Chapter 11 | Big Brother

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SoYou unsteadily stood from her seat, leaving her phone on the sofa, as she and J-Hope switched places in the recording studio. She had suggested a different combination of chords but had trouble explaining it by plain text through her tablet. Positioning herself before the keyboard, she played one of the tracks and recorded it so that the chords could appear on the connected monitor display.

However, by the end of it, she tilted her head, unsure of the transition between the first verse and chorus after the suggested change. Somehow, she had lost the original intense energy of the track. She blamed her ballad background that caused her to choose a more delicate chord which obviously conflicted with the overall spirited atmosphere of J-Hope's mixtape. SoYou gripped her hands together, adversed to peeking at J-Hope's reaction on the change. She was slightly embarrassed that she couldn't immediately fix the track even after Jimin had bragged about her being a 'genius composer.' For a moment, she felt sick in her stomach but quickly shook her head to focus.

SoYou was intent on doing justice for the image Jimin had of her.


Truly, it could only be described as a miracle that such a close family dynamic was developed in BTS.

And J-Hope has always considered himself the big brother, especially towards the youngest members--both literally and figuratively. To him, they were all troublesome in their own way. V was too hyper and eccentric. Jungkook was too introverted. And Jimin was far too sensitive. As such, he tried his best to support them be it by playing along with V's antics so that he wouldn't be seen as the alien of the team or by making sure Jungkook was engaged in interviews or by constantly encouraging and complimenting Jimin because he was such a precious thing.

He cared so much. For some unfathomable reason to J-Hope, Jimin would often blame himself unreasonably for an event if it meant he didn't have to witness the bad in others. And though J-Hope deemed that one of his younger brother's best traits, Jimin could hurt himself tremendously if left alone.

Unfortunately, J-Hope had an ugly feeling that such an event was approaching.

To the surprise of some, J-Hope was incredibly professional despite his bright attitude. Typically, he would not allow his personal feelings to affect work, but this time, he had intentionally teased Jimin out of the room. As the moodmaker of BTS, J-Hope could sense the despair emitting from people just by their body language. When SoYou entered the recording studio, he promptly determined her as code black--someone he absolutely did not want near Jimin. After all, a depressed person could easily deteriorate his mental condition due to his boundless empathy.

Placing his hands beneath his chin, J-Hope was staring a hole through SoYou's back unbeknownst to her. He could sense that she wanted to be anywhere but here. Aside from the evident physical ailment she had from her unstable steps and slump shoulders, her whole demeanor darkened because she saw Jimin.

He didn't think it was because she disliked him since everyone loved his younger brother. So for what reason did SoYou react like that towards their Jimin?

J-Hope desperately wanted to know because once Jimin noticed anything strange from her, it may be too late for J-Hope or the other members to protect him from his own dangerous train of thoughts. Sighing frustratedly, J-Hope was grabbing at straws on their relationship. Aside from the dinner outing Jimin had with her and Jin, J-Hope wasn't aware of any other interactions between them. BTS's hectic schedule prevented that. So why was she acting like this towards Jimin though they lacked a personal relationship? He didn't understand, but he felt like he didn't have the whole picture to justify getting involved.

Until a decisive hint pieced everything together.

SoYou had been so focused that she didn't notice a stream of messages come in. Though unintentional, J-Hope saw the sender's name when the phone resting beside him displayed a preview of the message on the lockscreen.


He instantly did a double take, slightly shifting the phone to get a clearer view of the name.


This was it. There was too much of a coincidence for this to be a different Jimin and for her to be a different girl--not when J-Hope had just playfully provoked Jimin to text Yumi a get well message.

Narrowing his eyes at SoYou, he observed her more closely now, scrutinizing everything from her outfit to her small habits. Since their first meeting, he had noticed the physical similarities between her and Yumi. V had also been vocal about them possibly being the same person and enthusiastically declared that he would play detective to find out the truth. However, J-Hope was swift to tell him not to be rude and intrusive. If Yumi was really disguising herself as SoYou, that was her choice and BigHit had accepted that. BTS had no right to demand anything personal of her.

That was, until now. Because Jimin was involved.

J-Hope leaned forward on the sofa, sighing before getting her attention. "SoYou-ssi." When she turned, he did not hesitate as he inquired with a solemn voice. "SoYou-ssi, are you Yumi?"

-End of Chapter-

<Word Count: 877 words>

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