We're acting like grown ups.
Spider-man dropped me off at the grocery store, but I stopped him before he could swing away.
"Can I ask another question?"
He adjusted his goggles, before stopping to stare at me.
"Ye-yeah sure!" he exclaimed, "go ahead!"
"Your a pretty cool superhero, and I was wondering if you were on the avengers team?"
I already knew he wasn't, but I had to make sure my dad had picked the right person for the job. Spider-man was hesitant for a second, not sure what to tell me.
"Well.... Not really...." he spoke.
"Well, would you want to be on the team? Like, is it one of your dreams?"
"Dream? Oh-yeah! I mean, I've always wanted to fight alongside Iron Man and Thor, and saving people is something I want to do for the rest of my life! I just feel so much better when I go to sleep each day, knowing that one more person in Queens is safe and okay..."
I smiled, and looked at the ground. He really was a special kid. The most important thing to him was saving people, instead of being on the Avengers just for the fame. I couldn't guarantee that my dad would give him that responsibility, I just had to be sure of what I was getting him into.
"One more thing, Spidey!" I said, smirking. "Would you tell my friend Peter that if he doesn't get his butt to the grocery store to teach me how to shop, I'll force him to pay for the bill."
"G-got it miss!"
I watched as he scrambled away, probably thinking he was going to die if he didn't show up as Peter in a second. I laughed, knowing he'd be here quickly, and that he had no idea that I already knew why peter wasn't here.
"So you just take it off the rack and put it in your cart." Peter said, pointing to the Nutella jars in front of me.
He was teaching me what to do in a grocery store, yet I hated every second of it. As a person who didn't have to do much manual labor, dragging a cart around a store was a pain.
"But wait, you have to look at the price first!" Peter yelled, when I shoved 7 jars into my cart. "Stuff here can be pretty expensive, and buying 7 of them at one time might make you go broke!"
"I won't go broke, I promise."
"But you'll lose a lot of money, and you should save that for your college funds!"
"Who said I was going to college?"
"Geez, you sound like my dad."
I rolled my eyes, and put 4 jars back on the shelf. I wanted 3 nutellas, and he wasn't going to tell me what to buy.
"You do realize 89% of the items in your cart are made of chocolate, right" he pointed out.
"I know, that's why I'm buying it."
"But you need to eat healthier!"
"I can eat what I want."
I lugged by grocery bags back to my house, as soon as I dropped peter off at his. He offered to help me, but I told him my house was a mess, and I didn't want him seeing it.
Once I slipped i through the back door of the tower, I set down all the bags on the kitchen counter and started taking things out.
"Oh, you're finally home Y/N," my dad said, walking into the kitchen. "How was scho- dId yOu gO sHoPpInG?!"
I laughed, and tossed him a hershey bar. (now you know where I got my chocolate cravings from) he made a goofy smile at the candy bar in his hand, but then realized what was going on.
"Why did you go shopping?!" He exclaimed, "how much did you spend?!"
"Not a lot."
"That's not an answer."
"Actually, it is."
My dad stared at me in unamusement. I stared back at him, until I realized he had a gasp on his face. Oh lord have mercy, here it comes.
"yOu wErE oUt wiTh tHaT pArKeR bOy WeReN't yOu!"
"Yes, I was. But I was only doing that to find more about spiderman,"
"Liar! You secretly have a crush on him, and wanted to spend more time with him!"
"Actually, I have a crush on Steve, so you can forget about me liking Peter."
My dad made another gasping face, pretending to act shocked. I rolled my eyes at his overreaction, and kept taking things out of my grocery bags. I knew he saw my youtube search history, so I didn't really care what he thought about my crushes.
"Am I a bad parent?" He said, "I'm letting my daughter have fantasies about a war criminal!"
"Just because I like someone, doesn't mean I FANTASIZE about them!" I said, frowning. "I've got better things to do."
"Oh yeah?"
"Like what?"
"Go grocery shopping with Peter."
"Friday, be a darling and find Peter's phone number." I said, laying on my bed.
"Which Peter shall I call? I have a total of 5 contacts labeled under Peter that you might like."
"Peter Parker."
"Calling Peter Parker."
I heard the dial tones echo from the speakers in my room, and I shoved a spoon heaped with nutella in my mouth. Yum. after 5 ringtones passed by, I heard the sound of Peter picking up his phone.
"Hey Parker."
"You sound like your mouth is stuffed with food."
"That's because it is."
"Oh.... how did you get my number?"
"uHm, I got it from the yellow pages."
"Oh, okay. What's up?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you."
Peter went silent, but I heard exchanged whispering from off the phone. I waited until he responded, and shoved another spoon into my mouth.
"So..... I mean, do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow?"
"Sure, are you going to bring Ned again?"
"No... I was thinking just us? Wait- not like a DaTe or anything! Just as fwends..."
"I'd like that very much, Pete."
"Y-you would?"
"I would."
Soft baby
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