surprised when I looked up and saw Gally.


Chapter 10 is out !

Is it too short ? I don't know what's better.

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