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 I promised it would get better, and IT WILL


Please, I'll be strong.

It's funny when you think about it, falling. That moment when everyone becomes entirely helpless, leaving their mind to think about everything.

I could only think about Peter, and the look on his face when I took my final step into air. It seemed as if the world stopped between us, and all we saw was each other. I wonder what he was thinking at the time, watching me plunge to my apparent death.

Of course, he didn't know what I was doing.

As I watched the ground come closer by the second, I took a deep breath and tapped my watch twice.

"Ethan," I yelled against the wind, "let's do this."

I watched as my watch opened up into a control panel, my improved nano-technology creeping up my arm and surrounding my body. As the suit snaked around my back and onto the rest of my limbs, I closed my eyes to take in what was happening.

The last suit my father wore was left for me, and whenever I needed something to cope with, I'd start repairing it. I hid it in my watch in the hopes no one would notice, but when Talos brought it up on the car ride to Venice, I realized I hadn't been as discreet as I wanted.

"Welcome Miss Stark," I heard Ethan's voice say, "to Mark 3000."

I thrust my arms down, my repulsors lifting me up towards the roof I had previously jumped off of. To my relief, Peter wasn't hanging for his life anymore.

But Mysterio would be soon, since he decided to mess with the Stark Family.

I flew up above the building, hovering over the looming structure as I searched for the villain. Mysterio was dragging Peter towards the doorway, yelling for him to stay quiet.

Peter was screaming my name, clawing at the ground as tears stained his face. It broke my heart to see him in that much pain, and all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him I'm alright.

But Beck needed to be dealt with.

"Hey," I said, my voice booming over the noises from down below, "going somewhere?"

Both of the men looked up, their faces paralyzed with shock. I wasn't sure how I looked in the suit, but I knew I resembled someone who came before me.

Maybe my dad and I really were the same.

"Let him go," I said, "this is your last chance."

I turned off my repulsors and dropped to the ground, walking towards the pair. Beck let go of Peter, his face red with embarrassment and confusion. The boy was still in shock, his eyes unmoved from me.

"You can have him back," Mysterio spat out, "but this isn't over."

"It is for you, not for me."

He chuckled, his eyes burning with anger. A sly smile crept onto his lips, and he stood there. Waiting.

"Peter come here," I said, holding out my hand to the boy.

He limped over to me, whimpering in fear and confusion, still shaken from seeing me fall to my 'death'. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek in moment of pure relief. Or, I spoke too soon.

"Have fun," Beck said, before throwing his hands out towards us and surrounding us with a blanket of darkness.

"Peter?" I called out into the seeming empty abyss.

He wasn't anywhere to be seen, but I heard his voice calling out to me. He seemed to be far away, but close at the same time.

"Where are you?" I asked, my hands out in front of me as I tried to find out where I was.

"I'm over here!" I heard him panicking, "Y/N I can't see anything!"

I took a small step towards the sound, remembering that I was still standing on top of a building. any wrong move, and I could lose my footing.

I just had to find Peter before that could happen to him.

"Don't move!" I yelled, "I can't have you get hurt!"

All I need to do, is give him a push.

I doubled back by the sound of Mysterio's voice, "Don't touch him!"

He can't hear me. He can't see me either.

"Beck, stop!"

If I can't take your life, I'll take his. Then you'll have nothing.

"I'm serious, stop!"

I started moving widely around, reaching out towards any sound of movement. It was almost like Peter wasn't even there, even though I know head to be.

"HELP!" I heard him scream, "Y/N!"


He knows it's not. Take a look.

Suddenly the darkness dissolved, and I found myself back on the roof. Mysterio hand was wrapped around Peters neck, leaning off the edge of the building for the second time that day.

"Peter..." I said, "stay calm."

The boy looked at me with tears in his eyes, trying to push Becks grip away from him. I knew if I took a step forward to save him, Mysterio would drop him without hesitation.

"You thought you could trick me," the man snarled, "but I'm done giving you a chance to bargain."

"I'll do anything, just please don't hurt him!"

"It's too late," Mysterio spat out, "I already gave you a chance to save his life."

It was almost like everything happened in slow motion.

"PETER!" My voice echoed out into the lifeless city.

Becks fingers slipped off of The boy's throat, sending him tumbling down to the ground. I thrust myself forward, desperate to reach him in time, but he was falling too fast. I reached my hand out towards him, begging that he'd grab it, but he was too far away to reach me.

He looked at me, a soft smile on his face, as he closed his eyes.

His body slammed onto the ground, the painful thud ringing in my ears. I was too late. I crashed to the ground, hearing nothing but that same noise over an over again.

"No.." I pleaded, "Peter, please.."

He lay there unmoving, a pool of blood spilling out onto the ground. I rest my head on his chest, uncontrollable tears stinging my eyes.

"Wake up.." I begged, "you have to.."

I knew he wouldn't, but that didn't stop me from trying. Talos and a few other S.H.I.E.L.D agents came running up, unable to speak. One tried to pull me away from Peter, but I fought back.

"NO!" I screamed, my voice breaking, "GET OFF ME!"

This was all my fault.

I tried to be a hero, and for what? Beck was right about the curse. I traded a suit for everything I ever cared about.

"WHERE IS HE?" I spat out, standing up, "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!"

Without thinking, I flew up to the roof, my fists clenched in absolute horror and anger. But Beck was gone. He took the most important thing in my life, and I let him get away with it.

I fell back to the ground, yelling at everyone to stay away from the boy's cold body.

"Peter, it's going to be okay," I yelled, "You have to trust me."

I cradled his head in my arms, rocking back and forth as I wept. None of this was real, it had to be an illusion. It had to be.

But no matter how much I wanted to believe it, I knew he was gone.

I'm sorry, Peter.

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