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"Okay." Rose says grabbing my arm and pulling me into her apartment, leading me to the couch while she pours some water and hands it to me. "Take a deep breath and explain." She says sitting next to me.

"He's here." I say once again swallowing the water. "My soulmate." The words slip out before I know it and Rose gives me an amused smile.


"I don't know, but I saw him earlier."

"Here?" She asks with a small gasp, her eyes wide in surprise. "Where at?"

"The coffee shop." I say looking at the ground and Rose quirks her brow.

"Our coffee shop? Well, more like Sehun's coffee shop?" She asks in disbelief, looking at the floor. Then, she unexpectedly shifts to the side, and places her hand on my forehead.

"Rose!" I protest as her weight lands on me, pushing me farther into the couch.

"I'm just checking that you're not sick." She says in defense, going back to her original position. "He didn't come with Hoseok though..." Rose says creasing her brows.

"I know, Sehun said he went to the cafe with a friend, but that was before you dropped me off."

"Wait a second." Rose says lifting her hands. "Sehun saw him too?" She questions and I nod.

"That's how I know that I didn't imagine it." I say and she nods placing her hand on her chin.

"How come I didn't see him!" Rose whines making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously Rose?" I ask giving her a look. "I tell you my soulmate is here and that's what you're worried about?"

"Hey, I'm really curious about the guy that you are head over heels for."

I open my mouth to say something but stop mid way. "I'm not head over heels for him."

"Suuure." Rose says in a teasing tone. "That's why you ran all the way here to tell me."

"Oh shush." I say rolling my eyes. "You can be so annoying at times Rose." I say crossing my arms.

"I know." She says giving me a side hug. "That's why you're my best friend. Because you put up with me." Her statement manages to crack a smile on my face a Rose smirks in victory. "So what's the plan now?"

"Hmmmm....." I hadn't actually contemplated the possibility of meeting my soulmate so soon, so right now, my mind is blank.

After a few minutes of thinking, I lift my head up and look at Rose.

"Can I use some paper and a pen?" I ask and Rose quickly nods her head handing me the items.

"What are you planning to do?" She asks trying to peek over my shoulder to see what I'm writing, but I manage to cover it up.

"There's only one way to confirm that it's really him." I say folding the note.

"What is it?" Rose asks but I shake my head.

"I can't tell you." I say grabbing my things and heading for the door.

"Ugh. You're such a tease." She says crossing her arms with a pout. "But let me know how everything goes!" She shouts waving her hand in the air.

"Don't worry Rose, I will."

That is, if this really works.

My hand softly traces the folded note in my pocket, the warm sunlight faint as the sun starts to disappear in the sky.

As I reach my destination, I come to a stop and look up at the trees above, listening as the wind brushes by the leaves, my heart wishing with all its might that my soulmate sees the note.


I think to myself with a small smile, that's what I should call him next time we meet.

Before placing the note in its place, I look over it one last time, making sure that the address of the cafe and the time to meet are written neatly on the page.

Then with a small sigh, I look up to the sky one last time, heading to the set of swings from my dreams and placing it somewhere only he would able to find it.

Afterwards, the walk home is mostly silent, filled only with my thoughts. The overpowering feeling of longing growing in my heart with each step I take.

Please let this work.

My apartment glows with the dim light from outside, feeling cozier and more inviting than any other day. Almost as if by now, it knew my daily routine with soulmate.

So it's no surprise that as soon as my head meets the pillow, my eyes grow heavy and I fall into the all familiar sleep.

To my delightful surprise, it doesn't take long for the dream to start, and I'm soon at the same location from earlier, soulmate standing a few feet away looking at the night sky.

"Soulmate!" I call out with a smile and he looks at me surprised, scratching his temple.

"Soulmate?" He asks flashing a dimpled smile. "Not strangers anymore?"

"Well, we haven't been complete strangers from the beginning have we?" I ask and he shakes his head, looking down with a smile.

"No, we haven't." He says putting his hands in his pockets. "And I like the new name." He adds, his eyes disappearing into a cute eye smile.

Without another word, both of us make our way to the swings, enjoying each other's company as we stare at the night sky.

"I think I saw you earlier." I say in a low voice, but loud enough for him to hear. "Was it really you?" I ask turning to face him and as he is about to answer, his image falters for a second.

"Right. I guess you can't respond to that." I say looking at the ground, my feet tracing random shapes on the dirt as we speak.

"I'm sorry." He says looking down. " I really wish I could tell you."

"Me too Soulmate." I say offering a smile.

The wind starts picking up and his image fades for a second, reminding me the reason of why I brought him here.

"We don't have much time." Soulmate says.

"I left you a note." I say and he looks at me surprised. "Please find it."

"I will." He says reaching out to me and grabbing my hand. "Trust me."

For the first time, I find the courage to look into his eyes, which are so full of light as he looks at me, my image reflected on his eyes before he slowly starts fading away, his warm smile remaining.

A tear rolls down my eye as I open my eyes, my heart tightening as I recall the dream.

Is this really meant to be?


The next day, I arrive at the cafe an hour earlier than the time we are supposed to meet, ordering a cup green tea to try to calm my nerves.

As I settle on my place, my gaze focuses on the green liquid in front of me, my fingers tracing the edge of the white cup as I wait.

And I wait...


Every time the little bells would ring, my heart skipped a beat, only to be disappointed when each person walked in, none of them the person I'm waiting for.

Did he see the note? I think to myself resting my chin in top of my palm.

Trust me. His deep, low voice echoes in my mind, and so I sigh, placing a hand over my heart and taking a deep breath.

Hours pass and Soulmate is still nowhere in sight, making me worried and slightly anxious.

This is it. I think to myself ignoring the heavy feeling on my chest. He didn't come.

Then another thought pops into my mind.

What if something happened to him?

With one last glance at my watch, I gather my things and stand up, jumping slightly when a voice calls out to me.

"There you are!" Sehun says making raise a brow at his statement. "I've been waiting to give you this all day." He says searching his pockets, reaching in to the back one to take out a folded note.

I mutter a quick 'thanks' and grab the note, carefully unfolding it as if it's going to disappear at any second.

The small note contained a few words, but it managed to stop my heart, my breath hitching in my throat as I read it.

Let's meet.


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