Narrator: To those who know his story of Trio Colo Riders, you get the story, there were 9 Riders who fought against an evil clan called Deviant Shade, sacrificing themselves to save the multiverse and pass the powers to their descendent. But in this universe, it's different. Instead, there were the embodiment of all Super Sentai fought them off for long until one of Akared's allies sacrifice themselves in order for him to continue the process of the first Super Sentai team, Goranger. As years went on, Deviant Shade's leader, Marick Ginga, awakens his power one last time as the waves hit different universes and merged in with their universe thus creating a new universe as new heroes arrive to help Super Sentai in one of the crossover events they work together for as Maverick Ginga still dies down when using last of its powers to merge them together. Thus we begin our new story.
(Timeline: January 31st, 2022)
The scene opens up with the boy, name Akaigen Himiku, jogging through the sidewalk with a backpack on his back.
Akaigen(Monologue): Hello, the name is Akaigen Himiku. Just your average 13-year-old Sentai fan on this planet. For a while, Super Sentai was well known in Japan for their teamwork and protector of peace. And I was a fan of that. They were cool.
He then makes a stop at a red light as the car pass by as it glows white for him to jog along across the sidewalk.
Akaigen(Monologue): Before I was born, some stories were that of purple energy waves across the planet to the galaxy as everything went white before it turn back to normal. I never get to see it because I wasn't born yet. But, I pretend things going normal.
As he jogged on the sidewalk, he sees the boy picking up a toy as he saw the truck coming towards him.
Akaigen's thoughts: Crap!
Akaigen: Look out!
He makes a run towards the boy as he pushes him away as he gets hit by the truck as the father arrives to see his son as he sees Akaigen face planted on the ground as he stands back up.
Akaigen: Is he... okay, sir?
The Father: Oh... yes, kid.
Akaigen smiled at this.
Akaigen: Thank goodness...
Then he gives the boy a toy which reveals to be Akaranger.
Akaigen: Here.
The boy picks it up.
Boy: Thank you.
Akaigen fell to the ground unconscious as the boy's father called in the emergency as the ambulance arrives.
The scene shows him in a hospital bed as light appears on top of him.
???: Akaigen. Wake up, Akaigen Himiku.
In Dream
He stands back up as he walks along, and turns around as he meets Akarenger in his dream.
Akaigen: A-Akrenger?
Then he hears a footstep as it stops as Akaigen turns around to see Gokai Red.
Akaigen: Gokai Red?!
They walk a little bit in front and stop as he turns around to see a familiar figure that created Super Sentai.
Akaigen: And AkaRed, too?!
The two red rangers walk right beside him from left & right.
AkaRed: I see you know well of our history.
Akaigen: O-of course I do! My family told me about it, and that's what I love about you and Sentai!
AkaRed: Happy to hear their spirit burn with miracle hope. But the question was; do you have regard for saving someone's life?
Akaigen: No sir... I just do what I think it's right. Bringing the future to their hope.
AkaRed: After seeing you save someone else, I knew you had that spirit to keep on going no matter how hard it hits you.
Then Akaigen sees red light brighten in his chest to see himself in his ranger form as he looks back at him.
AkaRed: Even though you and your future teammate won't be official Sentai, at least you and others will be the secret Sentai hero to fight against my old enemy clan, Deviant Shade.
Akaigen: Deviant Shade?
AkaRed: They were the cause of destruction upon worlds and universe, but I ain't the only one who fought him back with help of my allies. Now, Akaigen, unite your own team and protect the light of their hearts, AkaHero.
Then the bright light covers them as the whole place fades away.
Akaigen: Wait! How do I know where!
In Reality
Akaigen woke up from the hospital bed as the nurse was surprised by this.
Akaigen: AkaHero and my teammate...
Nurse: Doctor... Doctor!
She walks to her doctor.
The scene opens with him running.
As he runs upstairs and runs across the hall of the academy, he accidentally bumps into someone else.
Akaigen: I'm sorry!
???: At least be- Akaigen, is that you?
He recognizes that voice.
Akaigen: No way... Snappy!
It reveals to be Snapdragon.
Snapdragon: I didn't know you'll be here.
Akaigen: Me too!
Snapdragon sees the clock.
Snapdragon: Come on, we got to go to the gym
Akaigen: Okay, let me pick you up for assistance.
Snapdragon: It's okaIII!?
Then he picks him up.
Snapdragon's thoughts: Is he that strong though?!
Then he makes a run for it as it took 2 minutes to arrive at the gym door.
Akaigen: We're here!
Then he puts him down.
Snapdragon: Th-thanks.
Akaigen: No problem.
Then they enter as they see many students as they see the teacher in front of them on stage including the vice-principal.
Vice Principal Claus: Hello students of Union United Academy, as you all know this will be our first time forming this together. We treat each other as kind and equal. And when we want to be heroes, then we have the guts to move on. Everyone is welcome as part of a community where we all will get along.
Then they hear footsteps coming behind Claus.
Vice Principal Claus: Oh! He's here! Student, may we introduce you, Principal Vic.
then he steps away as the man reveal himself as he standing on the podium
Principal Vic: Welcome, students of Union United Academy, I am honored to be here. As you already know, this is our first time opening this up together for those who want to be a hero and guardian like us and them, and that is where we open up for this today.
As he talks along, Akaigen notices Snapdragon and his short purple hair friend as he steps right next to him.
Akaigen: Hey, who is she?
Snapdragon: Oh, Akaigen, this is my friend, Amaryllis.
Amaryllis: And don't think about dating me, filth.
Akaigen: Hey there, I was just here to know. I am only here to become friends with everyone.
Amaryllis: Friends? With everyone? You're joking?
Akaigen: No.
Amaryllis: *Whisper* You were friends with him?
Snapdragon: *Whisper* He cared about me for who I am.
Amaryllis: *Whisper* Yeah but-
Snapdragon: Please, get along.
She looks at him as she nods.
Amaryllis: Fine, Guess we'll get along.
Akaigen: *Whisper* Alright!
Principal Vic: Now then...
They look back at him.
Principal Vic: ENJOY YOUR CLASS!
He glees as papers were passed to the students as Akaigen got his.
Akaigen: Hm. Got Strength Class first, Wisdom second, Science third, charisma fourth, semblance/magic fifth, history sixth, and ethics class seventh.
Snapdragon: really? I had the same class and number as well.
Akaigen: Wow, this is surprising, Snapdragon.
While he had a surprised tone, he sees three of the girls, an American-Thai, German/Slavic heritage, and Taiwanese-American
Taiwanese-American: Strength Class first, Wisdom second, Science third, charisma fourth, semblance/magic fifth, history sixth, and ethics class seventh. Wow! We got the same as well.
German/Slavic heritage: Damn right we have.
American-Thai: Alright!
Then Snapdragon sees where he's looking at.
Snapdragon: I see they had the same as us.
He replied in a normal tone.
Akaigen: Yeah, surprised by this.
Snapdragon: Come on, let's go.
Akaigen: Right.
Then they left to visit the first class.
In the bottom of the ocean, villains within the tomb glow out of the seal as it breaks apart as the center where the big tomb was shown explode revealing to be the leader of deviant Shade.
Maverick Ginga: generals, have you gained the perfect embodiment of evil within from humans?
Then they walk out reveal to be one of the most wanted users in the world.
Heavyswag: Yes, my lord.
Maverick: Now that the plan I set. Time for the first monster to make.
Then the stone breaks apart and explode revealing the machine
As the machine starts making, it explodes as a spark flies out and hits Maverick Ginga.
Heavyswag: Lord!
the group looks surprised but suddenly, he gets up and laughs evilly.
Heavyswag: Who are you...
Then he steps out of the smoke.
Maverick(Black Cross King): Black Cross King, spirit-born with rage for all the years of failures us villains had gone through.
Then he reverts himself to normal.
Maverick: Which is why I let him take my body when we had goals together.
Then he's Black Cross King again.
Maverick(Black Cross King): To take over the world and destroy those pesky heroes once and for all! Now then... start the machine!
Heavyswag: Uh- you heard Black Cross King um... start it up!
Bluecatriolu: Wuss.
Then he start the machine as it created two monsters.
Maverick: Perfect enough.
The scene shows them walking out of the classroom.
Akaigen: Who knew she give us a morale boost with strength.
Snapdragon: Well, she is one of the members of P.O.I.N.T. So, she will support them and others no matter how hard it can be.
Akaigen: Yeah.
As they walk to the location, the students are attacked by Gold Mask & Shikabanen
Akaigen: Villains of the first monster of the week...
Snapdragon: We got to go, we aren't prepared without training!
Akaigen: Right.
Then he follows him as Foxtail arrives.
Foxtail: Looks like old villains return from the dead. How's it going down there.
Gold Mask: Get her!
Then Shikabanen fires his gun at her as she avoids it and then flew towards them as she punches Shikabanen in the face as Gold Mask swings his scythe at her but she avoids it but fails to see Shikabanen kick her away as Gold Mask brings in rope and tied her up in the support beam.
Gold Mask: Now let's get going!
As they kept running, Akaigen stop and look back.
Akaigen: Wait...
AkaRed: After seeing you save someone else, I knew you had that spirit to keep on going no matter how hard it hits you.
Flashback End
Akaigen knew this day will happen.
Akaigen: AkaRed... maybe you wanted me to keep my spirit going without stopping from something impossible...
He turns around and runs up to where the monster is attacking as he sees them attacking the center of the academy with fire on trees.
Akaigen: Hey!
They turn and look at him.
Shikabanen: Oh? What's this shrimp going to do against us?
Akaigen: You may think I'm a shrimp when run away. But no... I remember one point that keeps my spirit going through dangerous experiences and impossible obstacles. The reason I kept my spirit going... IS BECAUSE I WANT TO BECOME SENTAI RANGER!!
Then something glows on his pocket and he picks it out revealing to be his iPhone changed to something different as the screen opens up with a hub showing a morphing button and others.
Akaigen: I know what to do...
Then he presses the button and swipes his finger off the screen as red light forms around him as he transforms as Red Sentai Ranger
Smartphone: The High School Heroes! AkaHero!
AkaHero: Wow... I become Red Ranger...
Gold Mask: What the?! Who are you?!
Then he faces in front of them.
AkaHero: Burning Passion of Sentai Fan! AkaHero!
Then he poses similar to Akarenger.
AkaHero: When one hero leader forms his team together... I am... High School Hero!
Then there's red smoke exploding behind.
AkaHero: Ikuze!
Then he runs towards them as he kicks Gold Mask away as Gold Mask swings his scythe but he dodges it as he then punches him away. Then he sees Shikabanen firing his guns at him as he jumps away from the blast. As he landed on the ground, he sees a red star in front of him.
AkaHero: Red star?
Once he grabs it, it forms a whip.
AkaHero: A whip?
Then he sees him firing his gun at him but then he whips the gun away.
AkaHero: Oh! I think I get it now!
Then he swings it as it ties around him as he throws him up and slams him down to the ground and swings him on top of the tree branch as he then runs and jumps as he swings across as he swing kicks Gold Mask away as the whip lets go of him as he landed on the ground as he sees his whip shine bright.
AkaHero: Hm?
Then it forms a staff.
AkaHero: Alright! Red Star Staff!
Then he swings his staff and hit Gold Mask away as he hits his scythe away from his hand as he sees Shikabanen behind him as he swings his gun away as he then swings his staff and hit him on the right side of the body as Shikabanen is thrown away towards Gold Mask on top of him as the two stand up.
AkaHero: Alright!
Then he notices something glowing on his phone.
AkaHero: Hm?
He picks his phone up as he sees the screen change to a hub full of Red Ranger.
AkaHero: Ah, I see what you show. Time for tribute!
Then he swipes across the screen to the bottom tab called Gorenger as he presses the button.
Smartphone: Himitsu Sentai Gorenger! Akarenger!
Then he changes to Akarenger.
Gold Mask: Ak-Akarenger!?
AkaHero: Just copy version of it. Here we go!
Then he runs towards then as he brings out Red Bute as he swings it across towards them as they get hit in the process as he forms Red Bute a Drill Bute as it begins spinning as he hits Gold Mask across as
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